Season 2 / #48-Is anybody out here?

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 02 Nov 2005, 10:54

Season 2 / #48-Is anybody out here?


I agree with Garooob -- the smoke-monster got sort of tedious after a while.
During the pentagram scenes, they drew Sissi much taller than Ulrich. Strange!
I thought Aelita and Odd looked really cute running all over the place in their PJ's. And, if you've never noticed what the picture is on the back of Odd's PJ,s, take a look in ...Characters/Clothing... It's pretty neat!
Much as I like the Fifth Territory itself, I'm getting tired of the Lyokids' workouts there. Just bunches of uninteresting Creepers, and a big freakin' button to push before the clock runs out. Let's get back out on the bright, roomy desert where a man is a man and a monster is a Tarantula....

No more new ones until next week (if the scheds are right). :sm27:



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 02 Nov 2005, 22:26

Chauve-Souris a écrit:When his father walked back up the hallway, I felt really bad about it. Yuk! :NRV:
Yeah, I noticed that too. I mean, he came all the way out and then he just left.

Is Anybody Out There?

Good lyoko action. Nothing special about it though, really.

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