
Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 26 Nov 2005, 05:08

#38: TEMPTATION -- Nothing scandalous.
#50: CONTACT -- A good one!

I sure didn't see anything in "Temptation" to explain why they had so much trouble getting it onto the airwaves. Strange!
Again with the bubble-head (Medusa), and again with the possession. But not bad.
I liked the way they portrayed Jer's halucinatory struggles with his "addiction". Very expressive and convincing.
I gotta get a screenshot of Odd and the Tarantula, nose-to-nose. That was great.
I liked this one a lot, even though it was no strain at all to guess who was trying to get ahold of them.
Sissi was great again. Like her or not, she's a great character.
Will cellphones work under five meters of water? I doubt it. (Who cares?)
(No interesting smooches in either ep.)
I wonder if Señor Hopper will figure prominently in the climactic two episodes?
Good stuff. I enjoyed them both. Image
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 26 Nov 2005, 06:04

Wow, for all that waiting, Temptation was rather flat. I did like the Yumi to the rescue part. The bicycle was cool, Yumi really can ride, and it uses the background of Yumi and Jeremie having a very strong friendship.

Contact was better, new developments and a new story theme.

I'm still going to be disappointed if Franz Hopper joins the team :|
exo a écrit:GAH! What?! I didn't notice it in the first run! STUPID DUB IMPLIES THE SHOW DOESN'T TAKE PLACE IN FRANCE! Milly or Tamia were interviewing Sissi in Attack of the Zombies and asked her about the principal setting up an extange program with France. As if they don't live in France! Oh noez!!!
yes that is confusing, I find it hard to believe they are trying to Anglofy it and still go back to Nurse Yolanda/Dorthey original name. Then there are the wolves,,, I don't think they exist in Europe, let alone downtown Paris. Very strange.
Dernière édition par kagetsu le 26 Nov 2005, 06:12, édité 2 fois.

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 26 Nov 2005, 06:07

The problems with Temptation must have been in the production phase, because as CS said, there was nothing questionable about it.
Ulrich not knowing how to the return to the past? What about The Chips are Down? It was JUST ON.
Maybe I'm just being picky because I took 2 years of physics in high school, but this episode was completely wacky on a physics level. The cruising speed of a bicycle is about 12mph. Sure it doesn't make for a high speed chase, but Yumi doing like 50mph? Sorry. Also, that ambulance sank a little too fast for my taste. And the window breaking and Yumi jumping into the front seat, etc. I'll stop there. I did like the way Yumi rode down those stairs! I do that, too.
Jérémie has to learn to debug his programs before he compiles them...

Yeah, exo, that is pretty weak. Very weak. I mean, it's OBVIOUS that it takes place in France.

Some observations:
WHAT IS WITH THAT GUY? Why does he have a French accent? Theoretically, shouldn't they all have French accents?
CS, maybe you could add that doctor to your list of mature foxes!
Ulrich dragging his sword while riding the bike? Straight up Final Fantasy 7! (bike minigame)
Ulrich running up the tree? Straight up Naruto!
I like Sissi with her hair down.
The doctor leaning over Yumi with a glowing hand reminded me of that part in Indiana Jones where the shamen rips out that guy's heart. Gahlimaaaaa!
This episode was pretty good! Really good, in fact. Very complex and stuff. I like the tower color scheme: blue=regular, red=X.A.N.A., green=Jérémie, white=Franz Hopper!
So X.A.N.A. can't deactivate towers like Aelita can, huh? We saw that X.A.N.A. can deactivate his own towers, but not someone elses.
I think this episode and the next two will be setting up season 3! I can't wait for that!



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 26 Nov 2005, 16:59

Temptation was pretty off on realism. Contact was pretty predictable. I wonder why Franz had to go through the possession thing though. There's no actual proof it's Hopper right? It could just be X.A.N.A. setting a trap. Then again, we went through that with "Franz Hopper" the episode...
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 26 Nov 2005, 20:06

I'm fairly sure that Contact was Franz Hopper because the activated tower was white, and XANA doesn't destroy towers exept at dire need. XANA towers are red and jeremies was green. I believe Sissi was supposed to be talking encypted, though to us it was backwards.
Garooob a écrit:The problems with Temptation must have been in the production phase, because as CS said, there was nothing questionable about it.
Unless that is what we see after the good stuff is edited out,,, but you're probably right, I didn't notice any "holes"

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 27 Nov 2005, 03:24

kagetsu a écrit:I believe Sissi was supposed to be talking encypted, though to us it was backwards.

Was it really backwards?
Franz said he was a captive, right? Now that I think about it, I remember hearing something about Franz being held in Sector 5 in the hype leading up to season 2...

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 27 Nov 2005, 04:02

garooob a écrit:The problems with Temptation must have been in the production phase........

I don't know about anyone else's problems with #38, but I had a heck of a time getting screenshots from 3D-Lyoko in #38. An unusually large percentage of the 3D frames are blurred. This is no problem when viewing the program in motion, but it makes still-frame captures impossible. The one break I got was that that grrrrrreat shot of Odd and Tarantula, nose-to-nose, was perfectly sharp.
That whole delightful sequence at the beginning (among others), of Odd and Aelita on Odd's board, is practically unusable. I really liked the way Ael moved to match Odd's movements, making it a veritable ballet, and demonstrating the perfect passenger for anything with less than three wheels (even though she WAS doing some vocal backseat driving about Odd's screwy driving....)
garooob a écrit:... this episode was completely wacky on a physics level. The cruising speed of a bicycle is about 12mph....

You took physics -- I took physiology, and Yumi never broke a sweat, nor was she even slightly out of breath when she boarded the ambulance. Wot a goil!
garooob a écrit:...CS, maybe you could add that doctor to your list of mature foxes!....

My immediate thought too, and I'll probably be doing it tonight. A doctor? I thought she was just a nurse (I'll check that on my reruns.) But who cares, it isn't her diploma that we are calling foxy (arf?) Image

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 27 Nov 2005, 10:55

Upon going through episode 50 again, I see even more that that was one heck of a program. There was a lot going on, and you can feel the beginning of a buildup to the climax of Season-2.
The Rooob was correct, as usual, and the hospital fox was a doctor, not a nurse. However, I note that when Odd cleverly zapped her with the electrodes, her midsection became invisible. This means she was a clone, not a possessed human. (But a FOXY clone....)
Sissi demonstrated anew that some women look good no matter what they put on. She was absolutely fetching in her hospital jammies and bare feet, and even in that strange, ragged outfit she wore when she awoke Jeremie. She looked really nice with that serene look on her face while in her trances, too.
Aelita was really dynamic too. I loved it when she took off on the Uber-bike to tackle the red tower alone, despite everyone telling her otherwise.
I always like stories about mysterious glyphs, coded messages, and women in trances wandering around in their jammies. This was cool!

Image What a program!
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 27 Nov 2005, 16:57

Sissi speak sounded backwards to me mostly because of the way her words grew from the beginning then chopped at the end, and except for the occasional stammers, each had different sounds, unlike jibberish which people can't really help but make pattern sounds. I don't think it said he was captive, just who he was,,, and he wanted to help. It's possible that he's hidding in the system and XANA wants to find, and stop his contact with the kids.
I'm not sure how to make spoilers here but since what I'm responding to is, I'll try thisThe doctor was XANA posessed, but she depixelized from the shock like the other XANApuppets do. Their matter seems to be changed by the possesion so they can change shape and walk through walls. Sissi always looks cuter without her headband, hospital greens (I'm surprized she had pants) her orange jimjams when Aelita kept her awake, her ponytail at the pool and practicing Pentak Silat. :oops: If you can get some shots of Yumi on her bike, she's so cool when she rides.
Aelita diffently has some cool moves on the vehicles. Watching her flex and balance whenever she rides, and the delighted and smug look on her face when he does something fancy, makes the vehicles all worth while :D

Message 27 Nov 2005, 21:32

I think Jeremie mentioned Franz being held in Lyoko during a couple of episodes.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 28 Nov 2005, 04:48

kagetsu a écrit:...Aelita diffently has some cool moves on the vehicles. Watching her flex and balance whenever she rides....

That's what gets to me, too. I keep wondering if the AnteGuys specialize on certain characters. The Muppets have (or had) puppeteers that specialized on their characters. Grover would always be done by the same person, Oscar another specific person, etc., although, of course, one person might have two or three "own" characters to do.
What makes me wonder is that Aelita seems to do some things differently than the others. For instance, she runs differently, leaning into the run differently, holding her arms differently, and seemingly running more gracefully. If I understand programming polymorphism, all of the characters should plug into the same subroutine for a given activity, like running, but that doesn't seem to be the case here, unless the subroutine is so elegant that input-parameters can select girl-run, boy-run, clumsy-run, etc.
Anyhoo, I am so crazy about Aelita's prolonged Uber-board display in ep.39(?) that I am going to edit it into a film containing just her boardwork. But is there any way I can make this available on yumi2004? Is there such a thing as a "Videoshack", serving a similar function as Imageshack? Or will our mysterious (to me) FTP thingy do it? Tell me already.... Image

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 28 Nov 2005, 08:20

kagetsu a écrit:I'm not sure how to make spoilers here but since what I'm responding to is, I'll try this

Use the tag (color=#2E425A)(/color) to do spoilers. It's the same color as the background. Of course, you'll need to use square brackets; the parentheses are so it will show up!

Along the lines of the "Aelita running" idea, I wondered if there were motion actors for the Lyoko characters, but then I thought they seemed a little too stiff for that. Though it's not entirely impossible. Though it also may be a little high budget for Moonscoop/Antefilms.


Messages: 40

Inscription: 01 Déc 2005, 02:38

Message 12 Jan 2006, 00:31

Just a quick question I want to ask.
What was Jeremie about to say to Aelita in temptation when she came to see him in his room.

And does any one else seem to notice that Jeremie and Yumi's relationship seems to be just a bit more than frienship, not love but just something more than regular friendship.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 12 Jan 2006, 06:29

Neo Aguni a écrit:Just a quick question I want to ask.
What was Jeremie about to say to Aelita in temptation when she came to see him in his room.

He was about to ask her if she likes catsup on her fries, oui? Image Oh, wait, no, I think he was about to declare his devotion to her, wasn't he? (I can't remember this stuff until I have seen it three or four times....)
Almost relevantly to the nine-tails discussion, the only character in all of InuYasha that I really enjoy is that multi-tailed flying pussycat/fox/aardvark/whatever. Very cool. (Of course, there's also Kagome's long legs, but that's another subject... :oops: )

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