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Season 4 / #75-Hot Shower

MessagePosté: 20 Aoû 2007, 21:28
par Invité
First a few faults

Miss Hertz sun. For it's size, to make the system to scale, the planets would be smaller than peas, and they'd still need more than the football field for the orbits [/nitpick]

Why has Yumi lost her knife? She carried one in season 1?

Why does Hiroke have lock picks? Not the easiest thing to get hold of? though I give them points for using both a pick and the required torsion bar. In season 1, the gang picked all the locks with hair pins?

Not stripping the wire to shove it into the back of a laptop. No body on any forum left that slide.

Good parts.

Having Hiroke and Johnny following Yumi everywhere was fun.

Aelita calling XANA's bluff.

MessagePosté: 20 Aoû 2007, 21:32
par kagetsu
Some how, I got logged off :P

MessagePosté: 21 Aoû 2007, 04:03
par DragonGirl
You I know I was wondering when Xana would try something involving a astroid or comet

MessagePosté: 06 Sep 2007, 06:21
par The Gee Man
DragonGirl a écrit:You I know I was wondering when Xana would try something involving a astroid or comet

They really should add some kind of Deus Ex Machina that explains why Xana can't do exactly the same thing twice, such as using the satellite to incinerate the school like it tried to do earlier in Season 1. This episode is interesting, mainly because it shows that Aelita has something else Xana wants.