Season 4 / #68-Opening Act

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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 21 Oct 2007, 02:10

Season 4 / #68-Opening Act

I find it annoying that they tried to make Odd's music worse than sissiy's Odd comes from an artistic family For crying out loud! What the heck was Moonscoop thinking? Although it helped Aelita if she's still pretending to be his cousin.

No resemblence between Jim and what's his name except in inteligence (no offece to people that like thease charasters)

Did enyone lese notice the scaner clip error (I beleave it was in this episode but I havent seen it in a while)
.....Yay ... just yay
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 24 Oct 2007, 20:48

Actually I don't think they ever really explained Odds family at all. We,ve seen Ulrich's, Yumi's and at least Jeremie's father. The closest I ever remember getting to Odd's family is when he "fake calls" his Gram from the airport.

Now I enter into the realm of fan speculation. First I'm a fan of Mtv Daria, that I doubt most people even know about. The character Jane was a freespirit like Odd, and her large family, you rarely saw more than her older brother,,, the were all weird and artistic,,, you may also say flaky.

But back when CL forums ran wild with speculation and out right fan fiction, we came up with the idea that Odd's parents were always traveling from one country to another. Archaeologists or wild life filmers were my favorite guess. And you do remember Odd's music video from season 1,,, Break, BreakBreak Dance? Odd isn't really what I'd call artistic,,, Mozart he's not :lol:

I don't look anything like my Uncles either. My Aunts look more or less similar, but they're sisters.

Is this the first time they slipped in the scanner image in their new outfits?
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 25 Oct 2007, 00:40

kagetsu a écrit:Actually I don't think they ever really explained Odds family at all. We,ve seen Ulrich's, Yumi's and at least Jeremie's father. The closest I ever remember getting to Odd's family is when he "fake calls" his Gram from the airport.

But back when CL forums ran wild with speculation and out right fan fiction, we came up with the idea that Odd's parents were always traveling from one country to another. Archaeologists or wild life filmers were my favorite guess. And you do remember Odd's music video from season 1,,, Break, BreakBreak Dance? Odd isn't really what I'd call artistic,,, Mozart he's not :lol:

I don't look anything like my Uncles either. My Aunts look more or less similar, but they're sisters.

Is this the first time they slipped in the scanner image in their new outfits?

Ok Odd's mom has not physically appearred on the show but vocally(bofore Jeremy created the voice synthasizer) she has. it was bask inn season 2 (in the episode A Great Day I think) his sisters were mentioned in Distant Memory. there are also Code Lyoko books. I have never seen one that was in English (Yet) but i have heard form several reliable resorces that the books tell more about Odd's family including the stuff I mentioned earlier.

there have been times when we've seen Odd drawing something the 2 times we saw what it was they were good. (Both times were in season 1 but the first time it was Kiwi the second time a creature{mostlikely the result of watching hospital of horrars alittle too much}) As fot the music vidieo well... Stuff like that is hard with a comupter or not. (Trust me I'm takeing a class that teaches that kind of stuff and it's not easy) Ok finally in the episodes laughing fit and seeing is beleiveing Odd is seen (and heard) Playing gutar and not in any way bad.

Ok I'm done.
.....Yay ... just yay
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 25 Oct 2007, 13:43

ok, Now that you mention the guitar, I'll give you that, he did play well. And also in "Seeing is believing" when they started the band. Neither he nor Yumi could sing. :oops:

Most of what I've heard about the books, is that they were just images from the show with balloon words. Given the amount of fan fiction that had the school nurse as Jeremie's secret mother, and a million other things that tried to slip through as up coming after season one, you'd have to show me images from the books.
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 26 Oct 2007, 04:06

kagetsu a écrit:ok, Now that you mention the guitar, I'll give you that, he did play well. And also in "Seeing is believing" when they started the band. Neither he nor Yumi could sing. :oops:

Most of what I've heard about the books, is that they were just images from the show with balloon words. Given the amount of fan fiction that had the school nurse as Jeremie's secret mother, and a million other things that tried to slip through as up coming after season one, you'd have to show me images from the books.

Ok Just let me find some (It could take a while to sort out the real ones from the fakes {even though my usual resorce {which I have to use google translater to understand but that is not the point} is acurate)

I'm off to look now.
.....Yay ... just yay

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