Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 23 Fév 2013, 14:53

Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

You can get the video of the episode here.

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 23 Fév 2013, 23:04

Re: Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

I translated the first 12 minutes:

Sissi: My foot! Can't you be careful?
Odd: Sorry Sissi, I had forgotten you had such big feet!
Sissi: You idiot!
Odd: As lousy as usual...
Ulrich: Don't forget she's our friend now, we're supposed to be nice with her.
Odd: I won't stand her for long, XANA is child's play compared to her.

William: So, what's the subject of today's conference?
Jeremy: You're gonna like it. It's "How to fool XANA".
Jeremy: You know that XANA tries its best to take back the source codes it implanted into you.
Ulrich: Difficult to forget that.
Jeremy: What would happen if XANA got fake codes?
Ulrich: You're going to implant some codes into us that would be useless if XANA steals them, right?
Jeremy: Exactly.
Jeremy: With these fake codes, XANA wouldn't gain any power.
Jeremy: It could even lose some.
Yumi: But what would be the effects on us?
Jeremy: That's the problem.
Jeremy: I don't have any idea. It may be dangerous.
Jeremy: So? Any volunteer to risk their life?
Ulrich: Said like that, it looks quite appealing...
Aelita: I can do it.
Jeremy: No, I need you in the lab.
Jeremy: Unless you'd like me to ask some help to Laura.
Odd: Sorry, I pass this time.
Odd: I planned to make up with Samantha.
Yumi: In that case I can...
Ulrich: No! It's okay, I'll do it.
Jeremy: Sure?
Ulrich: Yeah. You can count on me.

Jeremy: Transfer: Ulrich.
Jeremy: Transfer: Yumi.
Jeremy: Virtualization.

Jeremy: The way tower is to the north. Be careful.
Ulrich: Got it, Jeremy. We'll call you back.
Yumi: It looks quiet.
Ulrich: A little bit too much for my taste.

Yumi: Say, why did you volunteer instead of letting me?
Ulrich: Well... I don't know... It seemed... normal to me.
Yumi: Were you worried for me?
Ulrich: No.
Ulrich: I mean... Yes. Well, not really. It's only that...
Ulrich: In fact I didn't want you to touch any specter.
Yumi: You know Ulrich, the fake codes may not have any effect on us.
Ulrich: You're kidding! Einstein would have told us.
Ulrich: He just shut his mouth instead.
Jeremy: Hey, both of you! I can hear you!

Ulrich: Here it is.
Ulrich: Two Krabs.
Yumi: They're just scouts. They won't attack.
Ulrich: I take care of them.
Yumi: Wait. We didn't come here to fight, the mission is a priority.
Ulrich: Precisely. If those Krabs shoot at us, the mission will be a failure!
Yumi: But if you fight them, I tell you, they're gonna shoot at you!
Jeremy: Ulrich, listen to the lady. She's right.
Ulrich: Alright. I enter.
Yumi: Ulrich, I...
Ulrich: See you.
Yumi: Good luck.

Ulrich: Jeremy, I'm ready. You can send it.
Jeremy: Okay, Aelita?
Aelita: Just one second...
Aelita: It's alright.
Odd: Imagine if he turns into a dark Ulrich?
William: Odd, you're not funny...
Jeremy: Ready, Ulrich?
Jeremy: Injection!

Aelita: What's going on?
Jeremy: Drat, there's a bug!

Yumi: Jeremy?
Jeremy: You were given a 128, 432 and 506.
Aelita: Wait, not so fast. 432 and?
Jeremy: 506.
Jeremy: We need to reconfigure the random components.
Jeremy: This is not working!
Jeremy: What did you do?
Aelita: What you told me.
Jeremy: Ulrich? Ulrich? You're okay?
Yumi: Ulrich?
Yumi: Jeremy, I think we have a small problem.
Ulrich: Booh!
Ulrich: Ha ha, if you could see your face!
Yumi: You're so stupid!

Jeremy: So, everything is in order.
Jeremy: The fake codes have been implanted.
Aelita: How do you feel?
Ulrich: As usual.
Jeremy: Now all we need to do is wait.
Jeremy: If XANA sends us a specter, it will have a big surprise.

Od: Okay, I'm going to see Sam. Be careful.

Sissi: Hey, you! Do you need some glasses or what?
Sissi: I...

Jeremy: Activated tower. Desert sector.
Jeremy: I launch the visual search.
Aelita: I call the others.
Ulrich: Yes?
Ulrich: Okay, got it. See you.
Ulrich: Here we go.
Yumi: Over there.
Ulrich: No.
Ulrich: Did you see Mrs Hertz? Hasn't she got a new haircut?
Yumi: No.
Ulrich: What about him? Is he looking at us?
Yumi: No, he always had a strange look.
Yumi: Jim.
Jim: I was looking for you.
Jim: Don't forget the training session. 7PM this evening, okay?
Jim: Sorry, I'm disturbing.
Yumi: Not at all, Mr. Morales.

Odd: Again? Are you in love with me or what?
Sissi: Sorry Odd...
Odd: Er, you're okay, Sissi?
Odd: Jeremy, specter spotted. It's Sissi.
Jeremy: Are you sure?
Odd: She didn't even insulted me when I jostled her, isn't that a proof?
Odd: Follow her?
Odd: Oh no, I've got a rendezvous with Samantha right now!
Odd: Okay...
Odd: What a nightmare!
Odd: Jeremy must have told Ulrich, after all.
Odd: Hey Sam!
Sam: Well, here's the guy who likes beets...
Odd: Sam, I absolutely...
Odd: Wait, why are you talking about beets?
Sam: This is how you called me the other day.
Odd: Really?
Odd: You must be wrong, it's just that...
Odd: I'm no good at excuses.
Odd: Do you forgive me?

Ulrich: I go.
Ulrich: Sissi!
Sissi: Are you okay, Ulrich?
Ulrich: Yes... And you?
Sissi: Me too... I guess.
Aelita: It's not Sissi.
Jeremy: Do you know that guy?
Ulrich: Yumi!
Ulrich: Go away!
Sissi: Ulrich!
Ulrich: Where's Yumi?
Sissi: She left with the handsome guy. Why?
Ulrich: Later.
Ulrich: Yes Jeremy, it's a specter.
Ulrich: He's doing something strange with his eyes, you get confused when you look at him.
Ulrich: No, I couldn't touch him.
Ulrich: He's suspicious. I think he knows about the codes.
Jeremy: Not good. Ulrich, you gotta pass him your fake codes, okay?
Jeremy: If possible before he touches Yumi.
Jeremy: XANA knows about it.
William: How could it?
Jeremy: I don't know... It may have spied on us. Or...
Aelita: The bug when you implanted the codes!
Jeremy: I should have guessed.
Jeremy: Alright, let's change our plans. You go to Lyoko.
Jeremy: I prefer to watch my back.

P'tit nouveau

Messages: 8

Inscription: 01 Fév 2013, 20:34

Message 24 Fév 2013, 01:37

Re: Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

Olivier a écrit:I translated the first 12 minutes:

WOw. You ARE fast. And thank you so much! ^.^

Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 24 Fév 2013, 05:31

Re: Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

Olivier a écrit:You can get the video of the episode here.

Whenever I try to watch it, it won't play!
dead account! dead account!

P'tit nouveau

Messages: 3

Inscription: 19 Fév 2013, 03:09

Message 24 Fév 2013, 06:56

Re: Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

May I use your English translation to translate into Chinese for China fandom?
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P'tit nouveau

Messages: 9

Inscription: 20 Fév 2013, 14:32

Message 24 Fév 2013, 08:30

Re: Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

Olivier a écrit:I translated the first 12 minutes:

Wow that's very fast! How about the other half?? Is that suppose to be done by cl_xana? :?:
I Looove drawing! and Syphozoa is really cool!

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 24 Fév 2013, 11:30

Re: Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

SchRita a écrit:Wow. You ARE fast.

I'm not as fast as Clewilan. It took me several hours already just for a half.

sixthwarrior a écrit:Whenever I try to watch it, it won't play!

Your download may be incomplete (the file size should be 436MB). Try downloading it again.

cl_Robin a écrit:May I use your English translation to translate into Chinese for China fandom?

Sure, anyone is free to use it.

Huan15 a écrit:How about the other half?? Is that suppose to be done by cl_xana?

cl_xana is not available this weekend. I'll do the rest today.

P'tit nouveau

Messages: 3

Inscription: 19 Fév 2013, 03:09

Message 24 Fév 2013, 11:55

Re: Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

Olivier a écrit:Sure, anyone is free to use it.

Olivier a écrit:cl_xana is not available this weekend. I'll do the rest today.

Oh, really thanks!!

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 24 Fév 2013, 16:53

Re: Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

Done :)

Jeremy: The activated tower is to the north-west.
Jeremy: Get closer but don't take action for the moment.
Jeremy: We're waiting for Ulrich to catch the specter. Got it?
Aelita: Okay.
William: I hope you don't mind the smoke?
Aelita: See you there.

Ulrich: Come on Yumi, pick up!

Aelita: Jeremy, there we are.
Jeremy: Perfect.
Jeremy: XANA set up a reception committee. Two Krabs.
Jeremy: Can you see them?
Aelita: Affirmative.
Aelita: Any news from the others?
Jeremy: No, not yet.
Jeremy: But be ready to engage.
William: Of course, XANA was expecting us.
William: We could get rid of thoses Krabs first, no?
Aelita: No, it would reveal our location to XANA and it would send many others.
William: Then we had better split.
William: As soon as Jeremy gives the green light, I take care of the Krabs while you try to reach the tower.
Aelita: Okay.

Aelita: Jeremy, I've got a problem...
Jeremy: Okay, I send you some backup.
Jeremy: William, Aelita is in trouble.
Jeremy: No time for discretion anymore, just rush in.
William: Got it, Jeremy.
William: Hold on Aelita, I'm coming!
Aelita: Easy, Bloks...
Aelita: I've got a little present for you.
William: Aelita!

Jeremy: Not a big deal, Aelita.

Yumi: Jeremy? The specter is chasing me.
Yumi: No, I don't know where Ulrich is.
Jeremy: The mission is cancelled.
Jeremy: Try to hide in the gymnasium.
Jeremy: We take care of the tower.

Sam: And then I got expelled from school for the second time.
Sam: My dad got mad!
Sam: He told me: This time you're good for the boarding school!
Sam: And I said: Okay, but I want to go back to Kadic. So...
Odd: Just a sec... Yes, Einstein?
Odd: Oh no, you can't do this to me!
Jeremy: Sorry Odd. It's a complete failure.
Jeremy: Yumy is in danger and William is alone on Lyoko.
Odd: Alright, I'm coming.
Odd: Sam, I...
Sam: Just go and join your friends, what are you waiting for...
Odd: I'll be back very soon! Promised!

Ulrich: Jeremy? No, I didn't manage to touch him, I'm looking for Yumi right now.
Ulrich: What? The gymnasium? Okay.

Jeremy: Scanner: Odd.
Jeremy: Virtualization.

Odd: What have we got?
William: Just one Krab left. And a few Bloks wandering around.
Odd: Okay. Let's take care of them.
William: What's going on? You look upset.
Odd: If you don't mind, I'd rather not talk about it.

William: Odd, watch out!
William: You had never done such a thing before...
Jeremy: Be careful, Odd. I you get devirtualized, no one will be able to deactivate the tower.
Odd: Yeah, Einstein, I do know my job!
William: Well, I guess you had another trouble with Sam, right?
Odd: No comment.
Jeremy: Watch out guys, some monsters are showing up on my screen!
Jeremy: No way! I really thought I could finish this and see Sam again faster!
William: Don't give up with that girl, Odd. Just look at me.
William: I never lost hope with Yumi!
Odd: Yeah but you were not especially successful so far...
William: You know, I think nothing is impossible.
William: Look, Odd, as long as there's hope, you gotta hang on.
Odd: Thanks for setting an example...

Yumi: Yes, Jeremy? I'm in the gymnasium. I...
Jeremy: Yumi? Yumi?!

Jeremy: Odd? Do whatever you want, but do something!
Odd: Okay, got it, Jeremy. You just needed to ask.
Jeremy: What are you doing, Odd?
Odd: I'm attacking! As long as there's hope, you gotta hang on.
Jeremy: Odd, that's too dangerous!
Odd: You asked for it.
Odd: Jeremy? You're not going to believe this!
Odd: I passed through!
Jeremy: Rush!

Jeremy: Ulrich, it's working!
Jeremy: We're stuffing him with fake codes!
Jeremy: Take this.
Jeremy: It's okay, Odd. The specter has been destroyed. I bring you back.
Odd: What? Oh no, not cool. I did all this for nothing?!

Yumi: Ulrich!
Yumi: Jeremy? He's awakening.
Ulruch: If you could see your face...
Yumi: You're so stupid...

Jeremy: Enough with fake codes. It's not worth it.
William: But XANA lost some power as expected, right?
Jeremy: Yes, but it comes with a price. Ask Ulrich.
Ulrich: I'll be fine...
Jeremy: No, it's too risky.
Jeremy: And XANA was suspicious, it could have stolen Yumi's codes instead.
Jeremy: We'll find another way to counter XANA.
Odd: Well, enough chatting, I've got to make up with Sam.
Aelita: It looks somewhat complicated with that girl.
Sissi: Again? Are you doing it on purpose or what?
Odd: You said it Sissi. In fact you're the wife of my life!
Sissi: Don't get close to me, idiot!
Ulrich: As a matter of fact, for Odd, all girls are complicated!


Messages: 47

Inscription: 24 Fév 2013, 20:51

Message 24 Fév 2013, 20:55

Re: Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

um, where can we find the .ass file so we can watch the episode with subtitles

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 24 Fév 2013, 21:02

Re: Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

I would have posted it already if I had it.

Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 16

Inscription: 01 Fév 2013, 02:40

Message 24 Fév 2013, 21:04

Re: Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

Sorry, I was feeling sick. I'll try and get a sub file done by the end of today.


Messages: 47

Inscription: 24 Fév 2013, 20:51

Message 24 Fév 2013, 21:07

Re: Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

oh, i am new and was just wondering thanks for the translation

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 24 Fév 2013, 23:40

Re: Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

Sandra did the job.

Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 16

Inscription: 01 Fév 2013, 02:40

Message 25 Fév 2013, 00:46

Re: Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

Olivier a écrit:Sandra did the job.

Ah, she's good.
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P'tit nouveau

Messages: 9

Inscription: 20 Fév 2013, 14:32

Message 25 Fév 2013, 12:00

Re: Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

Thanks for the translation! I will post the link to the Chinese subbed video as soon as we uploaded :lol:
I Looove drawing! and Syphozoa is really cool!
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P'tit nouveau

Messages: 9

Inscription: 20 Fév 2013, 14:32

Message 27 Fév 2013, 13:24

Re: Episode #104 - How to Fool XANA

Chinese fans you can watch episode 09 and download it here! (If there is any...)
Thanx to Olivier's translation
I Looove drawing! and Syphozoa is really cool!

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