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Episode #117 - Mutiny

MessagePosté: 30 Juil 2013, 00:22
par Maykurasaki
Laura doesn’t understand why Jeremy doesn’t just “virus" the Cortex’s supercomputer to incapacitate XANA once and for all. She convinces William to help her act in secret, persuaded that she will do better than the others and will prevent a global catastrophe from occuring. But once on the Cortex, the unthinkable happens: William becomes Xanafied!
Credits: Subsonics( but it was found on Sandra's Facebook page)

Re: Episode #117 - Mutiny

MessagePosté: 30 Juil 2013, 01:34
par cl_xana
Thanks for your precious summary!But William is still xanafied?! Again !? It's not very original...

Re: Episode #117 - Mutiny

MessagePosté: 30 Juil 2013, 03:42
par sixthwarrior
No!Laura's an idiot to get him possessed again!I liked her for being in the show but now she's a giant idiot.

Re: Episode #117 - Mutiny

MessagePosté: 30 Juil 2013, 09:49
par Maykurasaki
I guess you find it unoriginal... And yes, that Laura is really bad, a traitor actually. Betraying the Lyoko Warriors, it's a good thing she's kicked out at the end of the episode.

Re: Episode #117 - Mutiny

MessagePosté: 31 Juil 2013, 16:03
par cl_xana
This episode was posted in a high-quality recording here, and sandra uploaded it on Dailymotion. It's better than Livestream!


Re: Episode #117 - Mutiny

MessagePosté: 31 Juil 2013, 23:49
par Maykurasaki
Cool! Thanks cl_xana!

Re: Episode #117 - Mutiny

MessagePosté: 02 Aoû 2013, 19:20
par ProjetHopper
An english subbed version available here.