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Episode #118 - Jeremie's Blues

MessagePosté: 31 Juil 2013, 00:34
par Maykurasaki
Jeremy is fooled by XANA. At the end of a catastrophic mission, they end up losing the Skid and the Holoscan! They are at XANA’s mercy, more vulnerable than ever. Jeremy feels guilty for turning out to be unable to face the situation for the first time. Aelita must take charge and manage XANA at the same time… and Jeremy’s blues.

Re: Episode #118 - Jeremie's Blues

MessagePosté: 01 Aoû 2013, 11:44
par cl_xana
Thanks for the summary!

A raw of this episode can be found here, but the recording has an issue with the sound track (which is shifted of approximately 6 minutes^^). So, we can hear advertisements in Hungarian and other TV shows in the beginning, and we lose the sound of the end of the epsiode :?

I guess it will be difficult to translate it using this video...^^

I give the link for the most impatient ones :sm27:

Re: Episode #118 - Jeremie's Blues

MessagePosté: 01 Aoû 2013, 11:58
par Maykurasaki
It's ok, thanks anyway cl_xana ! Perhaps the people( I'm assuming this is from Subsonics) will find a better file to do their work in...

Re: Episode #118 - Jeremie's Blues

MessagePosté: 01 Aoû 2013, 20:54
par cl_xana
Maykurasaki a écrit:It's ok, thanks anyway cl_xana ! Perhaps the people( I'm assuming this is from Subsonics) will find a better file to do their work in...

You're welcome!

And I have a good news for you! Thanks to ProjetHopper who re-synchronized the sound, this episode is now fully available: here. Enjoy!^^

Re: Episode #118 - Jeremie's Blues

MessagePosté: 02 Aoû 2013, 10:21
par Huan15
A sudden jump from 115 to 118?? What happened to the ones in between? Or this is just different in numbering the episode...?

Re: Episode #118 - Jeremie's Blues

MessagePosté: 02 Aoû 2013, 10:27
par cl_xana
Huan15 a écrit:A sudden jump from 115 to 118?? What happened to the ones in between? Or this is just different in numbering the episode...?

No, there's no jump! All episodes are listed in this folder (and #116 and #117 have their own topics here and there^^).

These episodes are still in Hungarian, but #115 now has English subtitles!

Re: Episode #118 - Jeremie's Blues

MessagePosté: 04 Aoû 2013, 14:42
par Olivier
English subbed version available here.