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MessagePosté: 04 Sep 2005, 02:34
par Chauve-Souris
Geez, Clem, you came in in the top 12.5%. That's nothing to sneeze at!
Keep it up!!!
:banghead: (Obstacle course)
:director: (Orals)

MessagePosté: 04 Sep 2005, 10:07
par garooob
Hey, good luck with that! Don't stress about it, cause that's never a good thing.

MessagePosté: 04 Sep 2005, 16:39
par manson
congratulation clem , you're making your dream comes true so nothing can stop you ;) keep on working and all will be all right !

chauve souris a écrit:Geez, Clem, you came in in the top 12.5%. That's nothing to sneeze at!

we are proud to know one of the 250 best candidates ! ;)

MessagePosté: 05 Sep 2005, 08:37
par Clem
Thanks you very much
I made a mistake: we are now 180 and not 250. There will be only 90 candidates who will have a job....

Yes manson, that's what everybody tell me: if it's a dream, you are able to do everything to realize it, I hope so.

I'm just afraid about sport (but on a police forum, I discuss and members say that sometimes they have fallen and they are in the school, so it's good for me) and about what we call "a big oral" about everything (and not just law). But, I will see.

Now, tuesday ou wednesday, I will have results of chief of police. I hope I will be also lucky

MessagePosté: 05 Sep 2005, 21:58
par garooob
Wow, you've come this far, I know you'll make it!

MessagePosté: 06 Sep 2005, 03:02
par Chauve-Souris
All right, Clem, so it's 180. That means you were in the top NINE (9) (neuf) (IX) (nueve) (for Manson: nove) (for Olivier: 1001) percent! Neat-o! :bise:

MessagePosté: 06 Sep 2005, 12:42
par manson
lol chauve souris, i think you're the maddest here ^^" ( you forgot german ! and latin ^^ ! )

your new avatar is beautiful ! ;) but i'm surprised you chose sissi ... with kiwi it would have been funny :D
do i bother you if i say CS instead of chauve souris ?? cause i'm a bit sluggard :roll: and you really have a loooonnnnggg pseudo !

MessagePosté: 07 Sep 2005, 13:01
par Clem
Well, I've just known results of chief of police!! And it's also good for me :D I'm very happy because I didn't think that it will be ok.
Now, for chief of police, we are 70.

but, I must work now :cry: I always have orals and sport

MessagePosté: 07 Sep 2005, 14:23
par Chauve-Souris
Clem: What? You won in the CofP too? You can't miss! You are all-conquering! Félicitations! (Geez, give someone else a chance already! (erf, erf))
As for the avatar, thanks, but that is supposed to be a profound psychological study of Sissi's swings between good and evil. Kiwi is NEVER evil (nyuk, nyuk, nyuk).
Well, don't sit there reading this! Get back to doing those pull-ups on that curtain rod! Obstacles approach!
PS: I rather like being called "CS". It has a friendly ring to it. Besides, I do so much name shortining of others (except Tchoucky and Black Jack, of course) that I could hardly object to people shorteneng mine. (Anyhoo, Clem, you are so cool that you can call me anything you want....) :excite:

MessagePosté: 07 Sep 2005, 15:17
par Clem
ah thanks :D
but I will call you Chauve-Souris ;) just Chauve-Souris ;)

MessagePosté: 07 Sep 2005, 20:55
par manson
and me i'll shorten in CS

As for the avatar, thanks, but that is supposed to be a profound psychological study of Sissi's swings between good and evil. Kiwi is NEVER evil (nyuk, nyuk, nyuk).

yes i had understood the avatar , but ... what about creating an evil kiwi :twisted: :twisted: with red eyes ! and baring long teeth

clem a écrit:Well, I've just known results of chief of police

I'm not sure you said it or maybe i forgot it ^^" later you want to be chief of police ... does that mean you gonna be THE head master of a police station ? ( like the old man in PJ ^^ )

MessagePosté: 07 Sep 2005, 21:31
par Clem
well manson, I will answer you in french because it's too difficult to explain in english. I would to enter into the police, like "commissaire de police" ou "lieutenant de police"

MessagePosté: 08 Sep 2005, 03:26
par Chauve-Souris
Many years ago there was a TV comedy that included a chief of police who kept saying his own title wrong -- saying it as "Peef of Chaleese". I still tend to say it that way. (Sorry about that....) :smack:

MessagePosté: 10 Sep 2005, 02:39
par Chauve-Souris
Say, there have been some goofy responses in this subject, and I have finally figured it out -- what's goofy is MOI!
I got mixed up about who asked me what, and, for instance, thought it was Clem who had asked me about being called CS, instead of Manson. And other stuff like that.
Sorry for the confusion. (My psychiatrist says it probably won't happen again for almost another week -- how nice!)! :sm27:

MessagePosté: 10 Sep 2005, 22:10
par garooob
I don't understand how Batman+Kiwi=CS...

MessagePosté: 11 Sep 2005, 09:13
par Chauve-Souris
garooob a écrit:I don't understand how Batman+Kiwi=CS...

Certain modos bestowed that on me by surprise, and I was (and am) totally delighted with it.
As Bugs Bunny would say, "I don't ask questions -- I just have fun!" :confettis:

MessagePosté: 11 Sep 2005, 09:22
par Chauve-Souris
manson a écrit:...but ... what about creating an evil kiwi :twisted: :twisted: with red eyes ! and baring long teeth...

Well, here it is. He doesn't look much like a dog anymore, but I presume those teeth are long enough.... :fou:

MessagePosté: 11 Sep 2005, 21:08
par Olivier
Little question: would you translate "fenêtre sur l'extérieur" to "outside window"? I guess it's correct, but if someone could confirm 8) (it's for the home page of the forum).

MessagePosté: 11 Sep 2005, 23:16
par Chauve-Souris
Olivier a écrit:Little question: would you translate "fenêtre sur l'extérieur" to "outside window"? I guess it's correct, but if someone could confirm 8) (it's for the home page of the forum).

I've never been sure exactly what they were going for there. I think of it as meaning "window to the outside", implying a sort of input-channel.
Let's wait and see what the Rooob says about it....

MessagePosté: 11 Sep 2005, 23:28
par Olivier
Already here? How quick ;-)
So "window to the outside" is better? It seems to be more explicit indeed.

MessagePosté: 12 Sep 2005, 00:08
par garooob
Maybe it's literally translated as "window to the outside," but maybe culturally as "window to the world."

MessagePosté: 12 Sep 2005, 03:31
par Chauve-Souris
garooob a écrit:...maybe culturally as "window to the world."

Say, that's pretty good! I vote for Garooob's answer! :idee:

MessagePosté: 12 Sep 2005, 23:52
par Sonic Hachelle-Bee
What's about "Members lounge"? I know, this isn't exactly "Fenêtre sur l'extérieur" translation or meaning, but at least, this is rather more simple and explicit. Or there is "Overlooking the world" that seems quite nice too IMO.

Anyway, garooob has a nice idea. Now, make your choice. ;)

EDIT: BTW, I noticed a little typo since quite some time. It's "problem", not "probleme". Well, this isn't that important...

MessagePosté: 13 Sep 2005, 03:36
par Chauve-Souris
I still think that the entire "Fenêtre" should be moved up into the French forum, so we'll just have the Fr. Forum and the Eng. Forum. Anglophones aren't going to post any English in the Fenêtre area -- they almost certainly will stick to the English Forum for their posts.
I would like to see what Señor Garooob says about this. He and I are probably the only ones around who have posted English in the Fenêtre area. :sophie:

MessagePosté: 13 Sep 2005, 05:55
par garooob
You know what? I never really thought about it. I think it would be nice to have the English speakers and French speakers mingle, but yeah, we've pretty much just stuck to our own little area.