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MessagePosté: 11 Mar 2006, 09:13
par Benjeremie
Chauve-Souris a écrit:-
Hoo-Hah! Beauuuuuuutiful!!!

Same that C-S i have the obligation to say the same think realy Beautiful.

I never posts pictures of me here
then now it's did

Hie to everyone
++ Benjeremie

MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2006, 04:50
par miaame
Hi benjeremie! ;) nice picture!

MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2006, 06:33
par Chauve-Souris
Cool phot, Benji!
Is that a picture of Aelita sur la gauche, or some other redhead?
(Incidentally, my order with Alapage for the Yoko Tsunos fell through, but I am re-ordering from a place in Quebec City, so SOMEday I will have some Yoko Tsuno BDs.) Image

MessagePosté: 13 Mar 2006, 10:22
par Benjeremie
jokora a écrit:I want to speak in Benjérémie on "La riposte de la rentrée" dans Fanfics le top d'action

Thank you Jokora it's an Honor for me ^^

miaame a écrit:Hi benjeremie! ;) nice picture!

:oops: Miaame you too ^^

Chauve-Souris a écrit:-
Cool phot, Benji!
Is that a picture of Aelita sur la gauche, or some other redhead?
(Incidentally, my order with Alapage for the Yoko Tsunos fell through, but I am re-ordering from a place in Quebec City, so SOMEday I will have some Yoko Tsuno BDs.) Image

Thanks a lot C-S Yes it's an Aelita Picture she is nice who can say the contrary?

Poor of you for your Bd C-S i hope you have more faster than is Possible.
When you have the entiere collection is really easy and amusant to read it again
++ Benjeremie

MessagePosté: 14 Mar 2006, 05:04
par exo
And here's a strange picture of me at my cousin's birthday party...


I look better as Tuxedo Mask.[/img]

MessagePosté: 14 Mar 2006, 06:16
par miaame
Hi exo! Nice picture!

MessagePosté: 18 Mar 2006, 06:14
par garooob
Haha miaame, beat you to it! This is my favorite picture of me with my girl hair. This was my junior year in college.

CS, I don't know if the music teacher has a name yet. We'll see if they name him in season 3.

MessagePosté: 18 Mar 2006, 07:07
par miaame
Not that kind of cute. ^_^ More like this:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"></a>


<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"></a>

MessagePosté: 08 Mai 2006, 02:07
par miaame
This has nothing to do with CL, unfortunately, but I made this kimono that I'm wearing in the picture. (Or NOT wearing...KIDDING!!!.) I am totally completely clothed under that!

:twisted: ... F0001c.jpg

MessagePosté: 08 Mai 2006, 05:51
par miaame
Hahaha. The point was to make garooob blush. But it didn't work. :cry:
Oh well. He was the one behind the camera lens anyways. ;) I photo-edit the pictures, too. And I cropped it. This was a full-length shot, but...I cropped it anyways. (I was kinda laying, propped up on one arm.)garooob has the full picture, and without the color touching.
(He always takes the pictures for my costumes.)

MessagePosté: 16 Juil 2006, 20:59
par KageSama
This was my "professional writer" photo taken a couple of years ago. I need to get something more up to date to post on the web site one of these days.


MessagePosté: 17 Juil 2006, 05:05
par miaame
That's a nice picture...

MessagePosté: 21 Juil 2006, 21:06
par Jessica (Yumi)
miaame a écrit:<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"></a>

Here's one of the race pictures I photoshopped of garooob...cute isn't he?

Oh faking!!! It is not well… I am sùr that there is one of them!


Oh le trucage !!! C'est pas bien... Je suis sùr qu'il y en a un !

MessagePosté: 22 Juil 2006, 03:14
par garooob
I believe miaame will have some pictures for us soon!

MessagePosté: 27 Juil 2006, 06:13
par miaame
I will? what kind?

MessagePosté: 27 Juil 2006, 06:29
par garooob
Of your poor car?

MessagePosté: 02 Aoû 2006, 06:22
par miaame
But it's all better now...^_^ My dad resurrected it.

MessagePosté: 08 Juin 2007, 00:23
par the boss
I've 4 photos,but it's not very prety,and...I can't take my photos sorry