garooob a écrit:Clem a écrit:teenagers unity
I think you mean "gangs."
You're right
but there's also a special unity for teenargers victims of rapes.. for example
garooob a écrit:Speaking of walking the beat, I hear Paris is burning. What is the general feeling in Paris? What is your opinion about the whole situation? It sounds to me like the current situation has undertones similar to the 1967 Detroit and 1992 Los Angeles race riots in the USA.
I like the expression "Paris is burning"
You're also right: it's a bit like Los Angeles except that reasons of "emeutes" is not racial.
Last week, 2 teenagers didn't want to be control by police. So, they run and they hid in a transformer of eleectricity. They have been electrocuted
and died.
After that, the town of origin of its young people revolted against the police
force and started to burn cars. Then, all the suburbs of France made
in the same way.
My feeling? Firstly, I don't understand how this situation could be propagated in all France. I think that only the young people who take part in it know why.
That made a long time that the young people of the French suburbs
are angry because they do not find employment, because they are excluded from the society.
I also think that the media should stop speaking about it on TV.
From now on, it became a play: who will burn the most cars? Who will
pass more on TV?
I hope that that will stop but there are not many police
officers in France and this moment, they cannot be everywhere. Certain
mayors ask for the intervention of the army. But, I am not sure that
it is a good thing because that will prove the impotence of the police
force. However, these young people hate the police force and the
intervention of the army will do nothing but reinforce hatred against
the police force.
The young people want also the resignation of the Minister of Interior
Department: this one should not resign: if not, that will be the proof
that by burning cars, one obtains what one wants.
From now on, there is covers fire for the buses and the minors.
What can I say? They burned the gymnasium where I made sport, they've
also burned a college, there is a curfew in some towns and I see bus of police officers as soon as I go some share, even in the shopping centre, even at thestation. There are everywhere!
But, it is what arrives when one leaves districts and young people to
make traffics without stopping them, when justice does not hold any
more its role
It was too long and too complicated that's why I used a translator.
the population in general is exasperated and starts to denounce the authors with the police force