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MessagePosté: 12 Nov 2005, 09:03
par garooob
I found Yumi2004 from, which is one of the best French sites, in my opinion. That was when they still had an English mirror.
I got a computer science degree in college, which is amazingly useless because I will never program again. College was fun, but probably the most expensive fun I'll ever have!

MessagePosté: 18 Nov 2005, 02:06
par I'll say guest for now
I'm so confused, it's been months since I've been able to find this forum again. I kept getting a white screen. I asked if it was still online and was told I'd been missing everything. I'm using Explorer instead of FoxFire at the moment, but when I sign in everything goes white again. Have I been banned for some reason? I miss you all very much :cry:

MessagePosté: 18 Nov 2005, 03:30
par Chauve-Souris
I'll say guest for now a écrit:...when I sign in everything goes white again. Have I been banned for some reason?....

ISGFN: We have had our problems lately, but most of the time yumi2004 just ticks along nicely. If you get on as an invitee, you should be able to sign in and see it okay then too. I think you would know it if you had been banned -- I don't even know if they ever do that, but it would have to be something horrendous.
Wait and see what our modo, Garooob, says but if you tell your story in one of the Aide subforums you should get help with it. I've seen them give a lot of personal help to individuals who have this sort of trouble.
Meantime, join us however you can. Image

MessagePosté: 18 Nov 2005, 04:38
Ooo, I see your avatar, Clem passed?

I haven't found an aide forum, but I'll keep looking.

MessagePosté: 18 Nov 2005, 10:56
par Clem
ISGFN: are you Kagetsu?

Yes, I passed :D

Even if you use Firefox, it's ok because I use firefox too.
I think that you have changed the language of forum in order to be in english. But maybe, it's the problem (that what I understood in "Help"). I have changed the language in french: maybe it will be ok :D now

I didn't really understand :?

MessagePosté: 18 Nov 2005, 20:44
par Potter_System
Clem a écrit:ISGFN: are you Kagetsu?

Yes, I passed :D

Even if you use Firefox, it's ok because I use firefox too.
I think that you have changed the language of forum in order to be in english. But maybe, it's the problem (that what I understood in "Help"). I have changed the language in french: maybe it will be ok :D now

I didn't really understand :?

Uhm, it seems so familiar for me...

It should be a problem with the English language file. Some time ago, the first time I log in to here (with another account), I changed the language to English and paf!... every time I tried to log, a white page was waiting for me.

MessagePosté: 18 Nov 2005, 21:27
par kyanelelyokofan
oh the forum is in english

MessagePosté: 19 Nov 2005, 00:52
par kagetsu
Yes this is me, ISGFN ;) Congratulations on passing.

It took me awhile to figure how to use my screen name as a guest since it's already taken,,, by me, go figure :D I did a general search for Garooob knowing that had to be unique and found him at another forum, but never got a reply there, I'm guessing he just doesn't go there any longer,,,

I had no idea there was an english setting, all the buttons are in French

Oh well, it works again YaY

MessagePosté: 19 Nov 2005, 03:28
par garooob
The only forums I go to now are here and The Rush Chronicles. There are some places I used to go; I'd be interested in knowing where you tried, Kagetsu!
And of course, welcome back!

MessagePosté: 19 Nov 2005, 04:06
par kagetsu
:D I tried Shoryuken It looks like a gameing board I think. I have memberships at boards all over the place that I don't go to anymore, but since I get email notice of PM from most, I gave it a try. I couldn't find Thunderkillers emails anymore so I couldn't go that route.

MessagePosté: 19 Nov 2005, 04:33
par garooob
Oh yeah, I remember that! I used to play Street Fighter 3rd Strike at the arcade. I was never any good at it, so I kinda just stopped. Those guys were way too good for me.

MessagePosté: 22 Nov 2005, 03:22
par Chauve-Souris
HEY! Have you noticed the new drop-list on the page selector at the top and bottom of the page? Now you can go directly in to a specific page without having to inch your way in page by page. Goshk, did we ever need that!
Image Thanks celeonet and/or admins! Image

MessagePosté: 22 Nov 2005, 05:21
par garooob
Yeah, I noticed it, too! That is a nice touch!

MessagePosté: 27 Nov 2005, 03:29
par Chauve-Souris
Say, are you the same ~Kyon-Kagetsu from "Deviant Art"? That would mean you are dippy over "Shanamic Princess", and are avatared after the male thief therein. Very cool. [And, if not, you're cool anyway....]) Image
edit: I shouldda said "pseudoed", not "avatared"....

MessagePosté: 27 Nov 2005, 19:49
par kagetsu
:D Yay, I'm still cool

But no, at Deviantart I'm Kagetsulyoko. But that's only so I could post to Mewberries.

MessagePosté: 27 Nov 2005, 20:12
par ChaoticPesme
You're Kagetsulyoko ? :shock:
In that case, it's not impossible that I've posted one or two of your artworks in the "Images Modifées et autres" topic ! :| You ain't mad about that ?

MessagePosté: 27 Nov 2005, 23:53
par kagetsu
Couldn't be me, the only posts I've made was to tell Mewberries that her picture was great. But I'm always flattered when people quote stuff I've posted. I'm the one in the blue komono :D

MessagePosté: 28 Nov 2005, 04:20
par Chauve-Souris
Holy Moly! What a picture by Mewberries! Being another of those dial-up bums, I saved it to disk for more looking later.
I love that straightforward drawing style of Mewberries, and I especially like the way the actual CL characters are drawn. The little sketch of Kiwi cracked me up, of course.
But this raised all sorts of new questions, the main one being: where are all those people now? Is there any chance that some of them are on yumi2004 under different pseudos? That looks like a great group of people!
Thanks, Kags -- extremely interesting! Image

MessagePosté: 28 Nov 2005, 05:58
par kagetsu
No, none of them are here. The only place to find any of them is at LyokoFreak. They were a great group and there's still a core of people I miss. I watched a small group spam the heck out of the board when TvTome was sold (Tv.coms fault for not having any control over their own board) and they're now mods/admins at LF, so I just sometimes read the VA's posts, sifting through the normal chatter. LF is pretty much siphoning off all CL fans because of the VA's and the site, I could find all the pictures from Vivi's site when the english side disappeared there.

MessagePosté: 28 Nov 2005, 08:08
par garooob
What or who is mewberries?

MessagePosté: 28 Nov 2005, 13:29
par Chauve-Souris
I've been looking at the Mewberries drawing some more in the comfort of my own system, off-line. It's really interesting -- a skillfull and ambitious piece of art. Its accompanying discussion expresses the care the artist took in developing it.
PESME, be sure to take a look at it, if you haven't already. Image

MessagePosté: 28 Nov 2005, 13:47
par Chauve-Souris
What th'...? It's going below zero Celsius in Tucson this morning! I might sue.... :NRV:
(Is it possible to hitch-hike to Costa Rica?)

MessagePosté: 28 Nov 2005, 13:49
par Benjeremie
Chauve-Souris a écrit:-
What th'...? It's going below zero Celsius in Tucson tonight! I might sue....
(Is it possible to hitch-hike to Costa Rica?)

Whoua it's cold ^^
but here in french Britany 29690 i have
-2.5 °C or 27.50 °F Or 275.66 °K(kelvin Scientific Temperature)
++ Benjeremie

MessagePosté: 29 Nov 2005, 03:18
par kagetsu
garooob a écrit:What or who is mewberries?

:D A very nice girl from the TvTome CL and one of my favorite people there.

She likes Mew from pokemon,,, I forget where "berries" came from.

We've had a little snow here before Thanksgiving,,, nothing that lays for long. It's stayed mostly above freezing.

MessagePosté: 29 Nov 2005, 04:14
par garooob
kagetsu a écrit:A very nice girl from the TvTome CL and one of my favorite people there.

Cool! Where can I find her work? You should see if she wants to post here!

CS - I thought something similar today. I should have a summer home in Phoenix and a winter home on Mercury! I ate lunch in 53-degree weather today! So cold...