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MessagePosté: 31 Déc 2005, 19:48
par manson
CS a écrit:Anyhoo, Mans, are you between terms now? And did you ace all of your courses? (Gosh, I'm glad I never had as heavy a course-load as yours was!)

I do the best i can but i don't see the end of my lessons ! nevertheless nearly ALL is interesting so i'm always ready to learn more and more :D

CS a écrit:I hope you're enjoying your holidays. You're probably getting ready to go back in a few days and start all over again, but have some fun first....

:lol: in a few days ! don't forget students are lazy !
i'll go back in one month :roll: ... What looooooooong hollidays !
but in four days , i've a training exam ... I don't think i'll succeed in it but it forces me to work hard in these days !
the real exam is on the 27 and 28 of january . I think i will havce the time to learn all . :? or i won't ^^
i'll try to scan some of my course so that you could see my unreadable writing

kagetsu a écrit:There are at least three other things I should be doing now, but oh well

:lol: :lol: i think i have the same problem

kage a écrit:I think in the UK it's Father Christmas as well, and I believe there is more than one "Santa" with different colour cloaks, not sure though.

more than one santa ? it's strange !!! ( it makes me think of the telletubbies ! arg :evil: )

MessagePosté: 31 Déc 2005, 20:01
par Clem
garooob a écrit:Clem, when do you leave for school? Or are you already there (and thus not able to answer this post)?

I was on holidays with my boyfriend, without net, that's why I couldn't answer. I leave for school on monday evening and I'll come back every week end ;)

Thanks manson :D

MessagePosté: 31 Déc 2005, 22:04
par garooob
Hey, manson! It's been a while.
CS - Since your birthday appears to be wrong, I'll try to get it changed, unless you don't want me to. What is it supposed to be?
stephen42 - Glad you like it!

MessagePosté: 01 Jan 2006, 04:02
par Chauve-Souris
kagetsu a écrit:Ki"wee" doesn't like cell phones ringing? :lol:

Image Ki-wee's pal, the Bat, detests everything there is about cellphones, but I've already delivered my tedious tirade on that subject here some time ago.
(Very clever, that "wee" angle of yours.... Image)

MessagePosté: 01 Jan 2006, 04:10
par Chauve-Souris
garooob a écrit:...CS - Since your birthday appears to be wrong, I'll try to get it changed, unless you don't want me to. What is it supposed to be?....

If it's not a lot of trouble, I would like to go back to having no entry at all, like Kags and other distinguished persons. There's not enough room across the screen for my true age, anyway.
Otherwise, just leave it as is, thanks.... Image

Happy New Year!

MessagePosté: 01 Jan 2006, 04:33
par miaame
Wow, a whole year's gone by! How fun. I hope next year will be great. And maybe I can actually get a job in my career field. I hear that you can get dvd 2 at Best Buy for $12. No fair! I downloaded a mess of pictures and really just love Aelita. Ulrich is pretty cool, too. And Yumi! Those are my top 3.

Yeah, I'll be around. I looked around for a while for a cool CL forum, and picked this one. ^_~

MessagePosté: 01 Jan 2006, 06:30
par garooob
Chauve-Souris a écrit:If it's not a lot of trouble, I would like to go back to having no entry at all, like Kags and other distinguished persons. There's not enough room across the screen for my true age, anyway.

Ok, I'll do that if they tell me how to!

Also, on DVD2, in the Characters section, it's spelled "Kiwee".

MessagePosté: 01 Jan 2006, 07:12
par kagetsu
garooob a écrit:
Chauve-Souris a écrit:If it's not a lot of trouble, I would like to go back to having no entry at all, like Kags and other distinguished persons. There's not enough room across the screen for my true age, anyway.

Ok, I'll do that if they tell me how to!

Also, on DVD2, in the Characters section, it's spelled "Kiwee".

:shock: Then that brings up new questions. Everyone has thought it was Kiwi and that gave Odd some connection with Australia. That makes me feel a little justified always thinking he was from Norway. But I'll bet "wee" is meant to match the piddle pic on Odds Lyoko outfit. Now I wnder where the "Ki" comes from :?

(I hide my age since I was told I was too young to be considered for staff. Besides, I don't really think I can write well enough for a review position. you said distinguished and me in the same sentence:lol: )

I'm gonna sound stupid, but did someone say they program? I'm sitting on some free-web space and I want to get some stuff on it so the accounts don't get deleted, but I can't make it work. The tutorials try to tell me the structure of html from the atoms up but nothing else before my brain says phfffft. I'm definitly missing something even before I reach the html, I've made that work in places. I know there are places like Xanga that already have templates set up,,, have one, but I was just wanting to see how this worked :oops:

MessagePosté: 01 Jan 2006, 15:41
par Chauve-Souris
kagetsu a écrit:...did someone say they program?....

Sorry about that, Mate! I am completely htm-ignorant (among many.) But others might help.... Image

Re: Happy New Year!

MessagePosté: 01 Jan 2006, 15:46
par Chauve-Souris
miaame a écrit:...maybe I can actually get a job in my career field.....

Huh? "career field"? Tell us more, s'il te plaît.... Image


MessagePosté: 01 Jan 2006, 20:18
par miaame
I graduated this last may with a degree in Elementary Education. I haven't found a job since competition here is so tough. So I've been working at Waldenbooks in the interim. I should move to Phoenix, they have job openings. Heehee.

Is your age pi? You said it wouldn't fit on the screen. :lol:
How is it everyone manages to get a little blurb of the message they're responding to in the post? I haven't figured that out yet...

Re: heh

MessagePosté: 01 Jan 2006, 22:23
par Chauve-Souris
miaame a écrit:...How is it everyone manages to get a little blurb of the message they're responding to in the post? I haven't figured that out yet...

Take a peek at the upper-right corner of this poste, and you will see a "::CITER" button. Instead of "responding" to messages, just punch that Cite button, and you'll have it. (It doesn't have to be the last poste in the subject, either. And you can cite yourself too, like if you want to return to some discussion and want people to see what you are referring to [or if you want to say, "I TOLD YOU SO!" to someone, erf, erf].)
You can edit out irrelevant parts is you wish, but avoid breaking up the "paired" aspect of the BB-Codes, "[something]" and "[/something]", or you will get goofy results. Image

Re: heh

MessagePosté: 02 Jan 2006, 01:34
par miaame
Chauve-Souris a écrit:Take a peek at the upper-right corner of this poste, and you will see a "::CITER" button. Instead of "responding" to messages, just punch that Cite button, and you'll have it.-

Sounds tough....I'll play with it some. :)

MessagePosté: 02 Jan 2006, 06:21
par Potter_System
kagetsu a écrit:I'm gonna sound stupid, but did someone say they program? I'm sitting on some free-web space and I want to get some stuff on it so the accounts don't get deleted, but I can't make it work. The tutorials try to tell me the structure of html from the atoms up but nothing else before my brain says phfffft. I'm definitly missing something even before I reach the html, I've made that work in places. I know there are places like Xanga that already have templates set up,,, have one, but I was just wanting to see how this worked :oops:

Be careful with HTML, tags may explode in your face!

Nah, try with DreamWeaver, and read/experiment with a lot of code. Don't try to read the W3C stuff yet, it worse than Chinese!. After, read easy things (such as basic CSS).

I've got a mega-ultra-super-duper project for holidays: Write Code Lyoko World in OOP with PHP. If anyone wants to help, is welcome

(The idea might be a little dumb, but I need something for TV people who will come to my house and record me soon :P)

MessagePosté: 02 Jan 2006, 09:21
par garooob
Potter_System a écrit:(The idea might be a little dumb, but I need something for TV people who will come to my house and record me soon)

You're going to be on TV? That's cool no matter where you are!
Programming, huh? See if CS will help. I'm lucky I passed. Miaame, if you did better in teaching than I did in programming, you shouldn't have any problem finding a job.

MessagePosté: 02 Jan 2006, 18:11
par miaame
garooob a écrit:Miaame, if you did better in teaching than I did in programming, you shouldn't have any problem finding a job.

Find a job where? Here or in Phoenix?

Potter_System, being on tv is cool. Congratulations. You must be really good!


MessagePosté: 02 Jan 2006, 18:21
par miaame
Hi manson, thanx for the welcome. I meant to say hi sooner, but just got to it now. ;) I'm a newly converted lykophile.

MessagePosté: 02 Jan 2006, 19:28
par kagetsu
Potter_System a écrit:
kagetsu a écrit:I'm gonna sound stupid, but did someone say they program? I'm sitting on some free-web space and I want to get some stuff on it so the accounts don't get deleted, but I can't make it work. The tutorials try to tell me the structure of html from the atoms up but nothing else before my brain says phfffft. I'm definitly missing something even before I reach the html, I've made that work in places. I know there are places like Xanga that already have templates set up,,, have one, but I was just wanting to see how this worked :oops:

Be careful with HTML, tags may explode in your face!

Nah, try with DreamWeaver, and read/experiment with a lot of code. Don't try to read the W3C stuff yet, it worse than Chinese!. After, read easy things (such as basic CSS).

I've got a mega-ultra-super-duper project for holidays: Write Code Lyoko World in OOP with PHP. If anyone wants to help, is welcome

(The idea might be a little dumb, but I need something for TV people who will come to my house and record me soon :P)

When I try to paste html in the page nothing happens except to see the htmltext, and the ftp keeps rejecting my log in, but that could be their fault. :?
You must elaborate on that tv thing, what who where why.;)
miaame a écrit:Hi manson, thanx for the welcome. I meant to say hi sooner, but just got to it now. bounce I'm a newly converted lykophile.
Now, I'm definitely feeling left out :cry: I'm not on your ignore list am I? *I'm gonna hf ta use my DarkYumi sig*

MessagePosté: 02 Jan 2006, 20:21
par miaame
hi kagetsu! Nope, you're not on an ignore list. ^_~ How are you?

As for html programming...I don't program, but I know how to cheat. If you right click on a website and hit "view source" you can get all the programming html for that website. ^_~ Copy and paste into webpage creating program, and then you can edit the programming to make it yours so it's not exactly the same. heehee.

I don't know much about computers but I like shortcuts.

MessagePosté: 02 Jan 2006, 20:53
par Potter_System
garooob a écrit:You're going to be on TV? That's cool no matter where you are!

If all things goes right, yes, I'll be on TV for a documentary (my role: be a geek guy, not very hard :P)

miaame a écrit:Potter_System, being on tv is cool. Congratulations. You must be really good!

Thanks you!. I'm not the best one, but I was lucky for a moment, and luck is enough for make the strangest dreams 8)

kagetsu a écrit:When I try to paste html in the page nothing happens except to see the htmltext, and the ftp keeps rejecting my log in, but that could be their fault. :?

Would you give me the URL of your site, or at least, what host is it. Maybe they have a Online editor, or a HTML uploader fo your files.

kagetsu a écrit:You must elaborate on that tv thing, what who where why.;)

What: Geek life
Who: Me
Where: My room
Why: Don't know (in this moment)


MessagePosté: 02 Jan 2006, 21:23
par kagetsu
I'm currently trying Free-Webster
It had some starter text but that's gone. Their forum doesn't have as much talk as I thought there'd be and I don't want to openly say I'm completely lost, tried that with image people, not a good idea. I downloaded some templates, first just html that lay there like dead fish, another withfiles and images but the ftp refuses, and I'm guessing it will take forever loading them all file by file through my dialup straw. I'm pulling some free developer programs from cnet to see if I can make them work. It may all be more than I can handle. But as long as it doesn't cost me anything, I can afford to fail at it.
miaame a écrit:hi kagetsu! Nope, you're not on an ignore list. ^_~ How are you?
YaY, Hi, welcome to the group. It really is a wonderful show. That is a nice kimono even though I can't see the obi and sleeves in that picture. So cool that you make them too (I read that right didn't I)*deep breath*
As for html programming...I don't program, but I know how to cheat. If you right click on a website and hit "view source" you can get all the programming html for that website. ^_~ Copy and paste into webpage creating program, and then you can edit the programming to make it yours so it's not exactly the same. heehee.

oh, I didn't know you could do that with webpages, I'll have to try that. ;)

ooo, it works on forums too :shock:

MessagePosté: 02 Jan 2006, 23:56
par garooob
Where I should have been buying a Nintendo DS so that I could get the Code Lyoko game when it comes out in November, I bought a PS2. It's something to tide me over until then. FFX, FFX-2 and Katamari Damacy are the only games I have right now, but that should keep me busy for a while! Also, the PS2 is really small!

MessagePosté: 03 Jan 2006, 01:20
par Potter_System
kagetsu a écrit:I'm currently trying Free-Webster
It had some starter text but that's gone. Their forum doesn't have as much talk as I thought there'd be and I don't want to openly say I'm completely lost, tried that with image people, not a good idea. I downloaded some templates, first just html that lay there like dead fish, another withfiles and images but the ftp refuses, and I'm guessing it will take forever loading them all file by file through my dialup straw. I'm pulling some free developer programs from cnet to see if I can make them work. It may all be more than I can handle. But as long as it doesn't cost me anything, I can afford to fail at it.

I've just tested the FTP and Archive Manager, and all is working. Try to access FTP, maybe it's a typo in the URL you have

And don't surrender. The man created HTML, not upside down!

MessagePosté: 03 Jan 2006, 03:57
par Chauve-Souris
kagetsu a écrit:...It may all be more than I can handle. ....

Kags, don't give up! Computer equipment and software have a way of picking on newcomers and refusing to cooperate. But after you break through you will wonder how you ever had trouble with it. Image
I wish I could help you, but, like I said, I am an internet (and communications) ignoramus. Just keep fiddling with it, and all of a sudden you will be in hog-heaven.... Image

MessagePosté: 03 Jan 2006, 05:33
par kagetsu
Potter_System a écrit:
kagetsu a écrit:I'm currently trying Free-Webster
It had some starter text but that's gone. Their forum doesn't have as much talk as I thought there'd be and I don't want to openly say I'm completely lost, tried that with image people, not a good idea. I downloaded some templates, first just html that lay there like dead fish, another withfiles and images but the ftp refuses, and I'm guessing it will take forever loading them all file by file through my dialup straw. I'm pulling some free developer programs from cnet to see if I can make them work. It may all be more than I can handle. But as long as it doesn't cost me anything, I can afford to fail at it.

I've just tested the FTP and Archive Manager, and all is working. Try to access FTP, maybe it's a typo in the URL you have

And don't surrender. The man created HTML, not upside down!

:? I was going to upload a picture, but Imageshack is down for maintenance,,, ToonZone too. I'll probably end up going to bed before 11 tonight.

Anyway, so I shouldn't be using my ftp program to exchange files?

When I clique that link I see some kind of directory, but I have no idea what to do with it.

:shock: Come to think of it, why is that link there, all the others are gone??? It must be old links have been deleted here *irony if this link shows up*