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MessagePosté: 03 Jan 2006, 15:19
par Potter_System
kagetsu a écrit:Anyway, so I shouldn't be using my ftp program to exchange files?

When I clique that link I see some kind of directory, but I have no idea what to do with it.

:shock: Come to think of it, why is that link there, all the others are gone??? It must be old links have been deleted here *irony if this link shows up*

:? Everyone should use FTP clients for connect FTP (may sound a bit strange, but IE and Firefox has built-in, and sometimes crappy, FTP support). I said that because the link sent in the welcome mail started with http://, not with ftp://

The FTP client I use everyday is SmartFTP. Very easy to use, and with a lot of options if the standard configuration doesn't work for you (very strange, by the way).

(The Beginner's Guide to FTP
[ ] might be very useful to learn the basics for FTP)

MessagePosté: 03 Jan 2006, 15:33
par Benjeremie
Potter_System a écrit:
kagetsu a écrit:Anyway, so I shouldn't be using my ftp program to exchange files?

When I clique that link I see some kind of directory, but I have no idea what to do with it.

:shock: Come to think of it, why is that link there, all the others are gone??? It must be old links have been deleted here *irony if this link shows up*

:? Everyone should use FTP clients for connect FTP (may sound a bit strange, but IE and Firefox has built-in, and sometimes crappy, FTP support). I said that because the link sent in the welcome mail started with http://, not with ftp://

The FTP client I use everyday is SmartFTP. Very easy to use, and with a lot of options if the standard configuration doesn't work for you (very strange, by the way).

(The Beginner's Guide to FTP
[ ] might be very useful to learn the basics for FTP)

I think filezilla is too good for you for your upload you can find it here

good upload be happy ^^

++ Benjeremie

MessagePosté: 04 Jan 2006, 04:55
par Chauve-Souris
Potter_System a écrit:...(The Beginner's Guide to FTP
[ ] might be very useful to learn the basics for FTP)

Very cool, P_S. Image Merci!

MessagePosté: 04 Jan 2006, 07:15
par garooob
Anyone ever play Katamari Damacy? It's a pretty wacky game!

MessagePosté: 05 Jan 2006, 06:17
par kagetsu
Is that a video game?

I only have LotR Return of the King (can't get past Golem at Mt. Doom :roll:
And used to play SubSpace Continuum online till they ruined it.

Benjeremie a écrit:
Potter_System a écrit:
kagetsu a écrit:Anyway, so I shouldn't be using my ftp program to exchange files?

When I clique that link I see some kind of directory, but I have no idea what to do with it.

:shock: Come to think of it, why is that link there, all the others are gone??? It must be old links have been deleted here *irony if this link shows up*

:? Everyone should use FTP clients for connect FTP (may sound a bit strange, but IE and Firefox has built-in, and sometimes crappy, FTP support). I said that because the link sent in the welcome mail started with http://, not with ftp://

The FTP client I use everyday is SmartFTP. Very easy to use, and with a lot of options if the standard configuration doesn't work for you (very strange, by the way).

(The Beginner's Guide to FTP
[ ] might be very useful to learn the basics for FTP)

I think filezilla is too good for you for your upload you can find it here

good upload be happy ^^

++ Benjeremie

Does Filezilla have adds or time limits. I'm currently trying to use Seagull because it was free from CNet. Working my way through the "ftp Basics". I made it work once before but I keep missing one important thing that must foul everything up.

MessagePosté: 05 Jan 2006, 06:19
par miaame
Nope, I've never played it, but it sounds interesting. I've played Soul Calibur 1 and 2....I don't game much. Last rpg I played was Zelda Ocarina of Time

MessagePosté: 05 Jan 2006, 07:17
par garooob

I used CuteFTP and WSFTP in school to connect to the Sun network we had. We only ever used FTP to transfer movies to our accounts so we could watch them during class...

MessagePosté: 05 Jan 2006, 12:24
par Benjeremie
kagetsu a écrit:Is that a video game?

I only have LotR Return of the King (can't get past Golem at Mt. Doom :roll:
And used to play SubSpace Continuum online till they ruined it.

Benjeremie a écrit:
Potter_System a écrit:
kagetsu a écrit:Anyway, so I shouldn't be using my ftp program to exchange files?

When I clique that link I see some kind of directory, but I have no idea what to do with it.

:shock: Come to think of it, why is that link there, all the others are gone??? It must be old links have been deleted here *irony if this link shows up*

:? Everyone should use FTP clients for connect FTP (may sound a bit strange, but IE and Firefox has built-in, and sometimes crappy, FTP support). I said that because the link sent in the welcome mail started with http://, not with ftp://

The FTP client I use everyday is SmartFTP. Very easy to use, and with a lot of options if the standard configuration doesn't work for you (very strange, by the way).

(The Beginner's Guide to FTP
[ ] might be very useful to learn the basics for FTP)

I think filezilla is too good for you for your upload you can find it here

good upload be happy ^^

++ Benjeremie

Does Filezilla have adds or time limits. I'm currently trying to use Seagull because it was free from CNet. Working my way through the "ftp Basics". I made it work once before but I keep missing one important thing that must foul everything up.

Filezilla had Nothing of this 2

I think it's perfect for me
++ Benjeremie

MessagePosté: 14 Jan 2006, 00:20
par Clem
Hi everybody!
How are you?

I'm back in my house for week end. The school is not bad but there's nothing to do after 9 o'clock so it's a bit boring. But the others students are friendly and cool and we have lots of fun!! :D

The lessons are hard because we must understand lots of things in few hours :?

But, I hope that will be better in march ( because in 2 weeks, we go home in order to work), so we will see...

I'm happy to come back here (because I have problems with net so I can't conect)

(I must work my english....)

MessagePosté: 14 Jan 2006, 04:47
par Chauve-Souris
Clem a écrit:...But, I hope that will be better in march ( because in 2 weeks, we go home in order to work), so we will see.......

Yay, Clem! Glad to see that you are getting along well.
Be sure to let us know where you will be working in Feb, so we can all fly over there and rob a bank to keep you busy. I can see the newspaper headlines now: "Offica' Clem Pursues the Image Ricain Gang"....

MessagePosté: 14 Jan 2006, 09:32
par garooob
ClemmmmmmmmmM! Good to see you're goofing off as well as studying. (Having fun is more important, if you ask me!)
Chauve_Souris a écrit:Be sure to let us know where you will be working in Feb, so we can all fly over there and rob a bank to keep you busy.

Actually, I've already got something planned for Feb. Can we schedule our French bank heist for March?

MessagePosté: 16 Jan 2006, 19:47
par miaame
Oooh, what do you have planned for February? Don't tell me you're robbing a different bank. ^_~

MessagePosté: 18 Jan 2006, 04:39
par garooob
You'll see!

MessagePosté: 18 Jan 2006, 05:44
par miaame
Oh really? What do I get to see?

MessagePosté: 18 Jan 2006, 18:47
par miaame
:p By the way...I've mostly decided to cosplay as Yumi for Anizona in Phoenix this year. (Unless something happens and I can't find fabric) But I was looking at pictures of her costume for reference, and I noticed in some of them, her costume is different. Her kimono shirt is black on one side and red on the other, but sometimes the colors are reversed!
red on right, black left or
black on right, red on left
Anyone know which is right? or does this matter?

MessagePosté: 19 Jan 2006, 02:55
par Chauve-Souris
miaame a écrit::p By the way...I've mostly decided to cosplay as Yumi for Anizona in Phoenix this year. (Unless something happens and I can't find fabric) But I was looking at pictures of her costume for reference, and I noticed in some of them, her costume is different. Her kimono shirt is black on one side and red on the other, but sometimes the colors are reversed!
red on right, black left or
black on right, red on left
Anyone know which is right? or does this matter?

Garshk, I have always been nutzo over Yumi's fightin' costume, but I never noticed the side-reversals. But that's a good indication of how much it would matter -- none!
But tell us more about Anizona! Not only where and when, but whether it is a rilly, rilly big shew like in Anaheim, or way smaller? Have you attended it in the past? I can't imagine anything good ever happening in Phoenix (heh, heh) but you obviously think it is worth the trip. How far is the trip for you?
Speak unto us of all that you know this phenomenon.... Image

MessagePosté: 20 Jan 2006, 03:29
par Chauve-Souris
Chauve-Souris a écrit:...But tell us more about Anizona!...

Well, I did a quick Google and found that the 2006 Anizona will be 14-16 Apr, but the other questions still stand. I am going back to take a more thorough look at the Google hits though, to get a feel for its, like, vibes....
But one thing I am wondering about is how many hard-core anime fans like would be encountered at Anizona would consider C.Lyoko to be a part of the world of anime? This might be a disadvantage for someone cosplaying Yumi. Or perhaps an advantage, as duplicates might be rare as a result. Anyhoo, you gotta post a photo here of your Yumi cos' when you get it done! Image

MessagePosté: 20 Jan 2006, 05:36
par garooob
Anizona isn't that well known; it's only in it's second year. That's not to say it's not big. I saw that they increased the registration to 1200 people. I was going to go last year, but I was unemployed and couldn't really afford it. I'll be going this year, though.
miaame, you might like this. It's Yumi's costume in the pilot, "Garage Kids."

MessagePosté: 20 Jan 2006, 07:16
par miaame
Oh how cool! That settles it, I'm going to make her costume according to the pilot. Hey, garooob, can I stay with you when I come down? I promise not to maul you. I'm pretty normal.
I don't care if I'm recognized. And if no one knows who I am, I always notice a good costume, regardless if I know it. I wore an original kimono design for Kunicon; because it was my forst convention, I thought it'd be pretty generic. I WAS WRONG. I couldn't walk more than 20 feet without someone asking for a picture. (Developed a great elbow for rude guys who try and grab you around the waist for photos)
And I always look at all the little details of the costume before making it.

I promise to post a picture somewhere. ^_~

MessagePosté: 26 Jan 2006, 16:39
par Invité
Hi everybody ! i sat for my exams yesterday and the day before , so now i'm in hollidays until the end of the week :D

sorry not to come more often but i was very very busy with the studies :S
and sorry for all the mistakes i will do but this is a long time i don't practice my english

I didn't know Anizona ( oh what an uneducated person i am ) , but it looks like a meeting where people dressed like manga characters troop :D i though this kind of events only took place in the Japon ^^

miaame a écrit:I promise to post a picture somewhere. ^_~

This would be a full of genius idea ! i'ld like to see a real Yumi :D :roll:

Speaking about something else : i read CS was becoming a fench football fan ^^ :lol: You gonna make a lot of french friends cause here , football is like a religion and Zidane looks like a god .
:x however i don't share this interest for this sport :(

MessagePosté: 26 Jan 2006, 16:40
par manson
one day i'll forget my head ^^

upper it was me

useless but funny edit :
^^ here you'll find one of my worst lesson : ... 0129jt.jpg ( i think you can zoom in clicking on the right bottom corner of the document )
what a horrible writing i have ^^
and here : the end of a lesson .. i only had one sheet to finish ^^" that's why i writed tinier and tinier ... 0222ll.jpg

MessagePosté: 27 Jan 2006, 03:31
par kystrelchandler_Lyoko
Hiya everyone! I'm just popping in to say hi! ^_^ How is everyone!?

MessagePosté: 27 Jan 2006, 04:47
par Chauve-Souris
kystrelchandler_Lyoko a écrit:Hiya everyone! I'm just popping in to say hi! ^_^ How is everyone!?

Kystrel! Nice to see ya!
Pop in more often, why doncha! Image

MessagePosté: 27 Jan 2006, 04:57
par Chauve-Souris
Hoo-Boy! It's the 27th (in France, anyway)!
That means it's the birthday of those two distinguished geniuses, Mozart and Garooob. One is 24 and the other is 250, but I can never remember which is which.... Anyhoo,
BON ANNIV, W.A.M. ET *G.* ! Image

MessagePosté: 27 Jan 2006, 05:52
par garooob
Thanks, CS! I'm the one that's 24.
Welcome back manson and kystrelchandler!
manson: Won't you be glad when you're done with homework!