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MessagePosté: 05 Fév 2006, 04:32
par Chauve-Souris
miaame a écrit:Ulrich's trousers would be fun to make for a cosplay. but I wonder how' you could get them to stick out like that? ....

How about filling them with styrofoam "peanuts"?
Or just don't let the guy use a bathroom for a couple of weeks? Image
Or how about filling them with water balloons and letting people pay to shoot darts at them? Image


MessagePosté: 05 Fév 2006, 04:37
par miaame
How creative, chauvre-souris! Or I guess if you eat beans before you cosplay...hahaha. Or maybe you could fill them with whoopie cushions.

MessagePosté: 05 Fév 2006, 05:26
par garooob
Chauve-Souris the comedian will be appearing all this week at The Apollo, folks!
I was going to say something else, but it sounded inappropriate...

MessagePosté: 05 Fév 2006, 18:59
par miaame
How inappropriate? Would you have to delete your own post? ;)

MessagePosté: 05 Fév 2006, 20:51
par Benjeremie
miaame a écrit:How inappropriate? Would you have to delete your own post? ;)

what posts where?
++ Benjeremie

MessagePosté: 06 Fév 2006, 01:47
par kagetsu
Benjeremie a écrit:
miaame a écrit:How inappropriate? Would you have to delete your own post? ;)

what posts where?
++ Benjeremie

;) We didn't get to see because they weren't posted, me being nieve(can't spell it), I don't get it :? ohwell

English semantics

MessagePosté: 06 Fév 2006, 02:40
par miaame
I'm sorry benjeremie, I didn't mean to confuse you. I don't think anything needs to be deleted. Just my attempt at bad humor.

MessagePosté: 06 Fév 2006, 06:29
par Chauve-Souris
Chauve-Souris a écrit:...How about filling them with styrofoam "peanuts"?

Actually, with this first suggestion I was 93.7% serious. For both Garage-Ulrich and InuYasha one could make some huge pantaloons and then dump a bunch of styrofoam packing particles into them after the poor devil that is to use them puts them on. They would be very light and problem-free (at least until the wearer has to pull them down to take a spoot.)
Both: "Garage Kids"
[I still think those ka-nickers are really cool....]

MessagePosté: 06 Fév 2006, 06:35
par garooob
You could probably make a wire frame for them, though I think you would need some skill to make it work right.

MessagePosté: 06 Fév 2006, 10:16
par Benjeremie
miaame a écrit:I'm sorry benjeremie, I didn't mean to confuse you. I don't think anything needs to be deleted. Just my attempt at bad humor.

Ho i Understand ^^ you have the best Humor of the Univers Miaame ^^ 8) :)
Thanks too Kagetsu
++ Benjeremie

MessagePosté: 07 Fév 2006, 01:29
par miaame
Thatnk you! You're very nice, Benjeremie!
Merci ! Vous êtes très agréable, benjeremie ! 8)

Chauvre-souris: That's true. Or you know those blow-up yard ornaments? You could put a little fan in the rear and blow them up with air. And turn the fan off when you have to use the bathroom. (Must be careful not to get them wet though!) Automatic air-conditioning, too, for Arizona heat!

MessagePosté: 10 Fév 2006, 06:50
par Chauve-Souris
Great Googly-moo! There was a hot and lengthy debate in the Fenetre section about the World Mess. I'm impressed!
The following is one of Pete's nifty postings there (including a witty first sentence) -- take a shot at it with Rooob's traducteur-gadget if you're interested in such things.
Pete a écrit:Faut-il continuer cette discussion dans le topic politique ? (où les lyokofans ont eu la sagesse de ne rien poster ;))

AdoFou a écrit:Franchement les plus grosse connerie son américaine les derniers années.

Nous n’avons pas la même notion de la connerie…

Est-ce les américains qui ont détourné quatre avions de ligne pour massacrer des civils ?
Est-ce le gouvernement américains qui laisse crever de faim sciemment son peuple ?
Est-ce les américains qui ont un système concentrationnaire fort de 10 millions de prisonniers, le laogaï ?
Est-ce les américains qui veulent rayer de la carte un pays entier ?
Est-ce les américains qui posent des bombes dans les transports publics ?
Est-ce les américains qui lapident les femmes adultères et tranchent la main des voleurs ?
Est-ce le gouvernement américain qui a plongé son peuple dans la misère la plus noire depuis 40 ans ?
Est-ce les américains qui brûlent et tuent pour une simple caricature ?
etc, etc, etc.

J'ai du mal à comprendre pourquoi, avec toutes les abominables dictatures qu'il y a de part le monde, on s'en prend toujours aux Etats-Unis, un pays tout de même démocratique, malgré ses imperfections.

[Non-sequitur: Vivi stopped in to say hello there -- nice to know she's okay.... Image ]

MessagePosté: 11 Fév 2006, 00:14
par Sonic Hachelle-Bee
Haha. Yes, Pete made a good point here, and I fully agree. And BTW, they are again discussing...

While seeing the last sentence:
"Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried." Churchill

MessagePosté: 11 Fév 2006, 04:31
par Chauve-Souris
Sonic Hachelle-Bee a écrit:...BTW, they are again discussing....

Oh, oh -- there goes another long evening for me of deciphering polemics. (fun, though...)
Sonic Hachelle-Bee a écrit:..."Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried." Churchill

Incidentally, Sonic, I was glad to see your remark somewhere that you would now have more time to visit the forum-anglais. Nice to have you here. (We can always use more hedgehogs, eh?) Image

MessagePosté: 11 Fév 2006, 13:09
par Sonic Hachelle-Bee
Oh, oh -- there goes another long evening for me of deciphering polemics. (fun, though...)

Good luck. :D
Actually, I'm lost, utterly lost since they started to post in the middle of the night (heh, 3 AM). For this kind of "flame war" between Pete and MacIntoc (again? :) ), I think I'm out now.

Incidentally, Sonic, I was glad to see your remark somewhere that you would now have more time to visit the forum-anglais. Nice to have you here. (We can always use more hedgehogs, eh?)

More hedgehogs? Can a blue hedgehog be counted as regular hedgehog? =P

MessagePosté: 11 Fév 2006, 13:51
par Pete
Sonic Hachelle-Bee a écrit:For this kind of "flame war" between Pete and MacIntoc (again? :) )

Yes, again... At the beginning, I said I'll not fight a such rough troll, but... I couldn't :p
It's, a funny show, no ? Who wants to bet on me ? I accept euros and dollars :lol:

MessagePosté: 11 Fév 2006, 13:56
par Sonic Hachelle-Bee
I accept euros and dollars

I'm really sorry. All what I own are gold rings and emeralds. :D

MessagePosté: 12 Fév 2006, 04:27
par Chauve-Souris
Sonic Hachelle-Bee a écrit:...Can a blue hedgehog be counted as regular hedgehog? =P

Regular, no. Extraordinary, yes!
Pete a écrit:... Who wants to bet on me ?...

I would -- you really "know your stuff"!! Image

MessagePosté: 12 Fév 2006, 04:56
par Chauve-Souris
kagetsu a écrit:...I also have a set of these for primary characters and monsters that I wish were big enough to read.

Hey, Kagetsooooooooo!
Could you post some more (as in: ALL) of these for us to look at? The ones you have shown us are too neat-o for words, I must say!
Merci.... Image

MessagePosté: 12 Fév 2006, 14:40
par Chauve-Souris
Goshk! Here I am surfin' the yumi'4 in broad daylight (Paris-wise). The ol' place is pretty crowded, too.
All seriousness aside, my messages-count has taken another of those mysterious dives, this time by two. I don't care about the count, but it always makes me wonder which of my timelessly brilliant posts have disappeared, and howcum. C'est la vie, ja? Image

MessagePosté: 12 Fév 2006, 20:09
par kagetsu
Chauve-Souris a écrit:
kagetsu a écrit:...I also have a set of these for primary characters and monsters that I wish were big enough to read.

Hey, Kagetsooooooooo!
Could you post some more (as in: ALL) of these for us to look at? The ones you have shown us are too neat-o for words, I must say!
Merci.... Image

I may have to wait a few days for ImageShack to come back online after maintenence, and a few i'm worried about posting here as they are characters in underwear. But I'll run them by Garooob and maybe post them in the character section. :D

MessagePosté: 13 Fév 2006, 00:23
par Pete
Sonic Hachelle-Bee a écrit:I'm really sorry. All what I own are gold rings and emeralds. :D

Too bad ! You could have won a lot of money ;)

hauve-souris a écrit:]All seriousness aside, my messages-count has taken another of those mysterious dives, this time by two

Maybe a mad cleaning action of the modos ? Or an other bug…

Chauve-Souris a écrit:I would -- you really "know your stuff"!!

Thanks! History is my stuff ;)

MessagePosté: 13 Fév 2006, 04:54
par Chauve-Souris
kagetsu a écrit:...I may have to wait a few days for ImageShack to come back online after maintenence....

Thanks, Kags !
(Incidentally, it's noteworthy how nicely ImageShack lets people know exactly what's going on, what they can still do, and when it will be over. One more example of how cool IS is....) Image

MessagePosté: 14 Fév 2006, 14:32
par Sonic Hachelle-Bee
Pete a écrit:
Sonic Hachelle-Bee a écrit:I'm really sorry. All what I own are gold rings and emeralds.

Too bad ! You could have won a lot of money

Nah, they are way too precious...
Owning the World with them >> Everything else :D

Pete a écrit:Maybe a mad cleaning action of the modos ? Or an other bug…

*Raise hand for the first option*

MessagePosté: 18 Fév 2006, 06:46
par garooob
Phew! It's finally time for a vacation! In addition to President's Day, I took the other four days off next week to go hang out with my dear miaame! So I won't be here, I'll be there, but since it's all online, no one would know the difference if I hadn't brought it up. So have fun while I'm flying tomorrow!