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MessagePosté: 07 Mai 2006, 03:10
par garooob
We always harp on Sissi for being mean, but often the Lyoko kids are just as bad. It's something that annoys me. But it is a slick avatar, though!

MessagePosté: 21 Mai 2006, 05:44
par Chauve-Souris
Say, who is this CLEM person that stops in now and then? The name seems familiar, hein?
I sure wish she would give us a brief report on the last four months of her life and her employment activities.
Anyone else agree???Image

MessagePosté: 21 Mai 2006, 06:35
par garooob
I second the motion! Let's hear it, Clem!

MessagePosté: 22 Mai 2006, 18:07
par miaame
Me three!

MessagePosté: 22 Mai 2006, 19:24
par Clem
Hi everybody!! I'm happy to see that you have not forgotten Clem ;)
And I'll try to speak a good english :lol: It won't be easy ^^

Clem is a girl who is lost in a little village :cry: where there's nothing to do except working.... And, My computer has very often problems with net so I don't come often here.
But now, I'm on holidays, si I have time to read this forum, english anf french of course :D

At school, I have exams yet but exams are funny
for example, we have to give order to others students (like in the army). Or, I have exams in informatic, guns (of course :D), and what we call "simulation": so, we are real policemen and we have something special to do: to put someone in custody, or to hear a victim or a witness, etc... It's not easy to do but it's funny to watch (because we are filmed ;) )
The life in my school is really great: my friends are all wonderful!! In january and march, we made lots of parties (but now, we must work :lol: )
In june, I'll come back home in order to work in my police station (in my city) for six weeks. It's good to work for real sometimes, because school, even if ot's really interesting, it's school! :roll:

Well, Chauve-Souris, I have seen lots of guns last week: the gun of James Bond girls, The MI16, AK47, and marksmen's (??) guns. They are all impressing!! So, I thought about you ;)
And we can also assist to dogs demonstration (??): when dogs arrest gangsters!! Yeah, dogs are wonderful!!

So, I'm really happy to be there because I wasn't wrong: I love police

Well, I hope that you are all fine, all of you ;)
kiss :amour:

MessagePosté: 23 Mai 2006, 00:38
par KageSama

Your English is fine. :D

I spent 15.5 years in the U.S. Military, so I'm quite familiar with many of the weapons you've been practicing with, mainly with the M-16 and the Barretta 9mm pistol (although I own a Walther P-38 9mm pistol . . . very fun to take out to the target range).

My brother is a Highway Patrolman. He has a lot of interesting stories from when he went through the academy and is trying to get an instructor's position there. His specialty is marksmanship and special tactics.

Good luck with your exams

MessagePosté: 23 Mai 2006, 03:32
par Invité
WoW, there's Clem :amour:

Sounds good that you're having fun. I could talk all day about guns though I don't get much chance to really fire one. The only time I ever got to handle M16 was at Armed Forces Day. Techniaclly it was the M4 carbine but I fell in love with the dot site. :oops:

Welcome back.

MessagePosté: 23 Mai 2006, 03:34
par kagetsu
Anonymous a écrit:WoW, there's Clem :amour:

Sounds good that you're having fun. I could talk all day about guns though I don't get much chance to really fire one. The only time I ever got to handle M16 was at Armed Forces Day. Techniaclly it was the M4 carbine but I fell in love with the dot site. :oops:

Welcome back.

:oops: That was me again

MessagePosté: 23 Mai 2006, 06:13
par garooob
Clem's back! Sounces like you're having fun at the Police Acadamy.

Everything I know about guns I learned from Rally Vincent (Gunsmith Cats).
mangaImage animeImage
She has a CZ-75a, which was made in the Old Country.

MessagePosté: 23 Mai 2006, 06:19
par KageSama
Rally has great taste in weapons.

I've had a chance to fire a CZ-75 before. If I could have afforded it, I would have bought one. VERY sweet handling pistol.

MessagePosté: 23 Mai 2006, 06:29
par garooob
Gunsmith Cats is cool. Even though real guns are illegal in Japan, the author went to great lengths to reproduce them (and cars, too!) in minute detail in his manga.

MessagePosté: 23 Mai 2006, 06:30
par Chauve-Souris
Clem a écrit:Hi everybody!! I'm happy to see that you have not forgotten Clem ;)....

How could we forget THE Clem?
That was a fine account of your adventures -- thanks!ImageI'm glad you are happy and doing well.
HS: I have a P.38 too. It was wartime (WWII) manufacture, with toolmarks and rough spots, but it's the most accurate 9mm I own. Love it!

MessagePosté: 23 Mai 2006, 06:39
par KageSama
Garoob> I have several of the Gunsmith Cats mangas from Dark Horse. Yeah, the artist did a great job of depicting American cars and weapons. Nothing pays off like a little research.

Chauve-Souris> My P-38 isn't quite that old. The pistol was manufactured in 1959 and my magazines are from 1961 and 63. The pistol and I share a birthyear, so I'm doing my best to keep both of us in good shape.

(Unfortunatley, I think the pistol is in better shape than I am these days. :cry: )

MessagePosté: 23 Mai 2006, 06:44
par Chauve-Souris
garooob a écrit:Gunsmith Cats is cool. Even though real guns are illegal in Japan, the author went to great lengths to reproduce them (and cars, too!) in minute detail in his manga.

I've been noticing that guns portrayed in manga and anime are invariably drawn very accurately and in great detail. ...Unlike American cartoonery where they are outlandishly unauthentic and ridiculously inoperable. On top of that, ricain cartoonists invariably portray the projectile coming out of the gun with its shell (and primer) still attached -- even for the bottlenecked cartridges. Stooooopid!Image

MessagePosté: 23 Mai 2006, 09:47
par Clem
I don't know this manga (and I don't know guns' legislation in Japan) but the girl's gun looks like mine ;) and looks great
Mine is a Sig Sauer P226:

But I prefer the CZ 75. I think this one is smaller and better because our Sig Sauer is too big for my little hands ;)

KageSama: I think that with 15.5 in US army, you have seen lots of guns ;) the M-16 is great but a bit heavy for me, normal. I can only carry it 5 seconds because then I'm trembling (?) I'm also happy to see that there's no age to like Code Lyoko :D

I can see that you all love guns ;) It's funny to see that it depends of the culture. In France, people don't really like guns.
I've seen you P38 pistol: well, great! I like it!

yes, I really have fun in my school. But I also have fun here, on this forum and I'm happy to see that you're all fine, KageSama, kagetsu, garooob and ChauveSouris
Anf for, garooob: congratulations :confettis:

MessagePosté: 24 Mai 2006, 00:30
par KageSama
Oh, and by the way,

Happy Birthday, Clem!

Hope you had a great time celebrating today!

MessagePosté: 24 Mai 2006, 08:35
par Clem
Thanks a lot KageSama :D
But it's not today my birhtday, it's may 27th ;) It's on saturday but I'll try to celebrate it great :D

MessagePosté: 28 Mai 2006, 05:33
par garooob
Again, happy birthday, Clem!

Also, where is everyone?

MessagePosté: 28 Mai 2006, 10:24
par Clem
Thanks a lot garooob :amour:

MessagePosté: 28 Mai 2006, 14:10
par manson
clem a écrit:Mine is a Sig Sauer P226:

wow gimme such a toy , i'd hurt myself in one minute !
it must give a strange feeling to shout with this ! I hope you will never use it ( except during the trainings )

Hi everybody ( especially kagesama that i meet for the first time )
wednesday, i'm on hollidays , long ones cause they will last more than three months :D
i'll be on the forum the most i can cause despite all the letters i sent ( with my most beautiful writing ^^ ) , i didn't manage to find any job : ( . So i'll have time to do ... nothing : P
to earn money , i will test medicines and other things at the hospital ^^ ( i don't accept unsafe things : P )

I found a funny band of punk cabaret : please look at these video ! i felt in love with the music . I made typy listen to a title , she loved it .

take " girl anachronism " , the music is funny and it shows how much talented the pianist ( and singer ) is .

MessagePosté: 28 Mai 2006, 18:55
par garooob
Wow, manson! I wish I had 3 months of vacation/holidays! Although having a job is nice, because you make money.

MessagePosté: 29 Mai 2006, 07:36
par KageSama
I vaguely remember summer vacations that went from Memorial Day to Labor Day back when I was in Jr. High/High School. Now, my daughter's school goes until mid-June and they go back to school in mid-August.

Thank you for the very nice welcome, Manson. I look forward to visiting with you here on the forums also! :D

MessagePosté: 30 Mai 2006, 05:52
par miaame
I'll get a vacation over the 4th of July...I'll get to see garooob!!

Otherwise...I work every single day this week. And probably most of next, too.

MessagePosté: 31 Mai 2006, 21:23
par manson
yeeah i found a job !

a very famous ( and low grade ) restaurant called me this morning , i have to meet the headmaster , then i'll work for three months :twisted:

however , i'll stink the frit and the hamburger ! ^^ maybe you recognize mc donald's athmospher ^^

kagesama a écrit:my daughter's school goes until mid-June and they go back to school in mid-August

i think french high shools have nearly the same hollydays : usually they last two months
but growing old , we may become lazier and lazier ^^ that's why i have loonng hollidays : P

MessagePosté: 01 Juin 2006, 04:47
par KageSama
manson a écrit:but growing old , we may become lazier and lazier ^^ that's why i have loonng hollidays : P

Growing old? Growing old? :roll:

You might notice the numbers underneath my avatar and understand why I'm feeling a little less than sympathetic. ;)

Congrats on the job though. Even though, I'm certain it's not your "life's goal", a job is still a job and money (whether dollars or euros) is always a nice thing to have around.