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MessagePosté: 13 Oct 2006, 18:47
par garooob
OK, so there aren't that many forests. It's the closest thing though, because Lyoko doesn't have a cornfield region.

MessagePosté: 15 Oct 2006, 21:59
par kagetsu
Ah, I'm slow I completely missed the Lyoko connection.

While I know nothing of Illinois, you're getting close to some of my favorite places in the country.

The EAA flyin/airshow - Oshkosh Wisconsin
Henry Ford Museum - Dearborn Michigan
US Airforce Museum - Dayton Ohio

I rather miss Ohio

MessagePosté: 18 Oct 2006, 17:54
par garooob
Yeah, I like it better here than in Phoenix. I was born in Michigan and grew up in New York. I like the green, the twisty roads, having seasons and weather... The west/southwest just isn't the same.

MessagePosté: 20 Déc 2006, 07:25
par miaame
Hahahaa! I KNEW you'd be happy here! (Whining and pouting aside!) I found your confession! So what else have you said since I've been gone?? Just kidding.

But really...What have I missed? I've missed you guys. :oops:

MessagePosté: 17 Aoû 2007, 23:32
par Volfor Death poil
Hellow !

How are you today ?

All right, it's midnight, I'm fed up with this day, so I'm flooding ... yes ...

MessagePosté: 18 Aoû 2007, 13:57
par Sonic Hachelle-Bee
Volfor a écrit:All right, it's midnight, I'm fed up with this day, so I'm flooding ... yes ...

Nah, it's not midnight :p

I'm pretty sure that once you posted this one, it was only early evening there in the US :p