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Blah-blah of the Anglophones

MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2005, 13:45
par Chauve-Souris
This is the place for irrelevant and irreverent balderdash....
Congratulations, Clem, on your new car!
Geez, a very intelligent, very beautiful young woman who likes Code Lyoko, lives by the Mediterranean, and has her own new car! If only I had the price of an airline ticket to Marseille....

MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2005, 13:55
par Volfor Death poil
Congratulation to.

What is the subject of this topic ?

If it is for inteligent flood, I am present (inteligent flood, I am sleep :roll: ).

Comme on, flood, come on !

MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2005, 13:57
par Tchoucky
She's in Paris, have you enought money to Paris ?

MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2005, 13:59
par Clem
well Volfor, it's for intelligent flood
here, we can talk about everything and not Code lyoko

thanks very much Chauve-souris but french don't work a lot because they do manifestations (??) so, people who must take my car and give me it make (grève I don't know how you say that in english) so I didn't have my car :sad2: :sad2:
so it will be for a next time

but you intention was very friendly, thanks

MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2005, 14:05
par Volfor Death poil
"grève" = strike, to be on strike.

Thank for dictionnary ;)

MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2005, 15:25
par Clem
ah thanks volfor
I'm stupid, I have not looked in dictionnary :lol:
well there were a strike so no car :cry: :cry:

MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2005, 16:17
par LeDixième
Oh, i'm very sorry to hear about the strike. but hopefully you will be able to have the car soon!

can we use this thread for asking questions about French grammar ? because now that the forum has reopened, there are so many new grammatical nuances that i have thought of recently.

MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2005, 16:44
par Clem
yes I will have the car soon but I don't know when and I was so happy to have it today that i'm angry now :?

yes, you can ask your questions here about french grammar: there's no problem. Here, you can really talk about what you want

MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2005, 17:13
par LeDixième
awesome! thankyou :D

I have a question about the grammar: in French, the definate article "le/la" is used more frequently than in English, but i have heard: it is not used after the preposition "en," or with the verb "parler."
One says "en France" instead of "en la France," and one says "je parle français," not "je parle le français."
This is actually the case always for those 2 words?

merci d'avance

MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2005, 18:26
par manson
lol despite i'm french i don't know exctly the french grammar but maybe i can help you :

- after " en " we don't use it : " j'habite en france" and no " j'habite en la france ", " j'y vais en moto " ...
i just find one case where we use it but it is a bit special :we say " En l'an 2005 " , it is not important cause you can say " en 2005 " but it can be usefull sometimes .

- for the second case, it is more difficult to explain, I have ever heard some people say" je parle le chinois, le français ..." but I personnally say " je parle français, italien ... " , I think you can use both ways but i'm not a french teacher :roll: it depend on the situations

MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2005, 22:16
par LeDixième
ahh i understand. i've seen some people say "je parle le ..." when talking about languages, so I had a feeling that it was able to have it or not have it.
thanks for clarifying ! :D

MessagePosté: 04 Mai 2005, 06:15
par Chauve-Souris
WHAT? No car, and not living in Marseille? :cussing:
The heck with it then -- I'll marry someone else instead.... :blah5:

MessagePosté: 04 Mai 2005, 08:42
par Clem
mdrrr :lol:
i'm sorry Chauve-souris. I want to live in Marseille but I'm living in Paris (it's also great Paris!!! :roll: )
and my car, you can always marry me, I will have it later :lol: :lol:

MessagePosté: 04 Mai 2005, 10:44
par Volfor Death poil
The french grammar is ....... very hard, no ?
I dont like it, but I am French and I speak French so I must learning the stupid French grammar.
English is easy ;)

MessagePosté: 05 Mai 2005, 07:47
par Chauve-Souris
Well, Clem, thanks!
The GOOD NEWS for Paris is that it has YOU, but... :thumbup:
the BAD NEWS for Paris is that it sometimes has SNOW! :sm31:
Yuck -- can't bear the stuff!

MessagePosté: 05 Mai 2005, 08:03
par Chauve-Souris
I think the roughest part of learning French (or Spanish or Latin) for an anglophone is the business of attributing a specific gender to every object in the world. A car? it masculine or feminine? A finger? it masculine or feminine? Argggh! How does one remember all that?
But French is a very beautiful language and is fun to use. Look at it this way, Volf: if you can speak French, you can charm any anglo woman right out of her mind (heh, heh, heh). :twisted:
(Good grief! My 300th poste. I'm getting to be a talky blaggard....)

MessagePosté: 05 Mai 2005, 08:12
par Volfor Death poil
Chauve-souris > You 're right ;) . But it is difficult. Btu I can do it, come on Volfor, come on, I can. And I have 14/20 in dictation, it is good, no ?
But I think French grammar is stupid.

It Blabla of the Anglophone, and not blabla of the French grammar, no ? :D

MessagePosté: 06 Mai 2005, 03:37
par garooob
What kind of car? (Look at my avatar! I like cars!)

MessagePosté: 06 Mai 2005, 05:52
par Chauve-Souris
I heard that Clem is getting a 9-liter Maserati with seven on the floor and triple overhead cams....

MessagePosté: 06 Mai 2005, 08:30
par Clem
oh oh :shock: Chauve-souris, i'd like have this car but I have not enough money but if you want to buy it for me, it's with pleasure :D

my next car will be a volkswagen, a Polo grey because there wasn't blue :cry:

MessagePosté: 08 Mai 2005, 10:04
par Chauve-Souris
Speaking of cars, here are mine:

My 1965 Volvo 1800S Coupe (restored by moi) and, beyond it, my 1964 Volvo 122S Wagon. (I do not own any newer car(s).)

My 1963 Volvo 544 Sedan, which I had to sell (snif!) because I didn't have any way to keep three cars under cover. Gosh, I miss it though!

MessagePosté: 09 Mai 2005, 07:39
par garooob
Dude, those are awesome! My family had a 1984 240 Turbo Wagon for a while when I was a kid. I know it's not the same vintage, but it's still a Volvo. My dad is amazed that Volvos can survive out here because he was under the impression that their cooling systems weren't really desert-ready. Anyway, yeah, those are awesome!

MessagePosté: 09 Mai 2005, 08:52
par Clem
very nice cars Chauve-souris!!! I like them!!

MessagePosté: 10 Mai 2005, 03:45
par LeDixième
that's wicked awesome! and that you restored the 1800S by yourself! that's truely impressive. i would love to own a vintage car.

garoob- is that your Mini in your avi? i've ALWAYS wanted to get a new Mini. BMW redid that car so awesomely, and they preserved that classic look that the old one had. and now this year it's out in a convertible! i'm still deciding if a Cooper or the new MB SL650 is my dream car, but the Mini is probably a lot closer to the confines of my wallet :D

MessagePosté: 10 Mai 2005, 05:13
par Chauve-Souris
Rooob and LeDCM: I luuuuuuuvvvvvv minis! I'd like to drive in international rallies, in a M. Cooper S or a Volv-544. ..and, yeah, is the avatar your real car?
Clemouille: Notice that all of my Volvs are in YOUR favorite color. That's the kind of guy I am....