DragonGirl a écrit:kagetsu a écrit:There seems to be two versions of the Subdigital's Code Lyoko CD. Anyone know where I could download it? I have found a site, but it has so many goofy hoops to jump through, I'm beginning to dislike it as much as Lyokofreak.
I actually think It would be easier to bye the cd from Amazon. Although I don't really like the music. (Or at least the amount that I've heard in English and even then the french virsion sounds better.)
It would be, but I'd only get the English version, and I've no idea what it sounds like so I would rather forgo it than buy something crummy. All I really need is for it to be uploaded somewhere. Anime music is easy to find, and surprizingly most CL music was, as long as it was a very popular show. I've also lost most of my connections as Lyokofreak was created. Now everyone wants "credit" for supplying anything, mostly it seems to keep you under their thumb in their rather boring forums. The part that amazes me is that these self-important idiots seem to have real inside connection to the Code Lyoko staff. [/I'll stop before I get self-righteous]