Posté: 24 Fév 2013, 19:38
Does anyone here play the IFSCL (the replica of the code lyoko supercomputer interface)?If so, About the new update (2.1.5), do you know how to download it?
ProjetHopper a écrit:Hi!
Personally, I tried to play. But I find it's complicated. :/
Did you look on this blog?
Olivier a écrit:The game is now officially hosted on codelyoko.fr.
Olivier a écrit:Well the explanation is given on the download page:
"A bug has been spotted on the file. We suspend temporarily the download since we fix the bug and re-host the file."
Olivier a écrit:Well the explanation is given on the download page:
"A bug has been spotted on the file. We suspend temporarily the download since we fix the bug and re-host the file."