English Art Forum?

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P'tit nouveau

Messages: 4

Inscription: 03 Avr 2006, 18:34

Message 05 Avr 2006, 22:25

English Art Forum?

I see one for the French part of the forum, but not for the English part. How Come? Just asking because I have quite a bit of Code Lyoko art, but don't know where to put it. :)
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 06 Avr 2006, 01:52

It's also in my MP but there's Fanart and photos and avatar. ;)

And cosplay has some really cool photos of members dressed up as CL characters,,, the guy dressed as XANA showed up in a nightmare of mine :oops:

And Save Teen Titans has become a general show talk.

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 06 Avr 2006, 04:07

We like to encourage everyone to participate in the other language's forum. If you're not too up on your French, you can use this tool I made to translate back and forth.
Yumi2004 tool
If you take a look at the English side, you'll find that it's really not structured at all, though talk of Code Lyoko is preferred. We're pretty laid back.

P'tit nouveau

Messages: 4

Inscription: 03 Avr 2006, 18:34

Message 06 Avr 2006, 04:15

garooob a écrit:We like to encourage everyone to participate in the other language's forum. If you're not too up on your French, you can use this tool I made to translate back and forth.
Yumi2004 tool
If you take a look at the English side, you'll find that it's really not structured at all, though talk of Code Lyoko is preferred. We're pretty laid back.

Cool, thanks. I'll have to try that. No problems here about talking about Code Lyoko. It's my #1 main interest. 8)

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