How do you add your own web face?

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Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 13

Inscription: 23 Mai 2013, 17:47

Message 24 Mai 2013, 21:41

How do you add your own web face?

I was wondering... How can I post a pic for my profile? :?
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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 25 Mai 2013, 00:46

Re: How do you add your own web face?

It's very simple:

- Go to "User Control Panel" (left top corner)
- Choose "Profile" and "Edit Avatar"
- And follow the instructions to submit your image
- Finally, click on "Submit"

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Messages: 44

Inscription: 20 Avr 2013, 13:37

Localisation: Singapore

Message 25 Mai 2013, 15:05

Re: How do you add your own web face?

Ok, then how about posting the avatar that is on the web. I tried to use the pic I use on fb but it does not work. I put the link, click submit and then I get a message saying that the link is invalid.
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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 26 Mai 2013, 01:38

Re: How do you add your own web face?

Strange... Could you post here your image? I'll try to check it.
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Messages: 44

Inscription: 20 Avr 2013, 13:37

Localisation: Singapore

Message 26 Mai 2013, 03:03

Re: How do you add your own web face? ... n.jpg?dl=1

Both are the same photo

EDIT: I also have the same problem with my signature. I click that Img button, add the URL and I get a message saying that it is an invalid URL.

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