
Come here to give us your advice about Charaters and relationships.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 10 Oct 2005, 14:31

Yumi's little brother, Hiroshi:

Episode#42: "A FINE MESS"

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 02 Nov 2005, 10:15

Waiting for Manson to get home....

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 27 Nov 2005, 11:48

Yumi, the cool skateboard jumper:
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 31 Déc 2005, 02:26

:shock: uummm,,ahh ,,,hmmm :oops:

Yumi spends more time in the bath than in her underwear, now Sissi on the otherhand,,,,

On the same topic, notice Yumi's underwear is brightly colored, but what she wears for others to see is black. Sorta reflects how she keeps her real "self" hidden from all but her close friends.
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 03 Jan 2006, 05:50

Very early when the show was new, I saw a description of Yumi right down to why she chose black. It was also the same article that said she was the very first character created and had the most detail effort. Somewhere I imagined a life story spelled out for each of the characters like the "Graphics Bible" so they know where the story should go. But I see other characters that come from the same studio, and the care just doesn't seem to be there,,, like "Pet Alien" *cringe*. I can't even find out where Garage Kids came from and why we can see it. it's hard for me to believe they would go to so much detail for one show. But they did get so much so right.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 26 Jan 2006, 04:04

Yumi seems to carry routinely a real, spring-loaded, switchblade knife! (MANSON, you'd better watch your step!)
Episode#08: "END OF TAKE"
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Messages: 40

Inscription: 21 Mai 2006, 00:42

Localisation: Central Maryland, USA

Message 21 Mai 2006, 16:27

I was wondering if anyone had any other screen shots of Yumi in her outfit from TeddyGodzilla, besides the one of her coming down the stairs, suitable for creating an avatar.

BTW, this is my first post here and I have to say, I've been enjoying reading all the comments and viewing all the artwork here.

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Maître des énigmes

Messages: 2574

Inscription: 25 Sep 2005, 19:34

Localisation: France

Message 21 Mai 2006, 17:39

Hello, KageSama, I hope you will enjoy this forum ;)

About the screenshots you asked for, here they are : ;)










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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 21 Mai 2006, 22:13

Oh those are good, nice and clear with little if any distortion. Good catches with Yumi's expressions. And I don't seem to have them. :D

a set of another character I'd been waiting for turned out in pretty bad shape and kinda broke my heart.
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Messages: 40

Inscription: 21 Mai 2006, 00:42

Localisation: Central Maryland, USA

Message 21 Mai 2006, 23:33


Those are going to work VERY well!

Thanks for the quick reply. My daughter and I are big Code Lyoko fans although when Cartoon Network moved it to 4pm, it made it darn near impossible to see it (I don't normally get home much before 5:15 from work, sigh).

Thanks for the welcome. I'm certain it'll be fun talking about the gang and episode here.

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 22 Mai 2006, 01:32

Welcome to Yumi2004, KageSama!
Those are some good screencaps, Pete!
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Lyokophile à vie

Messages: 222

Inscription: 29 Déc 2005, 06:32

Localisation: Illinois, USA

Message 30 Mai 2006, 05:48

Hi KageSama!
I love those pics of Yumi. I like the one of her hugging Ulrich.. ^_^
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams."

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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 473

Inscription: 13 Mar 2005, 18:30

Message 31 Mai 2006, 21:41

CS a écrit:Yumi seems to carry routinely a real, spring-loaded, switchblade knife! (MANSON, you'd better watch your step)

oh so sorry chauve souris , i didn't notice this message ^^ mdr i'm against violence ! nor fire arm nor knife !
i didn't see this episod of code lyoko :cry: why is she carrying a knife !! ^ ^

=> looking to these screenshots ... it appears to me that this skirt is too short !!! :lol: isn't she ? however i love her tights !
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Messages: 40

Inscription: 21 Mai 2006, 00:42

Localisation: Central Maryland, USA

Message 01 Juin 2006, 04:56

Skirts . . . too short . . .

Somehow I can't quite wrap my mind around that one. :twisted:
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Lyokophile à vie

Messages: 222

Inscription: 29 Déc 2005, 06:32

Localisation: Illinois, USA

Message 02 Juin 2006, 05:13

The TeddyGodzilla skirt? It's cute with the thigh high stockings though. ^__^
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams."

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Messages: 40

Inscription: 21 Mai 2006, 00:42

Localisation: Central Maryland, USA

Message 04 Juin 2006, 23:26

So, is that the costume you're going to use for next year's cosplay competition? ;)
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Lyokophile à vie

Messages: 222

Inscription: 29 Déc 2005, 06:32

Localisation: Illinois, USA

Message 05 Juin 2006, 22:50

hmmm....I don't know. Since I'm Asian, I probably can't pull off any other character except Yumi.

garooob tells me that in one episode they all wear swimsuits. choices, choices...

Actually, maybe I'll design and wear my own general CL costume, not specific to any character.
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams."

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Messages: 40

Inscription: 21 Mai 2006, 00:42

Localisation: Central Maryland, USA

Message 05 Juin 2006, 23:22

Well, given my age, my gray hair and my beard, there's probably not many characters I can play other than Franz Hopper. Just need to find some round glasses.

Tell you what. You do Yumi from Teddygodzilla and I'll do Hopper. I'm sure we can get Garoob to do something. Just too bad I'm on the east coast. About the closest I'm getting to you guys is Kansas City this fall.
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Lyokophile à vie

Messages: 222

Inscription: 29 Déc 2005, 06:32

Localisation: Illinois, USA

Message 06 Juin 2006, 05:48

Hahahaha. OK. I wouldn't enter it into the contest though...
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams."


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