Episodes 51-52



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 10 Déc 2005, 02:10

Can't say I didn't expect that. I mean ALL of that. But I did not expect Franz dying. Not exactly confirmed about his death...Baby Aelita was so freaking cute. I swear, that was like anime cutexmind blowing. Great respect for the artists on this show, they deserve an Annie Award if not more. Does anyone know if Lyoko got an Annie?

Time for speculation!

What's going to happen to Lyoko now that X.A.N.A.'s free and doesn't have to activate towers? I had a theory somewhere...

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 10 Déc 2005, 03:06


Yoicks! I'm suffering from the depression of soap-opera withdrawal pains! It's overrrrrrrrrrrr (sob, snif!)
Hayze and Neo: If you're unfamiliar with this "spoiler" biz, just highlight the blank space with your mouse if you really want to read it.
- First of all, CLEM: Forget it! Sorry. Ulrich got double stupid and didn't settle anything. I was afraid this would happen -- to keep us on the line for season-3, U/Y couldn't get together and XANA couldn't be destroyed. That's life....
As exo has already indicated, it was all pretty predictable. It was hard to get excited about the apparent disaster in #52, being that we knew it couldn't end that way and still have a story for the future. And we knew Franzy would have to survive, so what the hey. The only thing is, if Aelita's existence were at stake, I would risk anything to save her. But F.H.? I could pull the switch on him readily to save the world.
Also as exo said, Baby-Aelita is overwhelmingly cute. But what else could she be, hein? (And her mama looked pretty neat too!)
Virtual-Aelita riding on the back of a Manta was pretty adorable too....
When will Ulrich ever develop some confidence or trust in Yumi, eh? He invariably assumes the exact opposite of the correct situation.
Between Sissi's red dress and Baby-Aelita, the screenshot factory will be going full tilt!
Why, in #51, was Aelita so upset about being Frank's daughter? I thought everyone, including Ael, half expected that. And it meant that she is definitely human -- not a bad thing to learn about oneself.
Geez, CN really messed me up. They decided to start the episodes three whole minutes before the hour and half-hour, so, after a whole season of perfect DVD recordings, they made me miss the credits, title, and first bit of the action in episode 51. Further proof that CN = XANA.
Image But season-2 was pretty darned great, overall. Aunty-Philm, Madame S, et.al. did a wonderful job!
Dernière édition par Chauve-Souris le 10 Déc 2005, 03:24, édité 1 fois.
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Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 15

Inscription: 09 Oct 2005, 20:26

Localisation: Western Washitonia

Message 10 Déc 2005, 05:10

Episodes 51-52

X.A.N.A is free...

Aelita and the others found (To nobodys surprise) that she was the daught of Franz Hopper. As the gang worked to restore the fragment that XANA stole from her on Code: EARTH in order to bind her to him, Jeremie locates it in Sector 5. After the battle of all battles in the depths of Carthage, XANA springs his trap, drains Aelita of her memory, and then escapes onto Earth.

Hopper, using his last bit of energy, reactivates Lyoko and sends Aelita back to Earth. The war has begun...
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 10 Déc 2005, 06:17

WoW,This is the first time this show ever creeped me out. Odd in the old well slowly filling with water just drove me crazy. Even Jeremie and Yumi in the ambulance at the bottom of the river didn't bother me as much. That was very cool as Yumi gave everything she had,,, then alittle more from some reserve within to pull that grate open. So much reminded me of the Ghost in the Shell when her viens stood out. She was going to save him even if it killed her. Aelita turning off the SC,,, and herself with it. Watching Aelita drain away with no help coming and XANA turning everything. It was great, dramatic and a very good season end, just a little disturbing. Season two is definitely a winner and every bit as good as the first.

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 10 Déc 2005, 07:58

Holy crud best episodes ever!

So Aelita has a 95.2% average, huh? Ha! I had a 96% in high school! I win!
Wow, those were the best episodes ever! So dramatic! I was on the edge of my seat and it tkaes some doing to get me there!
Yeah, we all kinda saw that coming, but hey, still great! It's really Aelita Hopper, then. And her mom is hot. And by my calculations, if Aelita was 12 when she was virtualized in 1994, that means she would have been born in 1982. So that means she would be 23 now if she hadn't gone to Lyoko and hey, look at my profile!
Sorry Clem, Ulrich and Yumi are at it again, sorta. Sissi was dressed suspiciously like Yumi, though. I think she knows she really can't compete, so she's getting desperate.
kagetsu, Yumi was pretty heroic in Revelation! I thought "She's going to throw her back out doing that!" But instead she rescued Odd. Surprise! Also, in The Key, that gymnastics stuff was awesome!
I think Aelita's immediate anger towards Franz for virtualizing her is that she didn't have a choice. Although, since she didn't age, she technically didn't miss much. That was scary, though, how she turned the super computer off!

I look forward to season 3!

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 10 Déc 2005, 08:04

Welcome back, Shadowbot! It's been a while.
Yeah, that was something else, wasn't it? The two most exciting episodes ever. I'm going to have to watch them tomorrow, they were so good.
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Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 15

Inscription: 09 Oct 2005, 20:26

Localisation: Western Washitonia

Message 10 Déc 2005, 08:50

Welcome back, Shadowbot! It's been a while.
Yeah, that was something else, wasn't it? The two most exciting episodes ever. I'm going to have to watch them tomorrow, they were so good.

Thankee Garoob. It has been awhile. Anyways, I near in tears by the end of "The Key". Not to mention that visceral image of X.A.N.A. emerging from the factory to escape onto Earth. *Shudder* It was an impressive finale to say the least. It ended so sad though, with Franz making the ultimate sacrifice.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 10 Déc 2005, 10:27

HEY! Hayze and Neo:
Did you see #51 and #52?
Image What did you think?


Messages: 3549

Inscription: 24 Avr 2004, 21:12

Localisation: Chez les flics ^^

Message 10 Déc 2005, 11:24

:pleur: :pleur: :pleur:
But I'm happy because now, we know who is Aelita :D


Messages: 40

Inscription: 01 Déc 2005, 02:38

Message 10 Déc 2005, 14:10

I didn't get to see it. Remember I don't have cable. I have to wait until either someone posts a recap at tv.com or someone tells me what happens



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 10 Déc 2005, 17:47

The baby Aelita scene, that was my favourite. If I was standing watching that, I would have fallen over. Freakin' cute.


Messages: 3549

Inscription: 24 Avr 2004, 21:12

Localisation: Chez les flics ^^

Message 10 Déc 2005, 20:11

Well, there is all the story of épisode #51

The episode starts out in the Desert region of Lyoko. The camera travels along the wires that wind through the region, finding their way to the edge of it. In the same fashion as the Transport Orb, the camera passes through the edge and ends up in Carthage. It eventually ends up at the interface on the edge of the region. There, Aelita is working through the data while the other three run defense against the Mantas. Yumi manages to take one with a fan toss. Another is removed from a dual effort from Odd and Ulrich. First, Ulrich slices a rather large line though the Manta. Despite this, it is not destroyed. An arrow from Odd on the Eye on its back destroys it. As more Mantas approach, Aelita finishes working and releases the controls. A download meter with the XANA symbol is seen just before it closes. The three hop on their vehicles and leave the region.

In the lab, Jeremie explains that the data recovered will allow him to decode Hopper's diary. Aelita points out that they'll have to activate a tower to get the necessary computing power. Jeremie stays in the lab while the others head back to the school to eat. They're serving mashed potatoes and Odd wants Jeremie's portion since he won't be eating it.

In the cafeteria, Odd doesn't have any trouble convincing the lunchlady, Rosa, to give him Jeremie's portion. She wonders how he can be so scrawny in spite of how much he eats. Odd just says he's svelte. Once he sits down with Aelita and Ulrich, they discuss their various grade averages. Ulrich has a 73, Odd has a 75, and Aelita has a 97.5 grade average. She tries to be modest about it. Ulrich starts to make a comment about how it's an extremely good average for someone who was never human, but cuts himself off before finishing it. Aelita isn't bothered by it, knowing perfectly well that she isn't human. Still, Aelita says that she feels as if she has lived on Earth before. Odd attributes it to knowing him, claiming that once you've met him, you feel as if you've known him for a lifetime. As he says this, he has mashed potatoes on his nose. Ulrich points it out and Aelita laughs.

While walking outside, Odd gets a call on his cell. It's from a mystery girl. She wants to meet him in the woods. Ulrich comments on his love life, comparing it to a soap opera. Odd says that Ulrich's love life is rather simple, prompting a laugh from Aelita.

At the lab, Jeremie notices an activated tower. He calls Ulrich to tell him about it. When Ulrich finds out, he has Aelita call Yumi while he calls Odd. In the woods, Odd is randomly shouting out for the mystery caller. As he does, a spectre is seen stalking him. It eventually knocks him out.

At the factory, Aelita, Ulrich, and Yumi arrive without Odd. Not willing to wait for Odd to show up, Jeremie sends them to Lyoko. As they arrive on Lyoko, Odd shows up. He is dodgy about his whereabouts and goes straight to the scanners. As Jeremie sends him, an evil grin lights up Odd's face. Once the process completes, an error pops up. Jeremie is at a loss to the cause. Furthermore, the activated tower shuts itself off.

At the Hermitage, the real Odd is trapped in what looks like a makeshift well. A nearby faucet has been turned on and is filling the well. Odd tries in vain to scale the walls, but the water and steep walls make for a less than graspable surface. He tries to call for help, but no one is around to help.

On Lyoko, the fake Odd isn't very talkative. the others just figure his mystery girl stood him up. Jeremie points them in the direction of the tower he plans to use for the decoding process. Once there, Aelita goes in and prepares the procedure. As Jeremie activates the tower, the decoding process begins. As the process take place, three monsters show up to cause trouble. The fog obscures them at first, but they are eventually revealed as Tarantulas. The three warriors prepare to attack. Odd, however, does not prepare as one would expect. Instead of targeting the monsters, he targets Yumi. A single hit devirtualizes her. He tries to hit Ulrich, too, but Ulrich has his guard up by this point. All of Odd's arrows are deflected easily. This, however, is only part of the problem. All of the Tarantulas are firing on him as well. Ulrich is forced to get on the Overbike and run. Odd hops on the Overboard, firing as he does.

In the lab, Jeremie deduces that he sent a polymorphic clone to Lyoko instead of the real Odd. He is able to trace Odd's cell to an area in the woods. Yumi heads off to find him. Meanwhile, XANA starts to move in on Jeremie's tower. This is a bigger problem than it seems, since the process that is deciphering the diary won't shut off. Also, the tower has a direct link to Jeremie's restricted area in the supercomputer. If XANA takes control of the tower, he can delete everything Jeremie made, including the materialization program for Aelita. Understandably worried, Jeremie tells Ulrich to get back to the tower and cut the wires leading to it. Doing so will isolate the tower from the system.

On Lyoko, Ulrich is still dealing with the clone. It's no match for his superior sword skills. Once he reaches the tower, he jumps off the Overbike as it runs into a Tarantula. It's destroyed in the resulting crash. Ulrich hops on another and destroys it as well. He tries to cut the wires, but the clone is right behind him, making the task impossible. Ulrich comments on the futility of XANA's actions, noting the fact that Odd could never beat him. In response, XANA changes shape into a clone of Ulrich. Ulrich is quieted by the change, and begins to battle his doppelganger. The two are evenly matched, and the resulting battle is a back and forth, running sword battle over a large portion of Lyoko. The two eventually stop on an arena-shaped piece of land.

In the woods, Yumi eventually finds Odd's cell. Since it's nowhere near his current location, she's still stuck looking. The well is now about halfway full, and Odd is still trying to call for help. Yumi eventually finds her way to the Hermitage and begins to help Odd out of his predicament. The hatch is sealed rather tightly so she can't seem to budge it.

Back on Lyoko, XANA's takeover of Jeremie's tower is getting closer, with no way to stop it. Ulrich is still battling his clone, making an equal amount of progress. As they battle, the clone eventually gets the upper-hand by stealing Ulrich's sword. Jeremie urges Ulrich to hurry up. Ulrich seems rather unconcerned for some reason, which is made clear shortly. As the clone attacks, Ulrich catches its sword with his bares hands. He then takes the sword and impales the clone with it, taking it out. With no one left to stop him, he heads for the wires near the tower. Unfortunately, the recent battle has made him forget about the Tarantula, and it devirtualizes him for the forgetfulness.

At the Hermitage, Yumi manages to pop the hatch just as Odd begins to drown. Despite his near-death experience, he still has the energy to make a quip about the wait, saying he has never had to wait that long for a woman. They get a good laugh out of this.

In the lab, Jeremie is upset over XANA's approaching takeover of his tower. With nothing to do in response, they wait for it to happen. Lucky for them, Franz Hopper is around to help. He takes over the tower and expels XANA, decoding the diary in the process.

Back in Jeremie's room, Jeremie explains everything he learned from the diary. It turns out that Hopper did indeed create Lyoko, as well as XANA. There is much more startling information in the diary, though. Jeremie explains that Hopper had a daughter, who went with him to Lyoko. Aelita is unwilling to accept this, saying that she would have seen another person on Lyoko. The true meaning of the statement hits her shortly after. It seems she was indeed human at one point, but does not remember it for some reason. The episode ends as Aelita deals with the realization.

Tiré de codelyoko.com et de someguy3084


Messages: 3549

Inscription: 24 Avr 2004, 21:12

Localisation: Chez les flics ^^

Message 10 Déc 2005, 20:12

#52 The Key

www.codelyoko.com et de someguy3084:

The episode starts out in the lab. Jeremie is pouring over all the notes he's found in Hopper's diary. The others arrive as he's doing so. He shows them a particular video entry in the diary. As he shows it, he skips through various parts to reach the part he wants to show them. As he's doing so, the parts that get played reveal the history of Lyoko.

In the video entry, Hopper explains that he worked on something named Project Carthage, which was intended for military use. Its purpose was to disrupt enemy communications. Thanks to Jeremie, a portion of this history is skipped. It continues to show that Hopper is trying to destroy the project. Why is uncertain. He creates Lyoko and XANA to accomplish this. Jeremie skips another part. He gets increasingly paranoid, thinking that someone is watching him, probably with good reason. Hopper continues to work on the project, and mentions how he learns of returning in time. It gives him unlimited time to find an answer. The next few entries suggest that he uses the return trip more than two thousand times. It should be noted that the current date (repeated over and over) is July 6, 1994.as the day repeats over and over. Eventually, he says that he has contained the keys to Lyoko within both him and Aelita and intends to live there with her, forever, protected from the rest of the world. XANA needs these keys to escape Lyoko.

In the cafeteria, Jeremie says that he's found the key to separating Aelita from the supercomputer. It turns out that a virus was not the cause of the link, but rather a fragment stolen from Aelita. They plan a mission to Lyoko to end XANA's threat. Aelita, however, is not keen on the idea and runs out. Jeremie follows. She says that she never wants to go to Lyoko again. Her father, rather paranoid in her opinion, ruined her life by taking her there. She's also afraid that XANA will get her memory and escape Lyoko. She storms off without any further discussion.

As the others leave the cafeteria, Jim mentions something about an "End of the Year" dance. He is listing off various rules about it, including something about suggestive dancing. Odd goes off to find a girl to take there. However, all the womanizing he's done has polarized most of the women against him, and his luck is bad to say the least. Ulrich is about to ask Yumi when William shows up and drags her off. Jealous, he agrees to take Sissi when she shows up. Odd is surprised, and Ulrich warns him against going any further on the subject. Yumi turns down William down as this is happening.

At the factory, Aelita shows up in the supercomputer room. She walks over to the supercomputer and shuts it off, taking herself along with it.

Back at the school, Jeremie is having trouble finding Aelita. She won't answer her cell phone and the supercomputer won't respond either. Concerned, he decides to head to the factory. Yumi comes up and is about to ask Ulrich to the dance, but Sissi butts in at just the right moment to reveal what he agreed to earlier. She also gives Ulrich some kind of gift. Yumi is mad about it, to say the least. Ulrich mentions her talk with William, but she is too mad to correct him and storms off. Ulrich warns against Odd's quips once she's gone, but he does so anyway.

At the factory, Jeremie finds that the interface is shut down. He goes down to the supercomputer room to find it shut down and Aelita along with he. He quickly turns it back on and attempts to wake her. She wakes up fairly quickly, and he begins to question her on why she'd do such a foolish thing. She says that she was trying to protect everyone. Jeremie assures her that they can do that together.

In Odd and Ulrich's room, Ulrich is mulling over the gift given to him by Sissi. Odd tries to prod him into talking to Yumi. Ulrich won't listen, so Odd leaves to find a girl to take to the dance. Ulrich opens the gift, which is a small cube with pictures of Sissi on each face. He leaves it on his bed and leaves the room.

At Yumi's house, Ulrich tries to talk to Yumi. Hiroki is there, and teases Yumi about her "boyfriend." She gets rim of him and walks up to Ulrich. Both mention how they don't plan to attend the dance. Before they can say anything else, Jeremie calls and tells them about the mission he's planned.

At the school, Odd is still trying to get a date for the dance. He almost manages to find one, but when she learns his name, and the reputation that precedes it, she turns him down. Jeremie calls about the mission and ends any further attempts.

At the factory, Jeremie explains their final mission. He's located the fragment of Aelita in Carthage and is going to send them there to get it. Odd and Ulrich go first, followed by Aelita and Yumi.

On Lyoko, the trip to Carthage is uneventful. No monsters try to stop them on their way their. Once they arrive, it's an entirely different story. Creepers pop out from every wall to stop them. The timer switch is on the wall at a near-unreachable distance. Odd and Ulrich start running defense while Yumi heads for the switch. On her way there, she shows off various acrobatic moves on the pillars leading to it. Meanwhile, Odd and Ulrich destroy Creeper after Creeper. Yumi eventually makes it to the top pillar where the switch is. A Creeper is there to try and stop her, but it fails. She flips past its lasers and hits the switch. At the same time, she grabs its head with her legs and tosses it to the ground below. As expected, the fall kills it. With the timer off, a stairway opens in the floor.

After taking the stairs to a lower level, the group ends up on a long pathway to a glowing blue orb - Aelita's fragment. As they head for it, platform carrying Creepers move in. As the Creepers attack, Aelita runs for the fragment. Her trip is cut off when she reaches a gap in the platform. The others are still fighting the Creepers, but are outnumbered and forced to run. Odd stays behind to stall them. He gets a few shots off before being devirtualized. Ulrich and Yumi reach Aelita and toss her across the gap. They follow after doing so. They aren't quite able to make it, though, and Ulrich is left hanging on by one hand with Yumi clinging to his leg. The Creepers show up and devirtualize her. Aelita manages to pull Ulrich up in time for him to block any more shots. The problem only gets worse, though, as the entire area starts to fall apart. The Creepers fall first. Aelita and Ulrich continue to run, but the platform falls apart faster than they can run, and they are soon taken with it.

Before they can fall into oblivion, two Mantas show up to catch them. While this would normally be bad, these Mantas are glowing white in the fashion of Franz Hopper's towers. Jeremie confirms that Hopper is controlling them. The Mantas take them to Aelita's fragment. Aelita's walks up to get a better look. The orb has a miniature version of her inside it. As she grabs it, it breaks apart. The whole area follows suit. Pieces of the ceiling crush everything, the Mantas and Ulrich included, leaving Aelita alone on the platform.

Back in the lab, Jeremie is very worried about the turn of events. Ulrich shows up, upset at his inability to help. On the screen, the Scyphozoa shows up to steal Aelita's memory. With no defenders to save her, it succeeds in its task. Once it finishes, it drops her back onto the platform. Aelita loses consciousness as she lands. On Jeremie's screen, the screen showing her memory blinks red and black, accenting what has happened.

What happens next can only be described as the realization of the group's fears. The entire region goes black from the center out. Once it has shut off completely, XANA spreads out to Lyoko. Every tower in every region goes red. Outside of the factory, a constant stream of XANA's spectres pours out from the roof and into the sky above.

Back in the lab, the group, save for Jeremie, is at a lost for what is happening. Jeremie explains, though not very clearly thanks to the sadness in his voice. The situation does not stay bleak for long, however. In the now darkened Carthage, Aelita is surrounded by a bright sphere of light. As it surrounds her, the memories of her past come flooding back.

Her memories tell the tale of what happened to her family, and her as well. Hopper and his wife were living in the mountains with Aelita. She recieves the Mister Pück doll here. They seem to be happy at the house, with Hopper teaching Aelita to play the piano, until his wife just disappears. She more than likely died. More memories show Aelita at the Hermitage. She learns to ride a bike here. Eventually the "Men in Black," as identified by Aelita, show up. Hopper checks to make sure that she knows where Mister Pück is, and then leads her out of the house. The agents follow of course, but they remain a step ahead. The pair eventually end up at the factory. Hopper explains that they'll be going to a world where they'll be safe. He promises to see her right after they're transferred, but it doesn't turn out that way.

With all her memories returned, Aelita is returned to Earth and Lyoko is restarted by Hopper. Every tower that was once red now glows white. The group heads to the scanners to get her. She doesn't say much after returning. Instead, Jeremie just embraces her.

Back in Jeremie's room, they realize that shutting down the supercomputer won't stop XANA now. Aelita is still upset over Hopper's sacrifice. They promise to find him while still fighting XANA. They aren't quite sure how, but Jeremie insists that they'll find a way. Aelita agrees, saying that it's her job to fight him. Jeremie corrects her, saying that it's their job, not just hers. They all hold hands in a small circle and the episode ends.

Message 16 Déc 2005, 02:06

I got to see episode 52 the key thanks to my girlfriend Lucy McGonagle. In fact I'm watching it as we speak its super cool. The two scenes where Jeremie is holding Aelita are super cool and really sweet. hey CS as a thanks for giving me those pic just click this and u can watch the Key right now.

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Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 16

Inscription: 14 Mar 2006, 19:36

Message 23 Nov 2006, 20:34

Anonymous a écrit:I got to see episode 52 the key thanks to my girlfriend Lucy McGonagle. In fact I'm watching it as we speak its super cool. The two scenes where Jeremie is holding Aelita are super cool and really sweet. hey CS as a thanks for giving me those pic just click this and u can watch the Key right now.

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