Season 2 / #42-Vertigo


Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 25 Oct 2005, 03:33

Season 2 / #42-Vertigo

Vertigo. We're back to the good times.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 25 Oct 2005, 04:22

One of those interesting, absorbing-even, episodes.
Hooray, Aelita foiled the Medusa, if only temporarily. I was cheering....
For the first time, I noticed that the Megatanks pivot realistically, like an Earth tank, by counter-rotating the hemispheres. Very cool.
Willy really is an egotistical ass.
A minor change keeps Aelita out of the towers, but other Lyokids have been inside the towers. Surely XANA didn't code the towers to admit Yumi, etc. specifically and exclude other strangers?
Sissi is being helpful again.
Geez, no safety harnesses in Jim's gym! Broken necks, anyone?
Mantas have explosive excrement! Crikey, what is the schrapnel made of?
I guess it is necessary for the story, but the wolves' behavior is rather unrealistic. You don't outrun or confront a cranky pooch -- they charge straight at you, very rapidly, and immediately ingest some portion of your epidermis.
I gotta get myself virtualized, so I'll be really cool. Ulrich obviously has not suffered from vertigo while at Lyoko, only on Terra. They can do all kinds of neat things on Lyoko. And besides, while virtualized you can consort with foxy, elfin creatures like virtual-Aelita. Sigh....
Nice to get new episodes again, eh? I'm looking forward to patching up that nasty hole at #s 38 and 39 now. :sm27:


Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 25 Oct 2005, 22:22

Chauve-Souris a écrit:[spoiler]
I guess it is necessary for the story, but the wolves' behavior is rather unrealistic. You don't outrun or confront a cranky pooch -- they charge straight at you, very rapidly, and immediately ingest some portion of your epidermis.[/spoiler]

Well they were possessed by X.A.N.A. right? It always confused me if they were possessed or not. Like when Jim says he's under X.A.N.A.'s control. It's as if he isn't X.A.N.A, but a minion of him.

Anyway, it looks like Antefilms is advertising for their new Fantasic Four 'toon. " Cos you know, I've always wanted to be like Sue Storm from the Fantastic Four," - Odd, closing line

Temptation. Sounds like for a good episode. I was really glad Vertigo wasn't like those other bad non-memorable episodes from week two.

Message 15 Juin 2007, 12:49


It seems scary to see Aelita go Invisable cause of the antivirus doesn't it? :pale: :!:
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 31 Juil 2007, 04:01

I have one thing to say about this episode. Urick's afraid of hights Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ok now that I've gotten that out of my system (for now) I appalogise to Urlick fans.
.....Yay ... just yay

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