Saison 4 / #76-The Lake

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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 22 Aoû 2007, 06:36

Saison 4 / #76-The Lake

Most of the 2D stuff on the island, just didn't spark much interest. Though I did like the extra screen time Hiedi Klinger got.

But all the Yumi/William action on Lyoko was great. But Yumi dear, don't get sucked in to caring for William until he's been devirtualized,,, then get a restraining order, he's bad news girl.
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 22 Aoû 2007, 22:49

Re: The Lake

kagetsu a écrit:Most of the 2D stuff on the island, just didn't spark much interest. Though I did like the extra screen time Hiedi Klinger got.

But all the Yumi/William action on Lyoko was great. But Yumi dear, don't get sucked in to caring for William until he's been devirtualized,,, then get a restraining order, he's bad news girl.

As far as I'm concerned William was bad news on earth.

I have 3 questionds that only the characters on the show or the creators would beable to awnser.

1. Why did everyone change back to their origonal earth outfits? [spoil](I saw pictures of episode 80 they change back to the new outfirs by then)[/spoil]

2. Exactally how stupid is jim I mean Kiwi is distracting but not that distracting He should have seen Urlich imediatly not after Kiwi decided to go for a swim.

3. Since when is Yumi gullable in seasons 1-3 she wasn't! Plus that's the second time William's tricked one of the Lyoko warriors when it was obvious that he hadn't turned back to good. (for all we know he could have let himself get caught by the stupizoa {I'm probably the only one who thinks that})
.....Yay ... just yay
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 23 Aoû 2007, 04:51

Re: The Lake

DragonGirl a écrit:
kagetsu a écrit:Most of the 2D stuff on the island, just didn't spark much interest. Though I did like the extra screen time Hiedi Klinger got.

But all the Yumi/William action on Lyoko was great. But Yumi dear, don't get sucked in to caring for William until he's been devirtualized,,, then get a restraining order, he's bad news girl.

As far as I'm concerned William was bad news on earth.

I have 3 questionds that only the characters on the show or the creators would beable to awnser.

1. Why did everyone change back to their origonal earth outfits? [spoil](I saw pictures of episode 80 they change back to the new outfirs by then)[/spoil]

2. Exactally how stupid is jim I mean Kiwi is distracting but not that distracting He should have seen Urlich imediatly not after Kiwi decided to go for a swim.

3. Since when is Yumi gullable in seasons 1-3 she wasn't! Plus that's the second time William's tricked one of the Lyoko warriors when it was obvious that he hadn't turned back to good. (for all we know he could have let himself get caught by the stupizoa {I'm probably the only one who thinks that})
Just an idea of the clothes. they do seem more like things they'd wear in the woods. Especially Aelita and Yumi. Their new clothes don't look as though they'd stand up well to mud and briers. Especially Aelita's pink capris.

Oo, I'm going to catch some flak for this. Yumi's a girl. All girls have this spot in their brain that bad boys can be reformed. It's just a fact of life. And she fell ever so hard for Williams "rebel" crap in season 2(?) [/lol]
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 23 Aoû 2007, 19:31

Ok One more thing bugs me If in the English virsion Yumi had to take a french test (And it's been proven that even the english virsion takes place in france with the episode satilite and all the setings) whas it a french test in the french virsion too? And even so how could she get a F. Gettuing F's on tests is Urlich's job (Just look at season 3 he alomost got stuck in 9th grade remaedial)
Dernière édition par DragonGirl le 21 Oct 2007, 02:00, édité 1 fois.
.....Yay ... just yay
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 24 Aoû 2007, 05:55

Wasn't she getting an F because of her Lyoko distractions? I'm unsure about that.

I'm thinking France has French classes the same as we have English class.

I only saw the French version of a few of season 1. But they really stuck close to the original after translation.

The only way to know for sure for season 4, I'm guessing because the Francophone's don't come down here as often any more, is to brush up on remedial French and wade in the above part :D Once you make the effort, they do try to help, but mostly I find my French and the electronic translators lacking too much :?

These last seasons, there have been so many references to US Government style situations, I can't really picture it still in France. But didn't Hot Shower again show an orbit map of France? I think there is some cultural shift going on, but can't be sure.
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Chevaucheur de Mantas

Messages: 1811

Inscription: 18 Juin 2005, 23:32

Localisation: Paris

Message 24 Aoû 2007, 14:48

DragonGirl a écrit:Ok One more thing bugs me If in the English virsion Yumi had to take a french test (And it's been proven that even the english virsion takes place in france with the episode satilite and all the setings) whas it a french test in the french virsion too? And even so how could she get a F. Gettuing Fs o tests is Urlich's job (Just look at season 3)

This is a Maths test and then, an English test in the French version :p

kagetsu a écrit:I'm thinking France has French classes the same as we have English class.

Yes, we have a lot of French classes, even in high school.

kagetsu a écrit:The only way to know for sure for season 4, I'm guessing because the Francophone's don't come down here as often any more

I'm still around. I just take care to not read any spoiler concerning season 4 episodes, before they are aired in France :p

kagetsu a écrit:Once you make the effort, they do try to help, but mostly I find my French and the electronic translators lacking too much :?

Don't worry that much, I'm always wondering if you can understand me well enough too :p

kagetsu a écrit:But didn't Hot Shower again show an orbit map of France?

That's right. But I can't really tell where you see some cultural shift. I'm not that sure too. It's a fact that episodes are more and more focused on action than feelings and life of teenagers at Kadic school. But it seems season 4 is going back a little on this.
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 01 Sep 2007, 04:49

Sonic Hachelle-Bee a écrit:
kagetsu a écrit:The only way to know for sure for season 4, I'm guessing because the Francophone's don't come down here as often any more

I'm still around. I just take care to not read any spoiler concerning season 4 episodes, before they are aired in France :p

kagetsu a écrit:Once you make the effort, they do try to help, but mostly I find my French and the electronic translators lacking too much :?

Don't worry that much, I'm always wondering if you can understand me well enough too :p
lol, I wouldn't have even known you were French if you hadn't said. I've lost track of who was where.

kagetsu a écrit:But didn't Hot Shower again show an orbit map of France?

That's right. But I can't really tell where you see some cultural shift. I'm not that sure too. It's a fact that episodes are more and more focused on action than feelings and life of teenagers at Kadic school. But it seems season 4 is going back a little on this.
I see it when Jim talks about being with the Secret Service, and other government references now and then. And there were times after William first showed up that they seem to have pulled Cadic out of Paris.
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 02 Sep 2007, 23:15

Sonic Hachelle-Bee a écrit:
DragonGirl a écrit:Ok One more thing bugs me If in the English virsion Yumi had to take a french test (And it's been proven that even the english virsion takes place in france with the episode satilite and all the setings) whas it a french test in the french virsion too? And even so how could she get a F. Gettuing Fs o tests is Urlich's job (Just look at season 3)

This is a Maths test and then, an English test in the French version :p

Good to know. I was wondering that.

Wait aminute couldn't Yumi have stayed in her second outfit she wasn't going to the tiny Island inthe middle of the lake?

(And I still cant beleive Aelita remembered how to ride a bike? {Even though that's sapposed to be something that you can't forget how to do})
.....Yay ... just yay

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