Tueur de Blocks
Messages: 459
Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49
Localisation: United States Central Time Zone
This is what Sarina is doing Oh and Kiwi is there too.
Kiwi: Gerrrrrrr Growlith!!! (Gerrrrrrr we should we helping!!!)
Sarina: I know but I can’t go fairy......also I can’t believe I can under stand what you are saying.
Kiwi: Growl.....Growl growl growl-itlh! (Whatever..........Do what if you can’t go fairy just do something!)
Sarina: I can’t I want to help my cousin and her friend but I can’t!!!!!
Kiwi:......................Growl growlith bark woof growl arf? (So are you going to do something or not?)
Sarina: What part of I can’t don’t you understand?
Kiwi: GERRRRRRRR!!!! (Uses Over heat on Sarina)
Sarina: (now in fairy form (her out fit is like Musa’s only pink and her wings are exactly the same as Sara’s only a little bigger) What....I’m in fairy form this is so awesome!!! (A strange unicorn horn shaped pin with an emerald at the tip appears then disappears) What was that?
Kiwi: Growlith growl growlith! (fairies go figure!)
Sarina: (eyes glow Emerald green) CHARMIX!!!!! (goes into charmix form (the bag part of it is shaped like a fire)) Whoa cool...you stay here I’ll be back an a little bit with my cousin ant your trainer. (Flies away)
Kiwi: Gerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! (I’m not staying behind this time!!! (runs off))