Interdimensional Catastrophy

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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 09 Sep 2007, 04:31

Chapter 23 CHARMIX!!!

This is what Sarina is doing Oh and Kiwi is there too.

Kiwi: Gerrrrrrr Growlith!!! (Gerrrrrrr we should we helping!!!)

Sarina: I know but I can’t go fairy......also I can’t believe I can under stand what you are saying.

Kiwi: Growl.....Growl growl growl-itlh! (Whatever..........Do what if you can’t go fairy just do something!)

Sarina: I can’t I want to help my cousin and her friend but I can’t!!!!!

Kiwi:......................Growl growlith bark woof growl arf? (So are you going to do something or not?)

Sarina: What part of I can’t don’t you understand?

Kiwi: GERRRRRRRR!!!! (Uses Over heat on Sarina)

Sarina: (now in fairy form (her out fit is like Musa’s only pink and her wings are exactly the same as Sara’s only a little bigger) What....I’m in fairy form this is so awesome!!! (A strange unicorn horn shaped pin with an emerald at the tip appears then disappears) What was that?

Kiwi: Growlith growl growlith! (fairies go figure!)

Sarina: (eyes glow Emerald green) CHARMIX!!!!! (goes into charmix form (the bag part of it is shaped like a fire)) Whoa stay here I’ll be back an a little bit with my cousin ant your trainer. (Flies away)

Kiwi: Gerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! (I’m not staying behind this time!!! (runs off))
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 09 Sep 2007, 04:33

Chapter 24 Activated Towers

Amanda, Aelita, and Melissa (Melissa changed her name by the way) are hanging out under a tree.

Aubere: You know what’s weird?

Amanda: What Melissa?

Aubere: I go by my first name now remember....Ok the weird thing is that we haven’t seen Sara all day and she’s not supposed to go back to our dimension today.

Amanda: How is that weird .... it’s the same way every Sunday that she doesn’t go back to our dimension..... she always teaches Odd how to use magic.

Aelita’s cell phone starts ringing.

Aelita: (answers cell) Hello?..........there are 2 activated towers?..........................ok at least one of them isn’t Xana but what about the other one?..................................You don’t know. Ok well we’ll be right there. (Hangs up)

Amanda: Xana attack?

Aelita: Not sure.

Aubere: This should be boring.

Amanda: I’ll tell Sara. (Pulls out her interdimensional communicator and dials Sara’s number she doesn’t anser)That’s weird.

Aelita: We should hurry up and go to the factory.

Amanda: You 2 go ahead I want to try something.

Aubere: Whatever!(walks away)

Aelita: Ok (follows Aubere)

Amanda Dials Sarina’s cell phone number....................................................Oh right this is the conversation.

Sarina: Hello?

Amanda: Hi Sarina um there’s a problem and no one has been able to contact Sara is she with you.

Sarina: No but maybe I can help.

Amanda: Ok go to the old abandoned factory I’ll meat you there?

Sarina: Ok I be there in 2 minutes!!!!(hangs up)
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 09 Sep 2007, 22:01

Chapter 25 The Fight Continues

Sara, Zelda, and Ember are still fighting Xana. Sara and Zelda are now in Mew mew form (Zelda’s Mew mew form is exactly the same as Sara’s)

Sara: (gets thrown against a tree) I’m not going to let you win!!!!!!!!

Zelda and Ember: Nether will we.

Xana: I really don’t see any chance of you 3 beating us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darkar: Yeah your friends thought they could defeat us and look what happened to them!!!!!!!!!!

Sara, Zelda, and Ember: SHUT UP!!!!!!

Xana and Darkar: Make us!!!!!!

Sara: FINE!!!!!

Chapter 26 Sara’s Charmix

Sara: you 2 actually think you will get away with what you did? Well you don’t know how wrong you are!!!!!!!!!!!! (eyes start glowing)

Xana: What is it with humans and not knowing when to give up? That's Why the other 3 pests died and it's why the 3 of you shall also die!

Sara: SHUT UP XANA!!!!! (A lightning bolt shaped pin with the weird crystal from the last chapter of my first fanfic in the center appears then disappears)Looks like you’re about to find out why making me mad is a very bad idea...........CHARMIX!!!!!!!!!!! (goes in to Charmix form which is the pin mentioned earlier and electricity absorbing armor which looks like a swirly twisted bunch of wire that goes over her fairy outfit, wings, and pretty much everywhere else (there is no bag thing like the rest of the winx club hava and incase it's not obious charmix form is just an upgrade of fairy form))

Odd link and Spyro wake up but no one notices so this means ether that Xana lied to make Sara mad or thought that Odd likn and Spyro were dead without bothering to cheack.

Sara: SHINING DIMENSION BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(blasts both Xana and Darkar causing more damage then she was causing earlier)

Odd: (Cool but I think she is going to need help......Maybe I could use my magic to........... wait that wont work besides if it did work the others would panic.........Oh well It will confuse Xana so badly that he won’t be able to do anything so I’m trying it any way!)
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 09 Sep 2007, 22:08

Chapter 27 Orange to Purple.

Everyone that’s on Lyoko is completely confused for 2 reasons. The first reason is because they are an a region/sector of Lyoko that noone recognizes. The second reason is because they are staring at a tower with orange coloring around it.

Aelita: Where are we?

Amanda: I don’t know.

Aubere: I say the desert because this place looks like Tetuni!!!!! Tetuni is crazy someone there is always stepping in Bantha Poodo!!!! (Usually my friend Cameron she always steps in Bantha Poodo when we get out of the ship!!!)

Amanda: And how do you explain all the tall grass and the few trees Melissa?

Aubere: I GO BY AUBERE NOW!!!!!!!!!

Amanda: WHATEVER!!!!!

Sarina: Jr high students go figure!!!!!!

Yumi: This is getting weird.

Ulrich: Seriously!

Ulrich, and Yumi: Hey Einstine where the heck are we?

Jeremy(on earth): I’ll tell you as soon as I figure it out.

Aelita: Well It really doesn’t matter as long as the tower is deactivated right.....although I don’t think that we’ve ever been here before?

Franz Hopper (no idea where his voice is coming from): you are all in a completely new sector of Lyoko Sector 6 to be exact. It is just one of 3 new sectors that I added an hour ago.

Aelita: Ok well do you know where the orange tower came from?

Franz Hopper (Still no idea where his voice is coming from): I expect that it’s a new enemy.

The color of the tower changes from orange to purple (which explains the chapter title)

Sarina: Dose suff. like this happen a lot?

Aubere: What Sara’s cousin said.

Amanda, Aelita, Jeremy, Urick and Yumi: Not exactally.

A portal opens close to the tower then about 12 megatanks show up out of nowhere and role through the portal....Oh right it closes behind them.

Sarina: I’m guessing that’s a bad thing.

Aubere: Probably.
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 12 Sep 2007, 03:27

no chapter or between chapter entertainment untill my computer sttartts working correctally
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 12 Sep 2007, 03:28

no chapter or between chapter entertainment untill my computer sttartts working correctally
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 13 Sep 2007, 00:25

Chapter 28 What..........How can this happen!!!!!!!!!

Sara is still in Charmix form blasting Xana and Darkar, when a strange portal opens and 14 or so Megatanks come out...............Oh and Odd is now in a tree Don’t ask how long he has been there though I was watching what was happening on Lyoko last chapter and he was there when I started watching what’s going on in this chapter.

Sara: (That can’t be good!!!!! )

Odd: (YES IT WORKED!!!!!!!)

Darkar: What are those things?

Xana: Those are Megatanks but I’m not sure if them being here is a good thing or a bad thing. (Gets hit by a purple Megatank Blast)

Xana and Darkar: OOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!

Xana: Defiantly a bad thing.

Sara: (Ok weird!!!!!)

All the megatanks prepare to Attack Xana and Darkar at the same time.........Oh and Link is now standing next to Zelda and Spyro is now standing next to Ember.

Xana: WHAT!!!!...........HOW CAN THIS BE HAPPENING!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! (sees Odd standing on a tree branch) YOU DID THIS!!!!! HOW DID YOU DO IT YOU STUPID HUMAN!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Odd: I have absolutely no Idea what you’re talking about. (Not!!!!)

The megatanks attack

Xana and Darkar: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

Xana: Let’s get out of here before they do that again!!!!!!

Darkar: Agreed!!!!!!

They both leave....well Sara lands and Odd jumps out of the tree.

Zelda, Link, Ember, and Spyro: We’re confused.

Sara: Odd What the heck just happened!!!!

Odd: I don’t know.

Sara: Oh well...

The megatanks prepare to attack each other.

Odd: I think we should get out of here.

Sara: Good idea

the 6 of them leave the area and the megatanks destroy each other..........well Sara and Odd get Jeremy to program a jump back in time......So the chapter’s over what else is new?
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 13 Sep 2007, 00:35

Chapter 29 ANOTHER DANCE!? didn’t we just have one of these things last month?

Ok so all the girls that fight on Lyoko (except Sarina who is now a student at Alfea) Are walking down the hall until Yumi sees a poster and stops.

Yumi: Hey everyone come look at this!

Aelita: (goes over to where Yumi is) What is it (sees the poster) How long has that been there?

Yumi: I don’t know.

Sara: What are you 2 talking about.

Yumi: This poster.

Sara: Why?

Yumi: Because!

Sara: Because why?

Yumi: SHUT UP!!!!!!( Black colored energy appears around her hands)

Sara: NO you shut up halfie!!!

Yumi: (energy disappears from hands) What’s a halfie?

Sara: Half witch half fairy!

Yumi: Oh.

Aelita: Hey I just realized this is a poster for a dance.

Amanda: What?

Aubere: Another Dance?

Sara: Didn’t we just have one of these things back in November? (Looks at the poster) Well I’m not going to that dance.

Amanda: Why not?

Sara: First of all it’s a girls ask Guys dance......and second of all Look at the bottom of the poster.

Amanda: (Looks at the bottom of the poster and sees some writing that sais this poster was maid by Sissy) Oh that’s why.

Aubere: Duh Amanda!!! now if you excuse me I have to go back to the Starwars Dimension and Keep Cameron and Mat from fighting because they will probably kill each other with their light sabers. (opens a portal and leaves.)

Meanwhile somewhere else the 3 boys in the group are looking at a similar poster.

Odd: Oh grate Another dance wasn’t there one of these things last month?

Ulrich: Yeah but it looks like Sissy is having her Dad do another one.

Jeremy: Who even has time to go to these things anyway?

Odd: Apparently everyone except you.(walks away)

Jeremy: Whatever. (Goes back to Dorm room)
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 15 Sep 2007, 02:14

Ok I know we havent had a between chapter entertainment in a while but We had a peoblem involving text colors. well Sara's Older Cousin Sarina will be barrowing Aelita's text color Sara's will stay the same.



Oh I forgot you dont speak french yet.

You got that right!

I've been wondering why you havent asked DragonGirl why you hacent shown up in this story much.

I figured she had a good reason.

I'll never understand People who are In collage. (She was in highschool when this story was origonaly written and will be in highschool other stories that she appears in as well {Well actually most of them})

So what now?

I don't know.

We could watch Odd sleepwalk in to a wall.

Aubere that dosn't happen untill Summer at Kadic (Another one of DragonGirl's stories which will be posted eventually)

So I can't talk about it? RIP OFF!

Aubere I hate to break it to you but... NOONE CAIRS!

So what!

And once again sonething is cut short because Sara can't contole her dragon half compleatly.
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 16 Sep 2007, 22:24

the computer that I have my fanfics saved on isn't working right now so I cant post any new chapters right now but I can post a between chapter entertainment later.
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 17 Sep 2007, 00:10

Ok time for a between Chapter Entertainment this time Jeremy and Aeilta are finally takeing their turn.


Hey Aelita how de we know if it's evening for the everyone reading this?

It's not I'm just going off Kadic time

(Ok people remember thatg Kadic is in France but also in another dimension so it's not exactally on the same time)

By the way where are we? there's no light.

I guess Xana messed with the tower's lighting.

TOWER! Aelita Please tell me we're not on Lyoko.

I would but then I would be lieing.

How did we get here?

I don't remember..... but it's Sara, Odd, Ulrich and Yumi's fault.

Well the sooner we get out of here the better!

(Hey Odd should we tell them that they are both actuqaly asleep and arent't really on Lyoko but are in DragonGirl's backyard instead.)

(na. Let's let them sleep. Especially since they stopped sleeping after Aubere broke the Skid)

(you can't mention that it dosn't happen untill a later story)


(Just shut up)

(Leave Odd alone Aubere!)
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 21 Sep 2007, 00:27

Chapter 30 Get lost

I really don’t want to type this chapter but I have to so that you can see what happens in Chapter 72:D well anyway Ulrich is walking down the hall when this happens. (He won’t like this :D)

Sissy: Hey Urick!!!!

Ulrich: Shut up Sissy

Sissy: I have to ask you something!

Ulrich: Too bad!!!!

Sissy: But-

Ulrich: I don’t want to listen to you!!!!!

Sissy: So what I’m asking anyway!!!!!!

Ulrich: Wow Sara and Odd are right you really don’t know when people want you to stop talking.

Sissy: Will you go to the dance with me?

Ulrich: NO!!!!!!!!

Sissy: Why not!!!!!

Ulrich: Because I hate you!

Sissy: Hey!!!!

Ulrich: Why don’t you go jump off a cliff or something.

Sissy: No!

Ulrich: Get lost.

Sissy: But-

Ulrich: I said Get Lost!!!!!!!
Dernière édition par DragonGirl le 21 Sep 2007, 00:32, édité 1 fois.
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 21 Sep 2007, 00:28

Chapter 31 Ummmmmmmmmm

ok this is what is happening in Jeremy’s room................Oh right there’s a knock on the door.

Jeremy: Come in!

Aelita: (enters the room) Hello Jeremy

Jeremy: Hi Aelita

Aelita: So what are you doing?

Jeremy: I’m working on a program to upgrade the vehicles.

Aelita: Oh that sounds really cool.......................................................Hey Jeremy.

Jeremy: Yes Aelita?

Aelita: Are you going to the dance?

Jeremy: Well I thought about it but I haven’t really decided yet.

Aelita: Because I was wondering if you would go to the dance with me.(starts blushing)

Jeremy: (starts blushing)...........................ummmmmmm well yes defiantly.

Aelita: (Sais nothing but Kisses Jeremy on the cheek)

Jeremy: (Blushes even more)
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 21 Sep 2007, 00:36

Chapter 32 Have the 3 of you lost it!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what’s happening In Sara. Amanda and Aelita’s dorm.(note Aelita is still hanging out with Jeremy)

Yumi: So Sara who are you going to ask to the dance?

Sara: I already said that I wasn’t going to that thing!

Aubere: Knowing her She’ll probably ask Odd.

Amanda: Duh it’s so Obvious

Sara: What part of I’m not going did you not understand?

Yumi: Oh come on almost everyone in the school knows that you like him so just ask him to the dance already

Sara: You are getting really annoying you realize that right?

Yumi: Why wont you ask Odd to the dance?

Sara: I’m not going to the dance!

Aubere: It’s probably because her dragon half won’t let her.

Amanda: DUH!!!!


Amanda: SHUT UP ODD!!!!

Glim: YEAW SHUT WP ODD!!!!!!!!!!



Glim: YEAW!!!!


Amanda and Glim: (afraid of Sara) Ok.



Aubere: (whispering) Hey Sara.

Sara: (whispering) What Now?

Yumi, Amanda, and Aubere: (whispering) We dare you to ask Odd to the dance.

Sara: (whispering) Have you 3 lost it.

Aubere: (whispering) No now are you going to do it or not?

Sara: that’s it you 3 out (pushes Amanda Aubere and Yumi out of the room then closes and locks the door)

Amanda: I have a Key you know!

Sara: Not any more!!!!!!!(opens the door again grabs Amanda’s key from her hand, and toughs Glim out of the room then closes and relocks the door)

Athena: That was weird.

Sara: They should know better than to make a DragonFairy mad.............especially Aubere I mean we’ve been friends since Kindergarten and she still makes me mad on porous

Athena: you have a point.
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 22 Sep 2007, 15:04

Chapter 33 Two Days and 4 Xana Attacks Later

Ok so Has activated a tower for the 3rd time today and the only people who haven’t been devirtualized yet are Sara, Odd, Sarina, Aubere, and Aelita. Oh and they are in a region that’s mostly water they would able to get to the tower by swimming but they’re tease shark things swimming around everywhere.

Aubere: This Place looks like Kiminio!!!!!!

Sara: Shut up Aubere We have to find a way to get to the tower and you complaining for the 12th time isn’t helping.

Aelita: I’m going to try to make a bridge again (makes a small portion of a bridge and it’s made completely out of water.) Not again:(

Sarina: Wait couldn’t we just use the vehicles?

Sara: The Overboards won’t fly in any of the new reigns and neither will the other one and the third one is lame and can barely fly any way.

Aelita: besides Jeremy can’t send the vehicles to the new regions at all just like he can only send them to the celestial dome in sector 5

Aubere: let’s try swimming.

Odd: How do you think Ulrich and Yumi got devirtualized?

Aubere: Oh shut up

Sarina: Hold on Sara what’s your weapon again?

Sara: Ice arrows.

Sarina: Ok Good try launching one of your arrows at the part of a bridge Aelita maid.

Sara: Ok but I don’t think it will work. I haven’t frozen any thing with these since the first time I was sent to Lyoko.........................ICE ARROW!!!!!!!!!!(Fires an Ice arrow at the Bridge and it freezes) Wow It really worked.

Sarina: Of corse it worked!!!!!!!!!

Aelita: This means We have a way to get to the tower.

Sara and Odd: Ok lets go.
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 22 Sep 2007, 15:15

Chapter 34 New powers

Ok before I start this chapter you should know that the title of this chapter is not talking about the “Energy field” thing Aelita is able to do in season 3 it’s talking about something else (But she dose do that in this chapter in my stories she finds out about it in a deleted scene then everyone forgets about after the Epilogue)................ Ok so they run as far as they can go with Aelita adding more parts to the bridge and Sara freezing them until Sara Runs out of Arrows (note Sarina is now working the supercalculator {trying to any way because Jeremy is out cold, someone has to cover for him, Aelita is on Lyoko and we’ve all seen what happens when Ulrich or Yumi work the supercalculator [obviously she has lost all fo her lifepoints and has been devirtualized}) well this is what’s happing.

Aubere: Grate now what do we do?

Sara: How am I supposed to know?

Odd: Too bad noone here has wings.

Sara: (eyes start glowing) WINGS OF LIGHT!!!!!!!!(Shining Golden Dragon Wings come out of her back....oh right her eyes stop glowing {remember that this story was written long before season 4 so Sara is Not copying Aelita in any way shape or form}) What the heck?

Aubere: Oh grate she can fly what are the rest of us supposed to do?

Aelita: (in fairy form) Actually Sara isn’t the only one who can fly.

Aubere: Ok this is weird.

Aelita: (a pin that looks like Tecna’s Charmix only the crystal in the center is pink) What’s this?

Sara: That’s your charmix

Aubere: :ohh:

Aelita: What’s a charmix?

Aubere: :ohh: :ohh:

Sara: A charmix is a stronger version of your fairy form.

Aelita: Cool How dose it work?

Sara: All you have to do is yell charmix and you will go in to charmix form.

Aelita: CHARMIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(goes into charmix form Basically all of Tecna’s charmix form stuff only pink(sorry I cant described her fairy form I’m still fixing it up)

Aubere: No fair how come she get’s her charmix!!!!!!

Sara: Aubere shut up!!!!!!

Aubere: Whatever I’m going to fight those shark things! (Walks away)

Odd: Ok I’m board.

Sara: Just do the wings of light thing I did.

Odd: Ok...............WINGS OF LIGHT!!!!!!!!(Shining golden Dragon wings come out yada yada) Wow!

Aelita: ENERGY FIELD! (Blasts a Shark like monster) Let’s go!!!!!

Sara: You should try using actual magic next time.

Aelita: Ok........Let’s go. (flies away)

Sara: Let’s show what dragon magic can do :D

Odd: Right!

They both fly away and end up ahead of Aelita...........What END OF CHAPTER!
Dernière édition par DragonGirl le 22 Sep 2007, 22:41, édité 1 fois.
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 22 Sep 2007, 15:23

Chapter 35 Twenty Minutes Later

20 minutes after what happened in chapter 34 Odd is now out of Arrows and there are shark things every where................On the up side they’re almost to the tower

Aelita: Oh good We’re almost there

Sara: Finally!!!!!

Odd: Yeah My wings are getting tired!!!!!

Aelita: Grate more shark things!!!!!!!!!

Sara: Then Get rid of them!!!

Aelita: Why Don’t you and Odd do it!!!!

Sara and Odd: We Don’t have any arrows!!!!!!!

Aelita: Oh right ok I guess I have to do this then!.......VIRTUAL REALITY BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!! (Blasts the Shark like monsters and Destroys all Of them then dives into the water and swims to the tower [Most of the towers in this sector are under water luckily its not like the water from the digital sea the problem this sector will need it’s own vehicles because when the Skid finally is created long after this story ends it will instantly malfunction in this sector’s water. {that’s right no digital sea in this sector}])

Sara: (lands on a near by Rock) Ok why is the tower under water?

Odd: (Lands next to Sara) I don’t know

Sara and Odd: ...................................................................................................................................

Sara: (Come on It’s now or never If I don’t do this now He’ll ever know that I like him.) Hey Odd (blushes)

Odd: Yeah? (I hope I don’t make my self look stupid.)

Sara: Will you go to the dance with me? (Blushes even more)

Odd: (starts Blushing{I have to say yes If I don’t I’ll Hate My self. I hope I don’t make my self Look stupid.}) Ummmmmm................. Yes. (Oh grate I just made my self sound like a complete Idiot.)
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 23 Sep 2007, 22:13

Please Can I tell them what Odd did?

Aubere No messing up the story. which is another way of me saying.... Non!

Besides I'll tell Yumi what Xana made you and Urlich do when you both were hypnotized yesterday.

I thought you never blackmailed People Sara!

I'm not Blackmailing! I'm threatening you there's a big difference.

:yumi: What happened yesterday?

:ulrich: You don't want to know

Yes I do.

(Great Now I'm going to get pushed into the digital sea for this)

:odd: Will all of you shut up or-.....!

Odd if you dare bring up the swimming pool thing again you're dead! (gets hit by Sara)

Leave Odd alone!

I just want to know what happened.

You sure about that Sis?

Yes! (How the heck dose Hiroki know what happened?)

Ok then.......Aubere Kissed Ulrich.....Ok bye (Runs away)

(Ok I have to cut this off due to extreme amounts of violence that only a computer program can see without being emotionally traumatized but I'll tell you how it turns out in about an hour and yes I was exaggerating a lot)
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 23 Sep 2007, 23:52

DragonGirl a écrit:Please Can I tell them what Odd did?

Aubere No messing up the story. which is another way of me saying.... Non!

Besides I'll tell Yumi what Xana made you and Urlich do when you both were hypnotized yesterday.

I thought you never blackmailed People Sara!

I'm not Blackmailing! I'm threatening you there's a big difference.

:yumi: What happened yesterday?

:ulrich: You don't want to know

Yes I do.

(Great Now I'm going to get pushed into the digital sea for this)

:odd: Will all of you shut up or-.....!

Odd if you dare bring up the swimming pool thing again you're dead! (gets hit by Sara)

Leave Odd alone!

I just want to know what happened.

You sure about that Sis?

Yes! (How the heck dose Hiroki know what happened?)

Ok then.......Aubere Kissed Ulrich.....Ok bye (Runs away)

(Ok I have to cut this off due to extreme amounts of violence that only a computer program can see without being emotionally traumatized but I'll tell you how it turns out in about an hour and yes I was exaggerating a lot)

Ok so what happened was Yumi wanted to kick Xana's butt and Jeremy Woundn't let her use the skid so she took it out on William. Oh and Sara Got odd to tell her about the Swimming pool thing so now Ulrich is trying unsussesfully to push them into the digital sea that will hopefuly be sorted out by the next chapter.
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 25 Sep 2007, 00:20

Chapter 36 Dance Night

Ok I really Don’t know how to start this chapter off so Here’s what Odd Ulrich And Jeremy are doing.

Ulrich: I don’t believe this The girls Are late again.

Odd: You are so Lucky none of them heard that.

Ulrich: Shut up Odd!!!!!

Odd: NO

Ulrich: I SAID SHUT UP!!!


Ulrich: Just shut up already!!!!!!!!!

Jeremy: Both of you shut up your giving me a headache!

Odd: I’ll shut up When He(points at Ulrich) Stops telling me to shut up!!!!!!!!

Ulrich: Just Shut up!!!!

Odd: NO!!!!!

Yumi: (Shows up) Odd Shut up.

Sara and Aelita show up.

Aelita: Not this again!!!!

Jeremy: I know.

Sara: Ok You 2 really need to chill out!!!! (points and Ulrich and Yumi)


Sara: HI ODD :D

Ok about 10 minutes later everyone is in different parts of the gym And For some reason I’m still Watching what Ulrich and Yumi are doing. But any way here’s the dialog and every thing else they’re doing.

Ulrich: Oh finally Sara and Odd shut up and leave!!!!!!!!

Yumi: Yeah.

Ok The next part of Dialog is boring and not important so I’m going to skip to a few minuets later while they’re dancing

Yumi: (Kisses Ulrich)

Ulrich: (Starts Blushing) Why did you do that?

Yumi: Ummmmmm (starts Blushing) I don’t know.

Meanwhile close by

Sissy: (gasps then goes back to normal) Gerrrrrrrrrrr

Aubere: See I told you that would happen.

Sissy: Oh shut up (walks away)

Herve: Hey Sissy Wait up (follows Sissy)

Amanda: Aubere What did you just do.

Aubere: Nothing. (Goes back to dorm)

Amanda: Weirdo.

Glim: Yep!

Amanda: Glim Go away before someone sees you.

Glim: Ok Bye Bye Momwe
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 26 Sep 2007, 02:11

Chapter 37 Ok This Is Weird

This is what Sara and Odd are doing. (Warning they speak a lot of French(For fun not because they have to) here don’t worry I’ll post te translations too I got this off a translator site [A bad translator site but it was as close as I could get-_-] so I don’t know if they’re right or not so if you can understand french and notice that I mess up Please tell me I’m still learning........ [English translations are formatted the same character’s thoughts are] also My grammar is probably bad even if I did get the words right [Once again still learning] )

Sara: Hey Odd est il juste moi ou est ce danser vraiment barbant? (Hey Odd is it just me or is this dance really boring?)

Odd: ouais ce danser est barbant! (Yeah this dance is boring!)

Kikki: (Runs past Sara and Odd) Yay!

Sara: qu'est-ce qui étais qui? (What was that?)

Odd: Je avoir non idée (I have no Idea!)
Mirabelle: Hey Kikki wait up!!!! (Runs past Sara and Odd)

Odd: D'accord qui étais definatly un de les Witchlings. (Ok that was defiantly one of the Witchlings.)

Sara: (grabs Dorie’s Wandawhirl as she tries to run past)

Dorie: Hey!

Sara: What are you doing here?

Dorie: I don’t know ask Mirabelle and monkey girl!....can I have my wandawhirl back now?

Sara: Non

Dorie: :confused:

Odd: that’s French for No

Dorie: What the heck?

Reanne and Caitlin show up.

Sara and Odd: Oh grate All the witchlings are here!!!!!

Reanne: It’s not our fault it’s Mirabelle and Kikki’s

Caitlin: Yeah!

Dorie: Told ya.

Amore Flies by

Stella: (Chaseing Amore) Get back here

Sara: (trips Stella and Sends her Somewhere where she’ll have to keep her mouth shut) That was close We almost had to deal with te one thing more annoying then witchlings besides Xana and Sissy.

Odd: Let me guess A Solarian?

Sara: Yep

Mini Mew shows up out of nowhere

Mini Mew: Evil Clone Alert Evil clone alert!

Sara: (Grabs Mini Mew and covers it’s mouth)

Odd: What was that puff-ball talking about?

Sara: I would explain but I don’t want to.
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 26 Sep 2007, 02:33

Chapter 38 Aras

Ok So Team Lyoko (That’s what I call the Group of people who fight on Lyoko and Jeremy the computer nerd) is trying to figure out what to do with the 4 Witchlings and Kikki.

Ulrich and Yumi: This is gong to get really annoying

Sara and Odd: Seriously.

Witchlings and Kikki: HEY!!!!!!!

Sara: clore monté!!!(Shut up!!!)

Caitlin: What did she just say?

Dorie, Reanne, Mirabelle and Kikki: No clue.

Odd: She wants you to shut up!

Witchlings and Kikki: WHAT!!!!!!!!!

Sara and Odd: Just shut up already!!!!

Suddenly a girl who looks exactly the same as Sara only her hair is black and her outfit is like Sara’s fairy outfit only Pinkish red and Black and without the wings crashes through the wall causing everyone except team Lyoko and the witchlings to runaway leaving the room mostly empty.

????: Well Well It looks like I’ve found the Stupid DragonFairy.....Oh Look She has friends...... Like that’s going to save her and her stupid Pokemon!!!!

Sara: Aras!
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 26 Sep 2007, 02:40

Chapter 39 The Showdown

Sara: What are you doing here Aras!

Aras: I’m here to Destroy you duh.

Sara: Oh please I always Kick your butt what’s going to make tonight any different? (Whispers to the rest of the Lyoko Warriors and the witchlings) I’ll distract her everyone else needs to leave!

Odd: Not going to happen.

Sara: (goes fairy form) MYSTIC ELECTRICITY!!!!!(Ok she launches the powerful electrical blast at Aras)

Aras: SHADOW ELECTRICITY!!!!!(Launches an attack just like Sara’s Mystic Electricity only Black)

The 2 blasts collide and are evenly matched then this happens!

Odd: MAGIC BLAST!!!!!!!! (Blasts Aras with a purple magic blast)

Aras: (gets hit by Odd’s blast then by not only Sara’s attack but her own) OWWWWWWW You’re gong to Pay for that! BLAST OF DEATH!!!!!!!!!!! (Launches a strange blast at Odd causing him to pass out)

Sara: Odd!..... (Looks at Aras with a look of extreme hatred)

Aras: Oh don’t worry your little friend is still Alive FOR NOW! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!

Sara: (Eyes start glowing brighter than they ever before and electricity suddenly appears around her) CONGRATULATIONS YOU JUST MADE ME REALLY REALLY TICKED OFF!!!!!!!
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 28 Sep 2007, 00:34

Sorry you all have to wait a while for the next chapter.
.....Yay ... just yay
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 01 Oct 2007, 01:32

Chapter 40 Wait! Did Sara Just Do What I Think She Did?

Sara: CHARMIX!!!!!!!! (goes Charmix form Oh and her eyes glow brighter then they already were and the thin swirly wire armor of her charmix form is now electrified because of the electricity that was around her earlier)

Aras: So you have your charmix I’m still going to destroy you just like destroyed your friend!

Sara: SHUT UP!!!!! INTER DIMENSIONAL LIGHTNING!!!!! (Uses an attack Similar to her mystic Electricity attack only Sapphire-blue and a lot stronger)

Aras: What? (Gets hit by the attack) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Stupid DragonFairy! (Disappears)

Sara: Grate Now she’s starting to sound Like the Cynaclons (flies over to where Odd is and lands then makes the Wind Waker appear out of nowhere) Ok I nee to test this thing to make sure it works.

Aubere: Just leave him dead. I mean is it going to matter if he’s alive or not any way because if you do bring him back One of these days I’m going to use my Light Saber to cut his head off!

Sara: (Ignores Aubere) Wind’s Requiem will be enough to show that this thing is working correctly (points the Wind Waker up then Left then right but nothing happens) Oh no the Wind Waker’s out of magic!

Dorie, Reanne, and Mirabelle: We’ll fix that if we can use Perfect Harmony.

Caitlin: And I’ll use a little spell to help to.......that is if I can think of something that rimes with Wind Waker.

Sara: Do it!

Dorie: One and one and one are we!! (Spins Wandawhirl and the top starts flashing)

Reanne: With triple vision we are able to see!!! (Spins Wandawhirl and the top starts flashing)

Mirabelle: And with all the magic powers of 3!!!! (Spins Wandawhirl and the top starts flashing)

Dorie, Reanne, and Mirabelle: We make Perfect Harmony! (Ok some weird light thing happens) Restore the Wind Waker’s power!

Little musical notes appear in a small circle spinning around the Wind Waker then disappear into it.

Caitlin: My turn! (Pulls out dream spinner presses the center button and puts on the Witchling Uniform) Fa la day la dong ding now I am a Witchling!!!!.......(presses buttons to make wandaler come out) This weird kid is dead and not a faker so add more power to the Wind Waker! (Points her wandaler at the Wind Waker and the music note thing happens again)

Sara: Ok Thanks I hope that works.

Kikki: Hey I want to be a witchling too!!!!!

Sara: Kikki this isn’t the time for that!!!!!!!!

Aubere: I still think Odd should stay dead.

Everyone glares at Aubere.
.....Yay ... just yay

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