Ulrich is mad at Odd

Do you have imagination ? Create your own story about Code Lyoko !

Message 22 Mai 2006, 18:36

Ulrich is mad at Odd

Odd!Ulrich yelled in a loud voice.Odd came in from the cafeteria and Ulrich was mad because Odd broke the Rock n'Roll CDs that came from the United States.
Ulrich said,HOW DARE YOU BROKE MY CDs!The principal of the school came in.
Mr. Delmas said,Be gentle.
Ulrich said,He broke my CDs!
Mr.Delmas said,Is that so?I'll call his parents and you tell him to give an explanation why he broke your American rock n' roll CDs.
Ulrich said to Mr. Delmas: If Odd does that one more time,I want him expelled from the school and banned from Kadic.
Mr.Delmas said,OK!,Ulrich!
Ulrich said to Mr.Delmas-You know what-Odd does poorly!
Mr.Delmas laughs and says-Yes,Ulrich.
When Jeremy and the principal found out,Ulrich punched Odd in the cheek.
Mr.Delmas and Jeremy said-Nice defense,Ulrich!That IS THE WISEST THING TO DO IF SOMEONE BROKE YOUR CDs!
On the next dayJeremy,Yumi,Jim,Aelita, and the others saw that the principal was not going to do it because he thinks he'll be emotional and want him back.
Everyone saw Mr.Delmas and Ulrich apologizing that Ulrich should not have punched him before also Odd's parents found out.
Mr.Delmas said,You are Ulrich's best friend and if you get expelled,you r relationship is broken and you cannot fight XANA at Lyoko.
Ulrich said,Mr.Delmas,you are VERY FORGIVING!

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 23 Mai 2006, 06:05

Mr. Delmas knows about XANA? Oh, oh!Image

Message 25 Juil 2006, 19:35


Chauve-Souris,This is fanfiction.Mr.Delmas knows about XANA here,but not in the actual show when broadcasted on France 3(France)or on Cartoon Network(United States).


Messages: 255

Inscription: 20 Juin 2005, 20:05

Localisation: Là où vous ne me trouverez jamais.

Message 06 Aoû 2006, 02:25

Sorry, I am french so I am not very good in English. But your fanfiction is super and easy to understand. I like it, it is good. Do you make a continuation ? I hope for it. ^^ (Very sorry for my English :oops: )

P'tit nouveau

Messages: 1

Inscription: 22 Mai 2006, 19:03

Message 15 Oct 2009, 07:27

this is still Harvey994, same person after 3 years!


Then Mr Delmas says to Odd: Odd, if you ever break Ulrich's CDs ever again, not only will I expel you and not allow you to go to fight XANA but also I will let Ulrich do as he wants on you!!!

Ulrich: That's rite Odd. You are an Odd-Ity!!!

(Mr Delmas & Ulrich laugh)

Eventually, XANA came in to the normal place and then Odd reminds them, then Mr Delmas cannot fight so, he says:

Ulrich, its up to you to fight against XANA. Best of luck!

Then Ulrich fought to his hardest then he end up being in a normal situation.

However afterwards he was still mad at Odd. And then he said: Odd you oddity Odd odd numbered person!!! Hahaha!

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