Episode #100 - Rivalry

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Messages: 8

Inscription: 01 Fév 2013, 20:34

Message 01 Fév 2013, 20:39

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

SchRita a écrit:Hi!
I'd like to inform you all that our fansubbing team, SUBSONICS has been subbing the episodes, you can view and download them here.
There are softsubbed and hardsubbed versions, you can watch the hardsubbed ones here (including episode 5, which is being uploaded now).
The episodes are quite high-quality, as we have native speakers to translate and then we have the texts checked with native French people as well. Also, they are formatted and chaptered. We're working as fast as we can to deliver the episodes fast and so far we have the best subs.

https://docs.google.com/a/mailbox.hu/fo ... Uwb1E/edit

Thank you for checking them out.

And this is our team's tumble, where you can get the softsubbed files.
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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 01 Fév 2013, 23:08

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

SchRita a écrit:I'd like to inform you all that our fansubbing team, SUBSONICS has been subbing the episodes

Hi ! Thank you! I can rest myself this evening ! :D

I saw it, and it's rather good! But I have just few comments on it :

- In my opinion, your translation is too literal. I explain : french is a language with a lot of words and our sentences are quite long. It differs from english. Moreover, for subtitles, you should minimize the text not to tire your readers. And it's easy to find short english sentences with exactly the same meaning. That's is Olivier and me tried to do with our version. But our text wasn't an exact translation, much more an "adaptation" : the meaning of each sentence was exactly the same as the french version, but not the words...

- This brings me to the second remark : Due to your exact translation, I think that some of your sentences are hard to understand for english people. For example, at 13:22 Odd said in French "... j'ai du lait sur le feu" and you translated it as "I've got something cooking"! I'm wondering if any english people understood it ? In France, it's a typical expression which means : "some serious matters are waiting for me"! I don't know if it's the same thing in english?

- Anyway, I'm not criticizing your work, I just wanted to share constructive feedback to help you do even better ;) . Your work is impressive. Does Clewilian working with you?

SchRita a écrit: we have native speakers to translate
I think you have noticed that we are also native french speakers ! :P If you need some advice feel free to ask us here!
We are not "professional" subbers, we just do it because you were late and to help our friends abroad which were getting impatient! And it was fun :) .

Have a good day! And good luck for your works!
Dernière édition par cl_xana le 02 Fév 2013, 00:51, édité 2 fois.

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 01 Fév 2013, 23:33

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

They have both native French and English speakers (such as LaserArrow). The whole team is here.

So I'm sure their translation is quite good and "I've got something cooking" is probably correct.
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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 01 Fév 2013, 23:45

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

It's a rather huge team !

Olivier a écrit:So I'm sure their translation is quite good and "I've got something cooking" is probably correct.

After thinking of it, I'm maybe wrong. This expression is maybe used by english people with the same meaning as in french... I don't know!

P'tit nouveau

Messages: 8

Inscription: 01 Fév 2013, 20:34

Message 02 Fév 2013, 01:35

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

cl_xana a écrit:
SchRita a écrit:I'd like to inform you all that our fansubbing team, SUBSONICS has been subbing the episodes

Hi ! Thank you! I can rest myself this evening ! :D

I saw it, and it's rather good! But I have just few comments on it :

- In my opinion, your translation is too literal. I explain : french is a language with a lot of words and our sentences are quite long. It differs from english. Moreover, for subtitles, you should minimize the text not to tire your readers. And it's easy to find short english sentences with exactly the same meaning. That's is Olivier and me tried to do with our version. But our text wasn't an exact translation, much more an "adaptation" : the meaning of each sentence was exactly the same as the french version, but not the words...

- This brings me to the second remark : Due to your exact translation, I think that some of your sentences are hard to understand for english people. For example, at 13:22 Odd said in French "... j'ai du lait sur le feu" and you translated it as "I've got something cooking"! I'm wondering if any english people understood it ? In France, it's a typical expression which means : "some serious matters are waiting for me"! I don't know if it's the same thing in english?

- Anyway, I'm not criticizing your work, I just wanted to share constructive feedback to help you do even better ;) . Your work is impressive. Does Clewilian working with you?

SchRita a écrit: we have native speakers to translate
I think you have noticed that we are also native french speakers ! :P If you need some advice feel free to ask us here!
We are not "professional" subbers, we just do it because you were late and to help our friends abroad which were getting impatient! And it was fun :) .

Have a good day! And good luck for your works!

Thank you for your comment. :) I really appreciate any feedback we get.

Actually, I'm not responsible for any of the translations, they are done by others but I'm sure they won't mind some comments that may help their work. :)
Well, I'm doing all I can for the episodes, and the others are working hard, which is why I'm not sure why we're always end up being late...:/
I was wondering if we could use sometimes your videos that you upload because the first step is always getting the raw material and our providers have a rather slow connection. If not, that's also understandable and respect it. :)
And thank you for the fast-subbing, I can understand the others' feelings (that they want to see the episodes as fast as possible) yet I want people to know about our work as well, especially that I feel we really put our hearts into it. (Sorry for my English, I'm Hungarian -.-")
Clewilian is not with us, as far as I know but we are not short of people, there's always someone to help us out. :)
Oh and we're not pros either, we've just started it so I'm well aware of our timing is not the best but I'm always trying to do my best and look for better solutions, tutorials and tips on it. And of course, feedback is one of the best tutorials we can get. :D
Sorry for the long bla-bla, I'm just super-happy that there are people who liked what we're doing. :)

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 02 Fév 2013, 11:23

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

SchRita a écrit:I was wondering if we could use sometimes your videos that you upload because the first step is always getting the raw material and our providers have a rather slow connection.

Sure, no problem. I'll create a new thread as soon as the next file is available (Suspicions just aired, by the way).
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P'tit nouveau

Messages: 1

Inscription: 28 Nov 2004, 04:34

Message 02 Fév 2013, 18:37

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Dernière édition par xiaozanghou le 16 Déc 2016, 19:24, édité 1 fois.

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 03 Fév 2013, 00:14

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Looks like Clewilan finally woke up ;)
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Neutraliseur de Tarentules

Messages: 1085

Inscription: 13 Jan 2013, 22:45

Localisation: Dans la batcave, sinon à Neptune High.

Message 03 Fév 2013, 11:47

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Olivier a écrit:Looks like Clewilan finally woke up ;)

Wow! Thanks for the link. Do you know where we can find the .str file? :)
"Hein hein, c'est moi! Un concours? Tout dans le look, rien dans le crâne? Oh mais j'arrive!" - Azra, épisode #77


Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 03 Fév 2013, 12:03

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Clewilan doesn't make any subtitling, she just translates (Amrykid then makes the subtitle file).

Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 28 Fév 2013, 15:14

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Subbed- Yay!

the voices sounded NOTHING at all like the originals.they could have gotten some similar voice actors, right?
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 01 Mar 2013, 04:58

Re: Episode #100 - Rivalry

they may have been able to use the same voice actors provided moonscoop didn't burn bridges. I don't know what happened but the voices will be really hard for me to get used to.

At least they explained the 12 hour wait time between Lyoko trips in the episode. Answered a question the original version of the series never did. Having only seen the first two episodes or CLE in the original french (with my weak french knowledge I still sort of understood what was going on without subtitles) there were several plot points that confused me. Absorbing Source code? Xana getting stronger by hugging people? Sounds like important info. That's the last time I trust the internet for even minor things. Filler episode my backside! (or at least without the information or previous episodes it didn't seem like a filler episode to me)

I don't like Code Lyoko evolution so far but who knows maybe they'll redeem it at some point. ( I can only hope they do. as far as I'm concerned this version of the series is already a parallel dimension where everything looks different. I really don't want to make the jump to pretending that it's non-canon and denying that It exists. I'd hate to turn into one of those people)
.....Yay ... just yay

Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 02 Mar 2013, 00:12

Re: Episode #100 - Rivalry

DragonGirl a écrit:they may have been able to use the same voice actors provided moonscoop didn't burn bridges. I don't know what happened but the voices will be really hard for me to get used to.

At least they explained the 12 hour wait time between Lyoko trips in the episode. Answered a question the original version of the series never did. Having only seen the first two episodes or CLE in the original french (with my weak french knowledge I still sort of understood what was going on without subtitles) there were several plot points that confused me. Absorbing Source code? Xana getting stronger by hugging people? Sounds like important info. That's the last time I trust the internet for even minor things. Filler episode my backside! (or at least without the information or previous episodes it didn't seem like a filler episode to me)

I don't like Code Lyoko evolution so far but who knows maybe they'll redeem it at some point. ( I can only hope they do. as far as I'm concerned this version of the series is already a parallel dimension where everything looks different. I really don't want to make the jump to pretending that it's non-canon and denying that It exists. I'd hate to turn into one of those people)

I watched the episode again, realized another thing.They all (to me) sound the same!And yeah, Moonscoop was really hanging off a ledge there.Also, your point is good with the twelve hour thing.It didn't explain that in seasons 1-4.But I had just thought they had to wait until the next day.

But at least Code Lyoko's back and Running!
dead account! dead account!

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