20 Avr 2013, 17:02 par sixthwarrior
Here is a little short story That I'm thinking of as I write it.
Okay, so Brandon, Jeremie, and Aelita are in the Lab.
Brandon: So, what do I need to be here for?
Aelita: We are going to show you how to use the Supercomputer.
Brandon: Why Now?[This is gonna take forever.]
Aelita: All we need you to do is know how to Virtualize us and Materialize our Vehicles.
Brandon: But why?
Jeremie: I'm going on vacation for a month and you need to know how to run the Supercomputer.
Brandon: Why not get Aelita to do it?
Aelita: Because I have to deactivate towers.
Brandon: But I can do that too.Plus I'm stronger on Lyoko because I have 3 weapons.
Jeremie: You only have 2.Your Sword and Shuriken.
Brandon: But I can materialize monsters, remember?
Aelita: That is true, Jeremie.
Brandon's phone rings.
Brandon: Hello?
Westin: (on the other side of the phone) Where are you?
Brandon: In the forest.
Westin: Well get back to the dorm!!!Jim is doing an inspection and everybody has to be in their dorm!!!
Brandon: What!!!I'll be right there!!!
Jeremie: What was that about?
Brandon: Jim's doing an inspection and everybody has to be in their dorm!!!
2 and a half minutes later.
Brandon: (comes bursting through his dorm room)Did Jim come yet?!
Westin: No.
Brandon: Phew!!!!I thought I was gonna get detention or something.[Because of stupid Jeremie!!!]
dead account! dead account!