Episode #115 - Espionage

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Messages: 44

Inscription: 20 Avr 2013, 13:37

Localisation: Singapore

Message 27 Juil 2013, 11:57

Episode #115 - Espionage

Here's a summary of the episode:

Jeremy created a program to hack into the surveillance network of Tyron’s lab in order to try to establish contact with Aelita’s mother. Our heroes hurry to the Cortex to put the program in place. But the intervention of the Ninjas and a security system that Jeremy hadn’t foreseen ruin the operation. Tyron’s camera was hacked, but it was impossible to recover the signal in Jeremy’s lab. Aelita then decides to stay in the Cortex to monitor the camera directly from the core! To justify her absence at school, Jeremy urgently creates a very imperfect clone of Aelita, which causes them a lot of problems. But finally, Aelita gets enough time to see her mother again and establish contact, though very short, but sufficient to learn that she is alive. Aelita is filled with happy emotions following this event.^^

Credits: Subsonics (found on Sandra's Facebook page)

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 28 Juil 2013, 09:47

A (low quality) version of the Hungarian episode is available here.
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P'tit nouveau

Messages: 9

Inscription: 20 Fév 2013, 14:32

Message 28 Juil 2013, 14:23

I've waited too long to watch the next episode. But this one... it is not neither in English nor French, is it? Does anyone try to translate this into English...?
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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 28 Juil 2013, 14:27

Huan15 a écrit:it is not neither in English nor French, is it? Does anyone try to translate this into English...?

You are right, it's in Hungarian (they started to air CLE while the show is still in the hiatus in France). See this topic : viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7857

And a subbing team (with Hungarian-speaking members) announced that they will sub these episodes in English (stay tuned ;) )

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 28 Juil 2013, 14:53

Sorry, I forgot to mention that the video was in Hungarian, I thought everybody was aware that Hungary is currently aring CLE ;)

You can find a more detailed summary here.

P'tit nouveau

Messages: 7

Inscription: 16 Mar 2013, 12:42

Message 28 Juil 2013, 19:39

You will be able to translate this episode from Hungarian into English? :D

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 28 Juil 2013, 20:24

No, but Team Subsonics will.
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Messages: 44

Inscription: 20 Avr 2013, 13:37

Localisation: Singapore

Message 29 Juil 2013, 10:25

That's right. And I'll see if I can post the link here (and maybe for French too over at the French forum), provided someone hasn't beaten me to it. :P

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 31 Juil 2013, 21:52

English subbed version available here.

Maykurasaki a écrit:And I'll see if I can post the link here (and maybe for French too over at the French forum), provided someone hasn't beaten me to it.

I'm afraid you lost :)
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Messages: 44

Inscription: 20 Avr 2013, 13:37

Localisation: Singapore

Message 01 Aoû 2013, 11:59

Meh, looking at the time you guys are really active and all, I shouldn't be surprised. You guys are kinda 'hyperactive' over here while I'm asleep! So, I admit defeat, you guys win hands down. XD

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