I believe it's the third episode. Because of her firey temper, Kimiko loses a showdown to Jack. Omi makes many references to what he has learned about girls from "The Ancient Guide to Females", that she lacks upper body strength and her talents lie in the kitchen. This whole gender conflict all through the show is a real scream. But to find the Golden Tigerclaws, they must get into the Emporerpalace, she uses her father to get them an invite, but she must wear a formal Japanese Kimono. Her hair isn't up, which is what I'm looking for but it looks like
But any shots of Kimiko are good shots
For me, the Judo, or in my case TaeKwonDo the uniform is a gi
Part of what I think is so cute about Kimiko is that her outfit and hair changes constantly, so I'm really looking for anything of her, including her Xiaolin outfit with the pigtails