Image in your signature

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Messages: 46

Inscription: 15 Avr 2006, 23:16

Localisation: U.S

Message 16 Avr 2006, 22:51

How did you get the picture under your messege i tried pasting it under profile but it wouldnt. FYI im a boy just for the record. lol

Season 3 has ended. Lyoko is now a virtual blank with Whilliam floting in it. That means season 4 is coming!!!!!!!

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 17 Avr 2006, 04:43

Don't worry, Tommy. Part of my job is to help new members get acquainted with the forum.
If you want put a picture in your signature, use the img tab. Basically, type in [ img] and [ /img] around the URL of the picture.
(ex. [ img][ /img])
Note that you have to take out the space to actually get it to work. I put the space in so that you can see the code.
Also, did you see that you can choose between displaying the board text in French and English?

Now, as for the X.A.N.A. program that F. Hopper made, try sending him a private message and asking him about the error. He programmed it, so he may know of a fix.

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