
Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 17 Sep 2006, 05:44


Yay, computers are so much fun. My computer is a 2001 Alienware Area51. 1.7ghz P4, 384MB PC800 RAMBUS, 40GB Seagate hard drive, 64MB PNY GeForce3, Pioneer DVD player, HP 16x CD burner, etc.
I've put in 120GB and 300GB hard drives as well. Lucky I did that, because my old 40GB drive died today! Right now I'm using Knoppix, because I was having trouble installing Windows again.
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 27 Sep 2006, 04:50

Mines a Dell. Pentium III. I basically said what I wanted to try to do with it and they sent it. :oops:

Looks like it only has 40g hard drive. I really need to back up the rest of my music. If I loose that, it will just kill me.

I know it has some video accelorators and some really good speaker. It's also supposed to have a television output. I haven't a tv so I've not tried it

DVD, the only one in the house at the time, and CD burner

and I need a new mouse
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 16 Aoû 2007, 17:12

Laptop Theater?

I'm wanting a new laptop to play music, dvd's, some games and internet access

I'm thinking 17" screen dual250HD drives, CD/DVD player/burner with as much wireless as I can get and some good external memory drives, like Flash or zip.

Beyond vista, I'm not sure what software to get standard as opposed to better I can get from C-net.

As it appears I'm now moving to become a commercial truck driver with alot of away from home time, I'm going to need to be mobile

Most laps seem to have celeron, but I'm likely going with the fastest available either from Dell or Circuit City.

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