Code Lyoko

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Messages: 2

Inscription: 12 Aoû 2007, 03:17

Message 12 Aoû 2007, 03:34

Code Lyoko

Hi guys, I'd rather i'd introduce myself first. my name is Dan, I live in the UK, and I am currently studying Music Technology at College.

Now i've got that out of the way, i can explain what i want to hopefully show you.

I'm nuts about TV themes, i kinda collect them. I enjoy them and listen to them along with my normal music. I still class it music along with every other piece of music I own. It makes sounds, you listen: Music right?

Well i heard a song called "Here (In Your Arms) by a band called Hellogoodbye, you may have heard them, you may not have, that's fine. I'm not a massive fan of them, i've only heard this one song. But i have this niggling little bug that kicks in whenever I heard a song similar to another I have to merge them together.

This song in particular has an incredible amount of coincidences with the theme of Code Lyoko, ie, same Chord Sequence, melody pattern and use of a auto tuner on the vocals. What I hope to do it make a mix of these two songs together. I'll post it on my webspace when i get a chance.

i've seen a fair episodes of Code Lyoko but I haven't seen enough episodes to follow. But I thought you guys may be interested in the idea of mix using the theme.

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 15 Aoû 2007, 02:23

That sounds good. When can we expect it?

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Messages: 2

Inscription: 12 Aoû 2007, 03:17

Message 16 Aoû 2007, 18:31

Hopefully, very soon. I'm being very picky about how it's done.... As soon as I've had a go i'll post a linky for you guys to click and download it from...

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