Episode #100 - Rivalry

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Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 28 Jan 2013, 21:19

Episode #100 - Rivalry

Why isn't there any info yet?I've checked some websites and no info at all.
dead account! dead account!

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 28 Jan 2013, 21:43

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

No subtitles are available yet (the usual translator was busy). But in case you wish to see the episode in French only, the file is here.
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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 28 Jan 2013, 23:01

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

If you can't wait, I translated the official summary of this episode :

A specter of William is materialized in Kadic. It attacks Yumi who loses many source codes by the way. To protect his girlfriend, Ulrich has no other choice than to attract the specter and gets into a great danger. Yumi, Odd and Aelita swoop down on Lyoko and deactivate the tower. But by recovering Yumi's codes, XANA has gained enough power to attack immediately the telephone network. They must return to Lyoko quickly. However, an other problem appeared: Only Ulrich is still able to be virtualized, as this new attack just follows the previous one . But our heroes can't let him go alone. They have no choice, they must ask for help to William despite all the misgivings they may have. But the boy succeded the task and the team officially reintegrate him.

Enjoy !
Dernière édition par cl_xana le 28 Jan 2013, 23:15, édité 1 fois.

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 28 Jan 2013, 23:07

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

cl_xana a écrit:A spectrum

It's "specter", not "spectrum" ;)
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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 28 Jan 2013, 23:15

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Olivier a écrit:
cl_xana a écrit:A spectrum

It's "specter", not "spectrum" ;)

Sorry... ;)
Dernière édition par cl_xana le 01 Fév 2013, 23:16, édité 1 fois.
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Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 29 Jan 2013, 04:00

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

dead account! dead account!
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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 30 Jan 2013, 01:14

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

If your are looking for it, detailed summaries of each episode are avalaible here in english : http://codelyoko.mybb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=47
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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 30 Jan 2013, 23:00

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Subtitles are still unavailable...

If I make the transcript in english, is anyone here able to generate the subtitle file ?

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 30 Jan 2013, 23:23

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

It won't be necessary, subtitles will be released soon as explained here.
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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 31 Jan 2013, 01:09

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Damn, it's too late : I've already done the english transcript of the 8 first minutes... I post it anyway... You are free to use it as you want, but I just ask you to mention my name and this website (codelyoko.net). Have fun !


Transcript : Ep 100 (english)

00 :31
William : XANA is back, isn’t it ? How will you fight him without me ?
Aelita : XANA is hacking the entire telephone network.
Odd : William ? Are you crazy ? You know it, this guy isn’t reliable.
Yumi : William ?
Odd : We are attacked by a specter ! Yumi has been wounded.

00 :46
Title screen : Rivalry

Odd : Jérémie, please ! I just ask you for new items for me in Lyoko… And what about small laser rays from my eyes ? (maybe a better translation)
Jérémie : No ! Not insist ! I don’t have time for gadgets ! And we have other priorities. I remind you that XANA is…

01 :07
William : Hum… Okay… I understand ! You are talking about Lyoko, isn’t it ? Great… Do not bother for me…
William : Yumi, can I talk to you ? Just a moment. I think I’ve found good ideas for our shared writing.
Yumi : So, I have to go, guys. We have to work.

01 :38
Odd : Ulrich ? I think I have a chance with Elodie, the girl from the S5… She didnt realize it until yet, but she's crazy about me !
Odd : Uh… Are you listening to me ? What’s your problem ? Why are you like this for some days ? You seems very distant… It’s William’s fault ?
Ulrich : I am tired of him ; he constantly trying to flirt with Yumi…
Odd : It’s just a movie in your head : in 3D and with popcorn ! (better translation). They are just working together for their homework.
Ulrich : Yes, I hope so…
Teacher : So, a volunteer for the exercice ?

02 :15
Yumi : It’s very cool ! We finished the introduction. Honestly, you impressed me !
William : You know… I always do the maximum, especially when other people counts on me… I am reliable, although your friends think the contrary…
William : We will finish this work later, I have to go to my sport training.
Yumi : Okay, see you later !

02 :41
Yumi : William ? Have you forgotten something ?
Yumi : Get off me ! Get off me !!

03 :00

Odd : Elodie, it’s me, Odd… Me ? Odd Della-Robbia, the only one ! I'm bothering you ? … Okay… So I will phone you later… See you…
Odd : Conventional technique : she simulate she doesn’t appreciate me, but in reality she falls for me !


Odd : OH !!! My eyes are lying or… I can not believe it: they are kissing each other !!!
Ulrich : I am going to beat him up !
Ulrich : It isn’t the real William ! It’s a specter !
Yumi : Help me !
Ulrich : Yumi ? Are you okay ? Don’t worry… We are here.
Ulrich : Take care of her, I will create a diversion.
Odd : OK.

03 :45
Ulrich : Come on ! I’m plenty of source-codes !

03 :53
Odd : Jérémie, we are attacked by a specter ! Yumi has been wounded.
Jérémie : Okay… Bring her to the factory, she will be in safety. I come with Aelita.

04 :28
Jérémie : Are you okay, Yumi ?
Yumi : Yes… But I had better times !
Jérémie : And Ulrich ? Where is he ?
Odd : We left him in the park. He plays with the specter who looks like William.
Jérémie : Come on ! We don’t have time to loose ! Go to the scanners !
Odd : Yeah !
Jérémie : Yumi, are you able to swoop down on Lyoko ?

04 :50
Aelita : Don’t worry ! Once on Lyoko, your sorrows will disapeared.

05 :00
Jérémie : I activate the virtualization process. Scanner Odd… Scanner Yumi… Scanner Aelita… Virtualization !

05 :33
Yumi : Fine ! I’m feeling better. Jérémie, do you have news from Ulrich ? Nope, I’m currently trying to call him. Meanwhile, go for the tower. It is located at 72° east.
Odd : You send us the vehicles ?
Jérémie : Done.

05 :57
Odd : Something is strange… how could you confuse the real William and the specter ??
Aelita : Odd, you are onerous !
Odd : … and I’m wondering : is XANA a good kisser ??
Yumi : Odd, I do not know what keeps me from devirtualize you !
Odd : We don’t even have the right to joke…

06 :20
Jérémie : What’s the situation, Ulrich ? Odd, Aelita and Yumi are going to the tower… And what about you ?
Ulrich : It’s okay until now, but hurry up anyway !
Jim : Stern, I see you are doing sport during your break… Good… Dunbar, hurry up ! Otherwise you'll never catch him !

06 :45
Yumi : It’s okay Jérémie… We see the tower.
Jérémie : Watch out ! There are monsters on my screens.

07 :17
Jérémie : Beware, Yumi !

07 :32
Jérémie : There is something I don’t understand…
Aelita : Whence come these shootings?
Odd : I don’t know, but we must hide.

07 :45
Odd : Jérémie, could you told me how much monsters you see on your control pannel ?
Jérémie : Three ! I see 3 !
Odd : So we have a problem : I can see only 2 monsters.
Aelita : Odd… The third monster… He is invisible !
Odd : Where are you hiding? Dirty cockroach !
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Neutraliseur de Tarentules

Messages: 1085

Inscription: 13 Jan 2013, 22:45

Localisation: Dans la batcave, sinon à Neptune High.

Message 31 Jan 2013, 18:35

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

wow, thank you for this transcript! :)
"Hein hein, c'est moi! Un concours? Tout dans le look, rien dans le crâne? Oh mais j'arrive!" - Azra, épisode #77

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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 31 Jan 2013, 21:44

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

ProjetHopper a écrit:wow, thank you for this transcript! :)

Thanks ! It's a good manner to improve my english ;) !

And thanks to Amrykid from codelyoko.wikia.com for his timing ! The 8 first minutes are available here : http://codelyoko.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog_comment:Amrykid/Houston,_we_have_a_problem!/@comment-Amrykid-20130131022239?permalink=22500#comm-22500
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Neutraliseur de Tarentules

Messages: 1085

Inscription: 13 Jan 2013, 22:45

Localisation: Dans la batcave, sinon à Neptune High.

Message 31 Jan 2013, 22:12

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Great!! :D he give credit to you and codelyoko.net. I'd like to help you but I'm not good in English :P
And do you have some news about Clewilan? She stopped?
"Hein hein, c'est moi! Un concours? Tout dans le look, rien dans le crâne? Oh mais j'arrive!" - Azra, épisode #77


Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 31 Jan 2013, 22:44

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Clewilan didn't say anyhing, I guess she wasn't motivated enough for this episode.

Anyway, cl_xana, I saw you proposed to translate some more minutes. As the Subsonics seem to take their time, I started to translate from 12:21. But I'm having a hard time understanding what Odd says at 12:50: "En tout cas, maintenant, je ferai super gaffe quand..." I'm not sure of the end: "quand un type te sautera dessus"?
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Neutraliseur de Tarentules

Messages: 1085

Inscription: 13 Jan 2013, 22:45

Localisation: Dans la batcave, sinon à Neptune High.

Message 31 Jan 2013, 22:56

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Olivier a écrit:Clewilan didn't say anyhing, I guess she wasn't motivated enough for this episode.

I understand, this episode is bad compared to Mrs. Einstein :P
Thanks for the translation Olivier! :)

Olivier a écrit:But I'm having a hard time understanding what Odd says at 12:50: "En tout cas, maintenant, je ferai super gaffe quand..." I'm not sure of the end: "quand un type te sautera dessus"?

I think, Odd says: "En tout cas, maintenant, je ferai super gaffe quand une fille me sautera dessus"
Maybe he said that 'cause of the story about Elodie?
"Hein hein, c'est moi! Un concours? Tout dans le look, rien dans le crâne? Oh mais j'arrive!" - Azra, épisode #77

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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 31 Jan 2013, 22:57

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Olivier a écrit:But I'm having a hard time understanding what Odd says at 12:50: "En tout cas, maintenant, je ferai super gaffe quand..." I'm not sure of the end: "quand un type te sautera dessus"?

Oh yes, it was hard to heard ! But for me it's : "... quand une fille me sautera dessus"... We need an arbitrator !

Olivier a écrit:Anyway, cl_xana, I saw you proposed to translate some more minutes. As the Subsonics seem to take their time, I started to translate from 12:21

Great ! So I'll try to translate from 8:00 to 12:21 !

Olivier a écrit:Clewilan didn't say anyhing, I guess she wasn't motivated enough for this episode.

Strange ! After a good episode like this one :sm27:

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 31 Jan 2013, 23:03

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

OK, let's say it's "quand une fille me sautera dessus" (but it's strange that Yumi doesn't seem happy with that "joke"...).

Now, the problem is to translate that :P
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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 31 Jan 2013, 23:08

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Olivier a écrit:OK, let's say it's "quand une fille me sautera dessus" (but it's strange that Yumi doesn't seem happy with that "joke"...).

Now, the problem is to translate that :P

Ouch, not simple ! And a literal translation is not possible ! Maybe a synomym : "when a girl will pursue me" ?

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 31 Jan 2013, 23:13

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Good idea. I think this translation will be fine:

"Anyway, I'll be careful next time a girl tries to chase after me!"
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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 31 Jan 2013, 23:16

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Olivier a écrit:Good idea. I think this translation will be fine:

"Anyway, I'll be careful next time a girl tries to chase after me!"

Great ! It's much more better than mine ! :thumbleft:

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 31 Jan 2013, 23:46

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Odd: If I hadn't entered the tower heroically through this horrible wall, our friend Ulrich wouldn't have any code left! Nothing, nada!
Jérémie: Don't speak too quickly. I fear the specter did a lot of damage.
Jérémie: OK, I activate the procedure.
Yumi: I've lost even more codes than I thought...
Jérémie: Let's see how XANA is.
Odd: 75%? It's huge!
Jérémie: XANA has been gaining more power.
Odd: Anyway, I'll be careful next time a girl tries to chase after me! You never know!
Yumi: I leave you now. I'm going to see William. I've got some homework to finish.
Ulrich: Well, I'm going to let off steam a bit, I need it...

Aelita: Don't you think Ulrich is kinda weird lately?
Odd: It's William's double effect: seeing two Williams the same day must have confused his brain!
Odd: OK, guys, now some serious matters are waiting for me.
Odd: Allo, Elodie? It's Odd! Odd Della Robia, you know!
Odd: I'm still disturbing you? You know, I love busy girls!

Odd: Anyway, I've been a bit busy too...
Odd: What on Earth?
Jérémie: How can XANA attack again so quickly?
Jérémie: We must warn the others.
Aelita: I do it.
Aelita: No way, mine too!
Jérémie: We've got to go to Lyoko, and quickly!
Aelita: Yes, but we have a small problem: we can't go back before 12 hours.
Jérémie: There's still Ulrich, but I don't want him to go alone.
Odd: What's the solution then?
Aelita: William?
Odd: William? Are you nuts? You know this guy isn't reliable!
Jérémie: I thing Aelita is right, we don't have any other choice.
Odd: Pfff...

Aelita: XANA has just launched an attack.
Ulrich: You can use cell phones, you know!
Aelita: Maybe not for long. XANA has been hacking the whole phone network.
Ulrich: Specter attacks are not enough anymore, right?
Ulrich: Do the others know?
Aelita: They're looking for William. They want you both on Lyoko.
Ulrich: William? That's just crazy!

Ulrich: 49° West, Mountain Sector.

Aelita: No way!

Aelita: You're really lame, Ulrich!
Aelita: You're doing exacty what you reproach William! You're a selfish player!
Aelita: You're the only one who can still deactivate the tower.
Aelita: If anything happens to you, we won't be able to do anything to stop the attack!
Aelita: Ulrich, do you hear me?
Aelita: Ulrich? Answer me!
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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 01 Fév 2013, 00:48

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Very nice job !

Does anyone have a idea for the translation of "vas-y, je te couvre ?" :scratch:
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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 01 Fév 2013, 01:26

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Finished ! There is the missing link !


08 :10
Jérémie : Ulrich ?
Ulrich : Jérémie, I hope you have good news… Because I don't know how long I be able to continue…
Ulrich : I must leave you ; he spotted me!

08 :31
Jérémie : We must act quickly!
Jérémie : The situation is urgent with Ulrich!
Odd : Wait, are you kidding ? We do our best!

08 :50
Ulrich : Okay… I see… You can pass through the walls… So, come on! I dream of this moment for a long time!
William : What is it with you, Ulrich ?
Ulrich : William ?!?
William : Heck yeah! Whom would you think I am ?
Ulrich : There is a specter with your appearance! And he pursues me everywhere for a while!
William : A specter ?!? Wait… It means that the others are on Lyoko, right ?
Odd : Aelita, could you project your force field to the direction of these laser shots ?
Aelita : … What ?
Odd : I have an idea!

09 :44
William : So, that’s it : I'm no longer a Lyoko-warrior, I'm right ?
Ulrich : We have already had this conversation : your place is no longer among us! You're too selfish on Lyoko!
William : Sure! Be honest and admit that you're afraid of the competition!

10 :22
Odd : Go ahead, I covers you!
Jérémie : Odd, time is running out! You're near the activated tower! Rush! I remind you that you're also able to deactivate it!
Odd : Why me? I hate that... entering the towers!
Aelita : Stop complaining! And go!

11 :53
Jérémie : Odd, please hurry up!!
Odd : It’s alright, don’t panic!
Odd : Let’s go ! It’s not so difficult… Okay, I just have to insert the code…


That's all for today ! Good night english-speaking fans !

Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 16

Inscription: 01 Fév 2013, 02:40

Message 01 Fév 2013, 02:45

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

Thanks cl_xana and Olivier. The first 17 minutes are now available in a subtitle file.

Go here and in your browser, go to 'Save Page as' (in Chrome, for example). Make sure to save it as a '.ass' file with the same final name as the video.

Message 01 Fév 2013, 20:31

Re: Episode 100 - Rivalry

I'd like to inform you all that our fansubbing team, SUBSONICS has been subbing the episodes, you can view and download them here.
There are softsubbed and hardsubbed versions, you can watch the hardsubbed ones here (including episode 5, which is being uploaded now).
The episodes are quite high-quality, as we have native speakers to translate and then we have the texts checked with native French people as well. Also, they are formatted and chaptered. We're working as fast as we can to deliver the episodes fast and so far we have the best subs.

https://docs.google.com/a/mailbox.hu/fo ... Uwb1E/edit

Thank you for checking them out.

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