Jeune Lyokophile
Messages: 186
Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22
Jeune Lyokophile
Messages: 186
Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22
Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail
Messages: 2092
Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58
Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail
Messages: 2092
Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58
cl_xana a écrit:A spectrum
Olivier a écrit:cl_xana a écrit:A spectrum
It's "specter", not "spectrum"
Jeune Lyokophile
Messages: 186
Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22
Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail
Messages: 2092
Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58
Neutraliseur de Tarentules
Messages: 1085
Inscription: 13 Jan 2013, 22:45
Localisation: Dans la batcave, sinon à Neptune High.
ProjetHopper a écrit:wow, thank you for this transcript!
Neutraliseur de Tarentules
Messages: 1085
Inscription: 13 Jan 2013, 22:45
Localisation: Dans la batcave, sinon à Neptune High.
Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail
Messages: 2092
Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58
Neutraliseur de Tarentules
Messages: 1085
Inscription: 13 Jan 2013, 22:45
Localisation: Dans la batcave, sinon à Neptune High.
Olivier a écrit:Clewilan didn't say anyhing, I guess she wasn't motivated enough for this episode.
Olivier a écrit:But I'm having a hard time understanding what Odd says at 12:50: "En tout cas, maintenant, je ferai super gaffe quand..." I'm not sure of the end: "quand un type te sautera dessus"?
Olivier a écrit:But I'm having a hard time understanding what Odd says at 12:50: "En tout cas, maintenant, je ferai super gaffe quand..." I'm not sure of the end: "quand un type te sautera dessus"?
Olivier a écrit:Anyway, cl_xana, I saw you proposed to translate some more minutes. As the Subsonics seem to take their time, I started to translate from 12:21
Olivier a écrit:Clewilan didn't say anyhing, I guess she wasn't motivated enough for this episode.
Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail
Messages: 2092
Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58
Olivier a écrit:OK, let's say it's "quand une fille me sautera dessus" (but it's strange that Yumi doesn't seem happy with that "joke"...).
Now, the problem is to translate that
Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail
Messages: 2092
Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58
Olivier a écrit:Good idea. I think this translation will be fine:
"Anyway, I'll be careful next time a girl tries to chase after me!"
Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail
Messages: 2092
Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58
Futur Lyokofan
Messages: 16
Inscription: 01 Fév 2013, 02:40
Go here and in your browser, go to 'Save Page as' (in Chrome, for example). Make sure to save it as a '.ass' file with the same final name as the video.
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