Blah-blah of the Anglophones
Let us speak about us, News, our best memories...
Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail
Messages: 2442
Inscription: 09 Oct 2005, 15:54
Localisation: devant le PC, au taf ou dans une quelconque boutique...
Démolisseur de Mégatanks
Messages: 1563
Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55
Chevaucheur de Mantas
Messages: 1811
Inscription: 18 Juin 2005, 23:32
Localisation: Paris
She said after the World Cup finals, some fights broke out between natives and some Italians.
That's possible. Actually, I never eared about huge problems. The night after the World Cup, this is when I came back from Paris to Lyon by train at midnight. A few Italians were rather excited in the streets, going full throttle with their cars carrying all their Italian flags out. Else, all was strangely calm.
Vacation in France. Do you know where?
Destructeur de Gardiens
Messages: 868
Inscription: 11 Mar 2006, 18:06
Démolisseur de Mégatanks
Messages: 1563
Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55
Chevaucheur de Mantas
Messages: 1811
Inscription: 18 Juin 2005, 23:32
Localisation: Paris
Démolisseur de Mégatanks
Messages: 1563
Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55
This site is kind of like what Jérémie was making to detect potential X.A.N.A. attacks. It's interesting and a bit sobering.
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