Are you satisfated with the moderation ?

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Are satisfayed with the moderation ?

Good work
Good enough
Could be better
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Nombre total de votes : 4
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Râleur de légende

Messages: 1615

Inscription: 02 Juil 2004, 09:53

Localisation: En constante évolution

Message 02 Juin 2006, 20:59

Are you satisfated with the moderation ?

You probably didn't noticed it, but the french Modos have been working in order to help your unique moderator Garooob.
We did that bacause he's the only one in charge for your all. But now, we'd like to know if you're satisfated with ours moderation (Garooob and ours). And by the way, if you could give us some advice, that would be useful ;)
Don't hesitate to post your personnal opinion !
Dernière édition par ChaoticPesme le 02 Juin 2006, 21:21, édité 5 fois.
Fan du thème musical de "Evil" William

Sergent-chef des lyokauteurs

Messages: 2211

Inscription: 14 Juin 2004, 10:38

Message 02 Juin 2006, 21:10

I must say to say to you, that moderating is not an idea we had suddently. Some people have asked us to be more present in this part of board.

Message 02 Juin 2006, 21:53

Tchoucky a écrit:I must say to say to you, that moderating is not an idea we had suddently. Some people have asked us to be more present in this part of board.

As there are really only about four people here at any particular time that surprises me :? I've only ever seen one instance when moderation was needed.

I've seen moderators at boards that I just do not like. I need to feel a certian amount of understanding so as not to feel as though it's the "mod/admin" board and anyone else is not part of the "club". I stay clear of small boards just for that reason. I'll not be a "member" surounded by "button people". Treat me wrong and I'll disappear.

I've had very limited contact with mods other than Garooob, but I've yet to feel intimitated by anyone.
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 02 Juin 2006, 21:56

Anonymous a écrit:
Tchoucky a écrit:I must say to say to you, that moderating is not an idea we had suddently. Some people have asked us to be more present in this part of board.

As there are really only about four people here at any particular time that surprises me :? I've only ever seen one instance when moderation was needed. And that was sort of a one issue thing.

I've seen moderators at boards that I just do not like. I need to feel a certian amount of understanding so as not to feel as though it's the "mod/admin" board and anyone else is not part of the "club". I stay clear of small boards just for that reason. I'll not be a "member" surounded by "button people". Treat me wrong and I'll disappear.

I've had very limited contact with mods other than Garooob, but I've yet to feel intimitated by anyone.

:roll: ^Me again^ It seems that if I have to reconnect to my server I forget to login again. oy :roll:

:cry: ouch
Dernière édition par kagetsu le 03 Juin 2006, 00:59, édité 3 fois.



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 02 Juin 2006, 23:26

You forgot clueless.
"Every epoch dreams its successor." - Jules Michelet

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 04 Juin 2006, 00:04

I hope I'm doing a good job...
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 04 Juin 2006, 00:16

nvr mind
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Lyokophile à vie

Messages: 222

Inscription: 29 Déc 2005, 06:32

Localisation: Illinois, USA

Message 04 Juin 2006, 06:16

garooob, you ALWAYS do a good job, Mr Computer-techie-nut! Benjeremie, too! He does a good job. He knows more about computers than I ever will....Probably everyone else here knows more than I do...
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams."

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Messages: 40

Inscription: 21 Mai 2006, 00:42

Localisation: Central Maryland, USA

Message 04 Juin 2006, 07:58

I used to be a Sysop back on Compuserve and I know first hand all the crap that goes along with being a moderator.

I think the mods (both French and English) do a good job on this BB. A light touch is the best. It's nice to have moderators who're also participants instead of being these "gods from on high" who just step in and do stuff without keeping everyone else in the loop.

Being a moderator is a lot like being an author. If you don't have <b>very</b> thick skin, you shouldn't try either.
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Fils de Aelita et de Jérémie

Messages: 1929

Inscription: 29 Juil 2004, 00:00

Localisation: Val D'Oise

Message 04 Juin 2006, 11:51

miaame a écrit: Mr Computer-techie-nut! Benjeremie, too! He does a good job. He knows more about computers than I ever will....Probably everyone else here knows more than I do...

I love this one ^^
You Know Miaame more and more people know more again all over the world,And that do the internet !
But i not agree whit the "ever you will" It's not difficult when we take time for !
++ Benjeremie
Tooku hanareteru hodo ni chikaku ni kanjiteru
Samishisa mo tsuyosa e to kawatteku
Kimi wo omotta nara
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Lyokophile à vie

Messages: 222

Inscription: 29 Déc 2005, 06:32

Localisation: Illinois, USA

Message 05 Juin 2006, 22:44

Heehee. I've gotten better over the years. garooob's been helping me. I tihnk it's kind of tough. But I'm good for basic things!
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams."

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Futur Lyokophile

Messages: 86

Inscription: 23 Sep 2006, 23:01

Message 30 Sep 2006, 06:04

hellloooooooo :P

Yes good work.. but... it can be better.. also, i know.. you're young..without experience.. so, your work represents your english's level.
Désolé si je ne réponds pas desuite ... je suis en fac et j'ai BEAUCOUP de travail à faire...
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Messages: 3488

Inscription: 10 Fév 2005, 22:27

Localisation: Paris

Message 30 Sep 2006, 15:46

houps ! this topic is not topicality,we have has new moderator now !
I lock ;)

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