Futur Lyokophile
Messages: 100
Inscription: 18 Avr 2007, 09:25
Let us speak about us, News, our best memories...
Futur Lyokophile
Messages: 100
Inscription: 18 Avr 2007, 09:25
Maître des énigmes
Messages: 2574
Inscription: 25 Sep 2005, 19:34
Localisation: France
The Gee Man a écrit:I'd love to talk politics with someone from France.
Futur Lyokophile
Messages: 100
Inscription: 18 Avr 2007, 09:25
Pete a écrit:I can do so. What do you know about the french political system ?
Maître des énigmes
Messages: 2574
Inscription: 25 Sep 2005, 19:34
Localisation: France
The Gee Man a écrit:I can't imagine a system like that working in America, as we have some pretty fringe groups here,
though I've heard that France has had problems with ultra-conservative elements in their system as well.
I'm really concerned about America's standing in the rest of the world right now, as the last 4 years have been our administration giving the rest of the U.N. the proverbial finger, so I'd like to give a blanket apology for our present administration's actions.
Futur Lyokophile
Messages: 100
Inscription: 18 Avr 2007, 09:25
Maître des énigmes
Messages: 2574
Inscription: 25 Sep 2005, 19:34
Localisation: France
The Gee Man a écrit:What are the big issues in France today?
I'd also be interested to know what kind of politician Sarkozy is. I know he's technically a conservative by French standards, but I haven't hearch much else, and it's more interesting ot hear it from a citizen.
Futur Lyokophile
Messages: 100
Inscription: 18 Avr 2007, 09:25
Pete a écrit:"It's the economy, stupid", as Clinton said in 1992. Since few weeks, french medias speek about how incrasing economic growth, incrasing wages and labor time, reforms of the pension system, and stupidities about the European Central Bank (the favourite scapegoat of Sarkozy)... Things like that.
There also are problems with Iran, but you heard about that^^
Pete a écrit:I'm not a big fan of Sarkozy. You should ask someone who like him more
Sarkozy gets better with the Americans than Chirac, the former president, which is a good thing, according to me. His program is : less taxes, less rules ; "to work more for higher wages", a more restrictive migration policy ; zero tolerance for crime ; more investments in universities and public research... etc. He is a very good speaker.
Démolisseur de Mégatanks
Messages: 1430
Inscription: 10 Mai 2006, 10:50
Localisation: La tête dans les étoiles et les pieds sur Lyoko
His program is : less taxes, less rules
Maître des énigmes
Messages: 2574
Inscription: 25 Sep 2005, 19:34
Localisation: France
Eridan a écrit:Not excatly less taxes.
Sarkozy plans to increase VAT in compensation of the decrease of the cost of work
(is it the right expression?)
Just for information, Germany have an higher cost of work than in France, but they are more competitive.
Démolisseur de Mégatanks
Messages: 1430
Inscription: 10 Mai 2006, 10:50
Localisation: La tête dans les étoiles et les pieds sur Lyoko
Maître des énigmes
Messages: 2574
Inscription: 25 Sep 2005, 19:34
Localisation: France
Eridan a écrit:I think we don't speak about the same things :
Germany : +156 M€ thanks to exportations since January 2007
France : -20M€
Of course there is some differences that explain this différence. For example, Germany produce mainly goods (ahem, don't know if is the exact word ^^) that are needed in country like china or in eastern Europe.
Even workers do some sacrifice to control wage cost. But it is still higher than in France.
Maître des énigmes
Messages: 2574
Inscription: 25 Sep 2005, 19:34
Localisation: France
The Gee Man a écrit:My presidential hopeful is Barack Obama, and his main points are getting out of Iraq cleanly and quickly, poverty, nation-wide free healthcare, and the environment. Lucklily, the Republican/Conservative nominees are a pretty sad bunch, so he has a pretty good chance.
Futur Lyokophile
Messages: 100
Inscription: 18 Avr 2007, 09:25
Pete a écrit:Obama seems to be a good candidate. Nation-wide free healthcare is at the same time cheaper anf fairer than the current system ; it's urgent that the United States set up it...
What Obama wish to do about environment ?
Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail
Messages: 2092
Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58
Futur Lyokophile
Messages: 100
Inscription: 18 Avr 2007, 09:25
Olivier a écrit:I didn't watch it but I'm a bit surprised; where did you see it? On a History channel?
Olivier a écrit:Well, nowadays I don't know, but according to the link you gave, the film has been censored on TV for more than 10 years...
Futur Lyokophile
Messages: 100
Inscription: 18 Avr 2007, 09:25
Maître des énigmes
Messages: 2574
Inscription: 25 Sep 2005, 19:34
Localisation: France
The Gee Man a écrit:Over here, many of our conservative elements in the country are upset over the numbers of immigrants from Mexico, who are fleeing the corrupt government and poverty in that nation. I know that France had some recent serious trouble with a similar situation, what do you all have to say about that?
What kinds of issues come up between countries in Europe
Futur Lyokophile
Messages: 100
Inscription: 18 Avr 2007, 09:25
Pete a écrit:- The major issues at the moment is the new and light version of the "Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe" (not a really constitution, actually, it's a bit weird).
- Bulgaria and Rumania are new members the Union (since january).
- Then there are international issues : Iran, Birmania, Darfur...
- And of course Sarkozy's attacks against the ECB, what irritates the members of the eurogroup (ie countries using euro).
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