DragonGirl a écrit:
I cant beleive their cousins (Ok bairly) They have no Physical resemblence, but simular voices.
Speaking of Voices What's worce Sisssy's voice or Patrick's voice.....In my opinion there is no contest Patrick has the most annoying voice on the entire show.
None of my cousins look like me either, about 7 boys not counting girls.
But that voice. I'm sorry because I think it Sharon, and she does a good Aelita voice, but it annoyed me from the moment he spoke. The dark haired boy playing foosball in another episode sounded about the same and I'd hoped he'd never speak again. They've also done the XANA/Sissy thing so often I'm afraid she'll be lobatomised if it happens again.
I also felt very unfair of Aelita to be jumping down Jeremie's throat. Sometimes people just don't like family.
I've also never been very happy about the sub battles with wanna-be-sushi. I'm definitely taking a pass on this episode all around.