Code Lyoko RPG

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Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 07 Avr 2012, 23:27

First off,I can't post pictures! :D

First Name:Roxas
Middle Name:None(No middle name; his middle name isn't none!)
Last Name:Bell
Normal Form:Wears blue jeans,a long slevved red shirt with a purple sun on it,and black shoes.Hair is dirty blond,and is a above his shoulders.
Virtual Form:A Yellow Ninja suit.(Does not cover top of head!Only mouth!)
Weapon:Exploding arrows(Bow-And-Arrows)
Vehical:A completely blue Mantas.
Powers:Materialization(Can make his own monsters),Blue Wings,Invisibility
Travels to replikas?:Oui!
Upgraded Virtual Form:Blue Ninja Suit With Red sun in middle.
Upgraded Weapon:Red ninja sword AND still has exploding arrows
Crush:Aelita(Ooo some competition!Roxas is gonna kick Jeremie's butt!)
Personality:Very nice,sometimes,...Usually goes on rampage when someone talks bad about him.
Other:Other dimension powers
Can shoot light out of hands
Can be invisible in real world too
Has wings in real world,too.
:loic: (Hey a Blok) :a9:


This is old don't pay attention to it.
Dernière édition par sixthwarrior le 18 Juin 2013, 15:02, édité 2 fois.
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 30 Avr 2012, 22:09

Re: Code Lyoko RPG

Wow this is another thing I forgot existed. I blame Kingdom Hearts for distracting me from the internet and a lack of Code Lyoko to draw me back to it.
.....Yay ... just yay

Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 02 Mai 2012, 01:50

Re: Code Lyoko RPG

DragonGirl a écrit:Wow this is another thing I forgot existed. I blame Kingdom Hearts for distracting me from the internet and a lack of Code Lyoko to draw me back to it.

It's About time I know someone who knows about Kingdom Hearts!!!!
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Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 31 Mai 2012, 03:47

Re: Code Lyoko RPG

When Are you gonna start the RPG?
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 01 Juin 2012, 05:13

Re: Code Lyoko RPG

I have no Idea. my guess would probably be when we get at least 2 more people. and that may not happen(Unless I can get one of my friends from a different forum that likes this kind of thing and knows about Code Lyoko to join in. Then there's the fact that I cant think of a way to start this thing!
.....Yay ... just yay

Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 20 Aoû 2012, 05:11

Re: Code Lyoko RPG

DragonGirl a écrit:I have no Idea. my guess would probably be when we get at least 2 more people. and that may not happen(Unless I can get one of my friends from a different forum that likes this kind of thing and knows about Code Lyoko to join in. Then there's the fact that I cant think of a way to start this thing!

Just start it how you started it the first time!And you can see if will join to!
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 21 Aoû 2012, 02:44

Re: Code Lyoko RPG

sixthwarrior a écrit:
DragonGirl a écrit:I have no Idea. my guess would probably be when we get at least 2 more people. and that may not happen(Unless I can get one of my friends from a different forum that likes this kind of thing and knows about Code Lyoko to join in. Then there's the fact that I cant think of a way to start this thing!

Just start it how you started it the first time!And you can see if will join to!

Yeah unfortunatly I cant seem to keep her looking at this site. I'll try to get her to though. after that I'll try to start it.
.....Yay ... just yay

P'tit nouveau

Messages: 1

Inscription: 05 Sep 2012, 03:25

Message 05 Sep 2012, 04:03

Re: Code Lyoko RPG

Yes, it's really fantastic. We are much obliged to you for your sharing. That's cool I know, that's really cool.

Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 26 Nov 2012, 04:48

Re: Code Lyoko RPG

Looks like Agent Johnson left. (I'm only saying that because he's been inactive.)DragonGirl you and me are the only survivors of the english section of this website....Yawn....There are probably others but they don't post anything and just read.
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 27 Nov 2012, 06:03

Re: Code Lyoko RPG

If I can get my offline friends to remember that this site exists then maybe not. oh well there's always still hope that more people will join once the new season launches.

Well it will be hard with only two people and it's a long shot but maybe if we can get this role-play going and make some thing so silly that it looks like fun maybe the people who are only reading will join in too and bring some life back into this place. like I said it's a long shot. I'm not sure how to start this so I'm just gonna wing it on a side note due to the new silly fun agenda all Code Lyoko characters will be shared by everyone.

Sara walks on to the Kadic Academy school grounds. She stretches and yawns.
.....Yay ... just yay

Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 27 Nov 2012, 15:40

Odd: (Alarm clock just went off) It's 7:00 already?Wow.(Goes over to Ulrich's bed)Ulrich, wake up!(Takes off one of Ulrich's earplugs)Jeremie's going out with Yumi!

Ulrich: I'll kill him!(Looks around really fast)Why'd you wake me up?Now that I'm fully awake, I realise that you were lying.

Odd: It's 7:00, Dummy!!Why else would I wake you up?!

Ulrich: Okay, let's get ready.

They put on their clothes and a pair of socks.

Odd: (Open's the door to the hallway and see's Brandon knocking on Jim's door)Brandon!!What the heck are you doing?!

Brandon: Playing Ding-Dong-Ditch!!

Odd: Whatever.As long as you don't get caught!Jim could suspend you.He doesn't like to be woken up.

Ulrich: Odd, I'll go first.(Walks to the end of the hallway)I'm ready!

Odd: 3,2,1,GO!!

Ulrich: (Runs as fast as he can and starts sliding across the floor)Yeah!!(Goes so far he almost hit's the wall at the other side of the hallway)Woah!(Stops just before he hit's the wall)That was awesome!!!

Odd: Alright!!100 Points!!!

Brandon: Hey!I can be the score keeper!!

Odd: Okay!

Jeremie: (Opens his door)What the heck are you guys doing?

Odd: Playing a game!

???: (walks behind Odd)At seven in the morning?

Odd: (Turn's around)Jim, old buddy!How are ya?

Jim:I'm tired!

Meanwhile, in Aelita's room.

Aelita: (Has been listening to everything the boy's have been doing)Wow, it sounds like they are in trouble now!

Yumi: Yeah!

Brandon: Uhh, I have to go, feed my unicorn???(Goes through portal and closes it)

Odd: Ditcher!!

Jeremie: (Closes door)

Yumi: Ha!That was funny!! 'I have to go feed my unicorn???' Ha!

Aelita: Yeah! That was kinda funny!!

Jim: (Running off) Pets are not allowed!!!(Turns around) I'll deal with you two later!

Odd: This was Brandon's fault!He was Ding-Dong-Ditching Jim!!
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 28 Nov 2012, 02:02

Re: Code Lyoko RPG

Sara: (looks around.) I'm not a student here. I should leave before i'm noticed (Turns towards the direction she came and sees science building) Hua? That's weird I was sure I came in that way.
.....Yay ... just yay

Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 28 Nov 2012, 05:03

Brandon: (ends up in gym)There you are, unicorn!

Yumi: (walks in gym)Woah.He wasn't kidding!(point's to Brandon feeding a unicorn)

Brandon: No duh!I'm not a liar!!

Aelita: where do you even get a unicorn?

Brandon: I know a guy who know's a girl, and this girl know's a guy, and th-

Yumi: (irritated)Your point?!

Brandon: I know alot of people who can get me stuff!!


Brandon: WELL TOO BAD FATCAKE!!!(opens a portal and runs through it with the unicorn)

Jim: (Walks off, mumbling something)

Yumi: (Wait's till Jim leaves, then breaks out laughing)HAHA!!!Jim got called a fatcake!!He got told by a 10year old!!!

Aelita: (also laughing)Yeah!!I never thought Brandon would do THAT!!!

The 2 keep on laughing for a couple of minutes.
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 29 Nov 2012, 06:22

Re: Code Lyoko RPG

Sara: (turns and tries going the other way walking face first into a street lamp) What the heck? I must be losing it that wasn't there a minute ago.

A stream of black smoke flies out of the light bulb of the street lamp and into Sara.

Sara: AAAAHHHHGGGGG. (collapses)

Random Nameless student who was walking out of the cafeteria: What the! Hey someone get a teacher some girl just passed out!
.....Yay ... just yay

Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 10 Déc 2012, 03:27

A minute before what just happened(the xana thing).Oh, and just so you know, you can use my character.

Brandon: (walks outside)Phew!Has anyone else noticed why aelita and yumi are laughing at everything?Why am I talking to myself?(Sees someone walk face first into a pole)*Facepalm* Dude.Seriously.Epic Fail.

Aelita: (walks behind brandon and lets out a high pitched scream)AHHHHH!!!!

Brandon: Ahh!(turns around)Aelita?I thought you were a banshee!!!

Aelita: Yumi asked me if I would!!(Runs off)

Brandon: Oookkkaaayyy???...
Dernière édition par sixthwarrior le 12 Jan 2013, 16:47, édité 1 fois.
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 11 Déc 2012, 06:12

Re: Code Lyoko RPG

Sara: Ugggggh. (stands up)

Random student: Are you ok?

Sara: (glares at the student) ... Your false concern is pointless.

Random student: what (using energy throws the student across the yard back in the direction of the cafeteria then turns and walks towards the park)
.....Yay ... just yay

Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 14 Déc 2012, 01:47

Side note: do they still not have to know about lyoko?

(In Jeremie's room)

Jeremie: (Computer won't shut up the stupid beeping)Activated tower!

Odd: Ya Think?

Ulrich: Yeah!Turn it off!

Jeremie: Okay, Okay...(Turns it off)

Aelita: Let's go.
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 14 Déc 2012, 21:37

Re: Code Lyoko RPG

Yes that rule still applies. However Sara now knows thanks to being under Xana's control. This is only temporary.

Also this Sara is not at all like fanfic Sara I just recycled the name

Sara: (Enters the sewer passage)
.....Yay ... just yay

Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 15 Déc 2012, 03:02

This is in the forest.

Brandon: (Sees Odd and the rest of them heading towards the sewer)What the?

Jeremie: Hurry!

Odd: Yeah, says the person who got beat in a race by a snail!

Aelita: (stops, turns around and smacks odd)I'm not weak you know!Plus I can HEAR!

Crows: (Start flying away) CAW CAW!!CAW!!

Brandon: They have got to be up to something, and I'm gonna find out what it is......
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Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 17 Déc 2012, 01:20

Brandon: (Falls in sewer water)Ewww!!!
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 18 Déc 2012, 06:52

Re: Code Lyoko RPG

Sara: (exits the sewer enters the factory gets in the elevator and goes down to the lab she does not send the elevator back up) Humph. (walks towards the supercomputer but trips falls into the keyboard and breaks it.)
.....Yay ... just yay

Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 31 Déc 2012, 19:49

Yumi: Did you hear something?

Jeremie: Yeah.(Everyone turns around)

Brandon: Yikes!(Goes underwater right before the rest of them see him)

Odd: Probably just a rat.

Ulrich: Yeah.(Everone keeps on walking)

Brandon: (Still under water)[I have got to be more careful.]
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 01 Jan 2013, 03:29

Re: Code Lyoko RPG

Sara: (Stands up) Ugh, Curse this clumsy form. humm that should slow them down some. But I'll need to do more. (Returns to the elevator, makes her way to the scanner room and begins unplugging the scanners and plugging the wires into the wrong spots careful to make everything look normal while not actually being functional )
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 459

Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49

Localisation: United States Central Time Zone

Message 05 Jan 2013, 07:18

Re: Code Lyoko RPG

Sara finishes rearranging the wires then goes to find an obscure room in the factory to hide in. After a few minutes the strange smoke that entered her body leaves and flows into another piece of technology soon after which she faints)
.....Yay ... just yay

Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 12 Jan 2013, 16:50

Brandon: (Climbs up ladder to bridge)Finally, I'm out of there!
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