Live chat

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Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 10 Mar 2013, 20:47

Live chat

Who thinks that this website should have a live chat that you can join to talk to people in real time?
dead account! dead account!
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Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1528

Inscription: 14 Nov 2004, 20:11

Localisation: Paris

Message 10 Mar 2013, 20:56

Re: Live chat

It will be awesome... But we have already a live chat ! Here :
It's currently common to the french and english section, but you can use it !

Do you want a separate live chat for the english section only ?

Jeune Lyokophile

Messages: 186

Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22

Message 10 Mar 2013, 22:02

Re: Live chat

Oh!I didn't know there already was one!
dead account! dead account!

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