Shadowbot's Story Concepts

Do you have imagination ? Create your own story about Code Lyoko !

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Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 21

Inscription: 28 Fév 2005, 02:18

Localisation: Western Washitonia

Message 15 Mai 2005, 08:05

Shadowbot's Story Concepts

Well, the english end of CL fanfiction on this forum is certainly quiet. Tme to change that. What I have been writing and typing down are story ideas and guidelines, which COULD make proper fanfics if done right (and by better authors than moi.)

Anyways, this is what I have taken to calling Code Lyoko Season 1.5. The stories fit into the continuitity right after "Faux Depart / False Start", the season finale of Season One. They also will hopefully fit between Season Two, as all of the situations are in keeping with Season One's singlistic story style.

And finally, I am trying to make a compliment of 13 stories, basically half of a standard season, so I have several more entries to fill. But, my finale title is set, and I'm ironing out the details for that now.

So, presenting, my idea for a half-season of Code Lyoko...

Code Lyoko Story Guides - Concepts by Shadowbot

Virtual Terror

Several days have passed since XANA 's attempt to send his monsters to Earth. Feeling confident, Jeremie and the gang materialize Aelita for a night of fun and games at Kadic. However, the activities at the school have not gone unnoticed by XANA, who soon attacks in a way that will have everyone screaming...

Lightning Strike

The weekend has arrived. The gang is free from classes, and homework is the furthest thing from their minds. Yumi invites her friends over for a movie night at her place, but Odd surprisingly declines. Ulrich and Jeremie accept, and Aelita is pulled along as well. Unknown to our heroes though, a storm is heading toward the city, a storm that XANA plans on harnessing in order to finally annihilate the kids once and for all.


Following the the adventure in the tempest, Ulrich has come down hard with a nasty flu. Sensing opportunity, XANA goes and possesses a flu virus from one of Ulrich sneezes, creating a super sickness. As Kadics staff and students are infected and laid low by XANA, it's up to Yumi and Oddto save their friends lives before they subcome to the deadly fever.


Aelita, bound to Lyoko because of XANA's virtual virus, has been feeling depressed as off late. Jeremie and the others try to cheer her up, and just as they are about to succeed, Aelita and Lyoko vanish, then reappear as if nothing had happened. Concerned, Jeremie runs a diagnostic on the labrotories systems, and finds out that XANA's independent power source is running low. If XANA runs out of power, Aelita, the super-computer, and all of Lyoko will be gone forever. Now, in order to save Aelita, Jeremie and the others must help XANA...


Odd has really done it this time. After his latest and greatest practical joke on Sissi goes wrong and sends her to the hospital, Principal Delmas decides to expel Odd from Kadic at immediately. With his parents coming to retrieve him and no way for him to convince Principal Delmas to allow him to stay at the school, Odd pleads with his friends to bail him out with an insane scheme: Use the Past Protocol from Lyoko so that he can undo his prank. But, in order for the plan to work, the gang must do the unthinkable: Purposely draw out XANA to attack Earth....

(6.) Haunted

~Working title, story to be filled out. Basically, XANA's 'ghost' is spotted on Kadic's grounds, causing trouble for the gang.

(7.) Nightmare

~Working title, story to be filled out. XANA learns how to affect our heroes dreams by infecting them on Lyoko, causing sleep deprevation, social problems, and a fear of the virtual world.

(8.) No concept :?
(9.) No concept :?
(10.) No concept :?
(11.) No concept :?

Reset: Part 01

It's exam week at Kadic. As the gang diligently studies for their coming tests, on Lyoko, Aelita is being closely persued by XANA's monsters. After several close calls in various regions of the virtual world, Aelita is finally cornered and is forced to contact Jeremie for assistance. At once, Jeremie drops his books and rounds up the others for the rescue mission. After a short battle, the warriors save Aelita and Jeremie congratulates them on a job well-done. At that moment, XANA springs his trap, and the Past Protocol activates...

Reset: Part 02

As time reverts back to normal, the kids quickly find out that the tampered warp had not sent them to the past as usual, but instead transported them twelve hours into the future. To their horror, they find the city has been overrun by XANA's monsters, and that Kadic has been reduced to rubble. With more and more creatures materializing every minute, the gang makes for the factory, only to find it under heavy guard from Mega-Tanks and Krabes.

To save Earth's future and return everything to normal, the gang must infilterate the factory and distract XANA on Lyoko to buy Jeremie time to fix the Past Protocol. But with XANA's forces building and mankinds chances for survival dewindle, can the kids stop XANA's invasion and repair their ability to return to the past?
Dernière édition par Shadowbot le 22 Mai 2005, 01:27, édité 2 fois.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 16 Mai 2005, 01:42

Geez, nice work on the concepts! That's a lot of work!
But, with an imagination like that, I think the actual stories should be written by toi too. Give it a shot, already....

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 16 Mai 2005, 03:38

Sounds like you've put a lot of work into those and they're pretty good. They could even pass as episodes! So now we have to find someone to cultivate them into full stories...
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Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 21

Inscription: 28 Fév 2005, 02:18

Localisation: Western Washitonia

Message 17 Mai 2005, 23:22

Geez, nice work on the concepts! That's a lot of work!
But, with an imagination like that, I think the actual stories should be written by toi too. Give it a shot, already....


Sounds like you've put a lot of work into those and they're pretty good. They could even pass as episodes! So now we have to find someone to cultivate them into full stories...

Thanks for the kind words guys. As it is, I'm kinda bad about writing, as I turn into a perfectionist, and never complete said story. :?

Though if I had to pick a story from my list to write, I'd pick either "Lightning Strike" or "Blackout", as they have more developed plots than the rest of my concepts.

Who can say, I have free time coming up on Memorial Day, I might just start typing up one of those! ;)
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Râleur de légende

Messages: 1615

Inscription: 02 Juil 2004, 09:53

Localisation: En constante évolution

Message 18 Mai 2005, 09:18

Mmm... your concepts seem to be really good !
I'd like to read one of your complete story as soon as possible ! :D
Fan du thème musical de "Evil" William
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Lyokophile à vie

Messages: 234

Inscription: 07 Jan 2005, 05:55

Message 19 Mai 2005, 05:23

These are great concepts, and put together, they'd make a really interesting "season 1.5" as you mentioned. :D

I was thinking, as a concept for one of the not yet planned episodes - considering how the Renault factory on the island in the Seine is currently being demolished, there could be an episode in which it is also planned for demolition. And the whole conflict can be our friends trying to keep the super-calculator hidden from the workers who are now frequently visiting the factory, preparing it for demolition. At the same time, XANA decided to launch an attack directly on the factory, endangering our friends, the workers, and the super-calculator itself. The group has to reset time before it's too late (before someone gets injured, or the computer gets destroyed), and then after the reset, they somehow manage to convince the workers or who's ever in charge of the demolition that the factory shouldn't be demolished.

Just an idea. ;)

Message 22 Mai 2005, 01:18

I was thinking, as a concept for one of the not yet planned episodes - considering how the Renault factory on the island in the Seine is currently being demolished, there could be an episode in which it is also planned for demolition. And the whole conflict can be our friends trying to keep the super-calculator hidden from the workers who are now frequently visiting the factory, preparing it for demolition. At the same time, XANA decided to launch an attack directly on the factory, endangering our friends, the workers, and the super-calculator itself. The group has to reset time before it's too late (before someone gets injured, or the computer gets destroyed), and then after the reset, they somehow manage to convince the workers or who's ever in charge of the demolition that the factory shouldn't be demolished.

Y'know, when I saw the news that the Renault Factory was scheduled for demolition, I kinda had the same idea, but I feared that it would stray too close to the episode where XANA tries to destroy the factory himself.

However, HUMANS trying to wreck the factory is a nice idea as well... I'll see if I can whip up a plot for it LeDixieme. You'll also get a concept kudos from me as well, as you proposed it to me first. Thanks! :p

And I will say this: Any and all Code Lyoko story ideas you guys have, please run by me, and I'll see what I can do. But, the guideline is that the plot has to be able to fit a Season One style, and not stray into Season's Two's territory, as we'll let the show handle that first.
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Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 21

Inscription: 28 Fév 2005, 02:18

Localisation: Western Washitonia

Message 25 Mai 2005, 08:09

Since you guys asked me to at least try my hand at typing up a fan-fic based on my concepts, I'll give you all a little pre-Memorial Day treat. Here is an excerpt from my as-yet incomplete story "Blackout".

Enjoy the read, and be sure to tell me what you think, as your imput is needed for my concepts to be a sucess.


"Now today class, we'll be studying diseases; their types and how they affect the human body. Can anybody tell me how the flu infects a person?" Turning from the blackboard, Mrs. Hertz scanned her students, looking for a willing youngster to speak up. Finding none, she pointed to Jeremie, who was studiously staring into the pages of his science book. "Jeremie, do you perhaps know the answer?" At his table, Jeremie remained silent, still looking down at his book. Mrs. Hertz tried again to gain his attention. "Jeremie? Jeremie. Jeremie!" No answer.

Utterly flabbergasted at her prize students lack of response, Mrs. Hertz stalked over to Jeremie's table, with Jeremie seemingly unaware of his teachers indignation. Behind him, Odd and Ulrich tried to alert their best to alert him to the oncoming danger, but to no avail. Halting with a click of her heels, Mrs. Hertz began to dress the boy down, while Herve, Sissi, and Nicolas sniggered loudly in the background.

"Now look here, young man. While you might be the best in this class, that still gives you no cause to just out and ignore me! Jeremie Belpois, are you listening to me? Jeremie!"

Mrs. Hertz waved a hand between Jeremie and his book, and getting no response from that action, snapped her fingers under his nose. Jeremie jumped with a yelp, yanked from the deep train of thought he had been in.

"Yah! Wha.. Who? Umm, s-sorry Mrs. Hertz. I was just... really thinking."

"Are you alright Jeremie?" Mrs. Hertz asked, now concerned. Placing a gnarled hand to his forehead, she felt for a sign of a high temperature. Matter of fact, he did seem a tad hot, but it was hard for her to tell with him blushing like a plucked beet. "Maybe you should go visit the infirmiry, my boy."

"Ummm... sure, Mrs. Hertz. I'm... I'm not feeling very well. I'll go see the nurse right now."

Packing away his school things into his bookbag, Jeremie walked toward the door, followed by Hertz. As he passed Ulrich, he mouthed "Aelita" and "Lunch" to his puzzled friend. With a questioning shrug at Odd, they watched with the rest of the class as Jeremie exited the room.


So, what do you all think? :D

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 26 Mai 2005, 06:00

Not bad, I must say. I certainly am curious about what's bothering Jer, so I guess you're succeeding.
Ms. Hertz might not like having her hand referred to as "gnarled"; I think that's too strong a word when aversion is not being sought. Other than that I have no complaints.
I have read virtually NO fanfics, in any language, so I'm not an expert on how they are to go, but this seems pretty cool, and is maintaining the atmosphere and the personalities of the original.....
Right on! Write on! (both of them....)
(Are we supposed to proof-read too? You missed two possessive apostrophes and also got a garbled spot in:
"Utterly flabbergasted at her prize students lack of response, Mrs. Hertz stalked over to Jeremie's table, with Jeremie seemingly unaware of his teachers indignation. Behind him, Odd and Ulrich tried to alert their best to alert him to the oncoming danger, but to no avail."
No offense, j'espère.)
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Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 21

Inscription: 28 Fév 2005, 02:18

Localisation: Western Washitonia

Message 26 Mai 2005, 09:42

Not bad, I must say. I certainly am curious about what's bothering Jer, so I guess you're succeeding.

Good, so my plot might actually be a fair one then.

Ms. Hertz might not like having her hand referred to as "gnarled"; I think that's too strong a word when aversion is not being sought. Other than that I have no complaints.

True, she most definately wouldn't like her hands being described that way, however, I am trying to help any reader unaccustomed to the series to have a good visual image of the characters and their environment. It helps point out that Mrs. Hertz is a tad on the far side of the hill age-wise. :p

Are we supposed to proof-read too?

No, I'll have a friend who is a fan-fic writer on another MB make the nessesary editing and proofing for me. At this point, I'm just laying out the meat of the plot, so all the fine-tuning is yet to come.

Thanks for the response Chauve-Souris, glad to see that I'm working on something of interest. 8)
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Lyokophile à vie

Messages: 234

Inscription: 07 Jan 2005, 05:55

Message 28 Mai 2005, 07:08

that bit really is intriguing so far. i can't wait to read the rest, it sounds so dramatic! keep up the good work :D
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 473

Inscription: 13 Mar 2005, 18:30

Message 07 Juin 2005, 09:28

sorry not to read your fanfic sooner but I didn't see it .
I read lots of french fanfics and this one is both good written and faithful to code lyoko , it's an interesting beginning with lots of details , I like it and i'm waiting for the next part .

Message 19 Sep 2005, 23:15

Amazing! You really do have quite an imangination. They sound almost like real episodes! I've written a few outlines myself, but I'm really shy. Besides, most of my stories don't quailfy for anything, since I added my own character, Jessy. Seriously though, all you need is a hook up with the author, and we've got some awesome new episodes.
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Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 15

Inscription: 09 Oct 2005, 20:26

Localisation: Western Washitonia

Message 03 Jan 2006, 22:16

Well, what I was afraid of came to pass. Not only did I fail to further develop any of my concepts, but several episodes in Season 2 have rendered some of ideas moot.

Case in point:
"Lightning Strike" = "Cold War"
"Blackout" = "Common Interest"
"Haunted" = "Is Anybody Out There?"
"Nightmare" = Aelita's visions of the wolves, Mr. Puck, and the Hermitage.

The ones I feel I can salvage would be "Virtual Terror", "Fever", "Prank", and "Reset: Part 01 & 02".

Along with my original ideas, I developed a Season 2 fanfic. The one person I was waiting to be possessed and never was is Mrs. Hertz. It's under a development title of "Blinded".

Message 29 Mai 2006, 01:08

I belive that your idea "Blackout" was made as a season 2 episode titled "Common Interest", but instead of Aelita vanashing, her heart momentarely stops while she is living on earth.

Message 30 Mai 2006, 04:18 a écrit:Well, what I was afraid of came to pass. Not only did I fail to further develop any of my concepts, but several episodes in Season 2 have rendered some of ideas moot.

Case in point:
"Lightning Strike" = "Cold War"
"Blackout" = "Common Interest"
"Haunted" = "Is Anybody Out There?"
"Nightmare" = Aelita's visions of the wolves, Mr. Puck, and the Hermitage.

The ones I feel I can salvage would be "Virtual Terror", "Fever", "Prank", and "Reset: Part 01 & 02".

Along with my original ideas, I developed a Season 2 fanfic. The one person I was waiting to be possessed and never was is Mrs. Hertz. It's under a development title of "Blinded".

I am sorry for my mistake earlier. I hadn't seen this and wanted you too know but now I see you do. Again I am sorry. :oops:

Message 24 Sep 2007, 18:53

I think that your ideas are almost better then the real episodes. I have made my own story, but its season 4 so it wouldnt fit into this season 1 and 2 talk.

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