CL Season 2

Come here to speak about all what you think about Code lyko.

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 06 Sep 2005, 03:38

What? A new haircut? How different is it?

Sergent-chef des lyokauteurs

Messages: 2211

Inscription: 14 Juin 2004, 10:38

Message 06 Sep 2005, 09:02

She seems not know what a comb is. And her clothes are like Baby doll's
Dernière édition par Tchoucky le 06 Sep 2005, 09:56, édité 1 fois.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 07 Sep 2005, 13:53

Clem! Thanks ever so for the great previews! I notice that you only sent images from Kadic, and not Lyoko. This implies that Aelita's hairdo is not changed on Lyoko, which is the only thing I was worried about. :freakdream:
The Kadic hairdo certainly is scruffy -- in some views it is almost masculine. Yuk! And I agree with your opinion of her clothing too. She looked a lot more attractive in Sais.1 during her brief visit to reality. :NRV:
Merci encore!

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 07 Sep 2005, 14:03

Chauve-Souris a écrit:...Therefore, ergo, QED, hence, and thus -- Saison-2 starts on 27 or 28 September?

Yesterday and today, at least, CN is showing TWO episodes of CL every day. At that rate, and showing only on weekdays, eps 25 and 26 will hit on Friday, 16 Sep. That means.....
Saison II will start on Monday, 19 Sep? Mmmm, boy! I hope so! :pompom:

Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2092

Inscription: 28 Aoû 2005, 14:58

Message 07 Sep 2005, 20:35

Chauve-Souris a écrit:Saison II will start on Monday, 19 Sep? Mmmm, boy! I hope so!

This is what the official forum says, actually:

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 08 Sep 2005, 03:16

Olivier a écrit:This is what the official forum says, actually...

Well, slap me upside the head with a frozen rabbit! I got it right! So, I guess that's it then. We stop breathing until Monday the 19th....
Thanks for the link, Olivier! :freakdream:
edit: And now (09 Sep) CN is at last doing pubs stating that the startup is, indeed, 19 Sep! Yay!

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 12 Sep 2005, 00:04

Cartoon Network's schedule confirms this!
Sept 19th - New Order
20th - Uncharted Territory
21st - Exploration
22nd - A Great Day
23rd - Mister Puck

Mister Puck? Who is that?

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 12 Sep 2005, 03:24

garooob a écrit:...Mister Puck? Who is that?

Puck is an Olde English character who seems to have represented mischief and comedy in literature through the years (including Mr. Shakespeare's). Maybe Odd is going to get really wound up with the yuks.
Thanks for the episode titles.
Egad! Barely more than a week to go!!!!!! :hecate:


Messages: 3549

Inscription: 24 Avr 2004, 21:12

Localisation: Chez les flics ^^

Message 12 Sep 2005, 08:32

Mister Puck is a little elf that Aelita see in a dream. But we don't know who is it!

for episodes, after Mister Puck, there is
Valentine Day
Final Mix
Missing link
the chips are done
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Chevaucheur de Mantas

Messages: 1811

Inscription: 18 Juin 2005, 23:32

Localisation: Paris

Message 12 Sep 2005, 18:39

garoob>This means American people will be able to see Mister Puck before our, the poor French people begging "France 3" for a better schedule than one episode a week. Damn, sometimes I wish to have a great set of channels out of my TV...

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 13 Sep 2005, 03:21

Clem: Thanks for the added episode names.
Judging from her cute ears, Aelita is a little elf herself, right? Anyhoo, we will see it on 23 Sept, so we will tell you poor French kids how it went -- MWAAAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA! (Sorry, couldn't resist that....) :pffff:

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 13 Sep 2005, 05:58

Really? We're going to see some CL before the French? Wow!
Valentines Day, huh? That'll be good!


Messages: 3549

Inscription: 24 Avr 2004, 21:12

Localisation: Chez les flics ^^

Message 13 Sep 2005, 07:58

You will tell us what happen in Valentine Day because I can't wait :roll: I want to know if Ulrich and Yumi will kiss :D
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Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 17

Inscription: 15 Sep 2005, 06:13

Message 15 Sep 2005, 09:16


Chauve-Souris a écrit:-
.........Anyhoo, we will see it on 23 Sept, so we will tell you poor French kids how it went -- MWAAAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA! (Sorry, couldn't resist that....)......

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 16 Sep 2005, 03:21

Crikey! For those of you who don't read the French subjects, the Lyokophiles were positively agog yesterday about Episode 3. All agreed that it was the best ever, by far, and that it is showing some welcome departures from the routine patterns of Season 1.
It was really fun reading their comments -- they were all as happy as pigs in you-know-what. If you only try to read one sujet in the French areas, the one to read is:
"Commentaire à chaud sur la saison 2" in BlaBla des Lyokophiles
Anyhoo, I guess we have a real treat coming next Wednesday with ep.3.... :moku:

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 16 Sep 2005, 04:28

Clem, would you really want to know what happens in Valentine's Day before you saw it?
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Chevaucheur de Mantas

Messages: 1811

Inscription: 18 Juin 2005, 23:32

Localisation: Paris

Message 16 Sep 2005, 18:58

It was really fun reading their comments -- they were all as happy as pigs in you-know-what.

I can't believe I wrote that comment last night about episode 3:

That kicks some measure of ass beyond that which has ever been kicked before. That's not good... That's not awesome... This is just FREAKIN' FANTASTIC! :shock:

This really is an example of what you will feel like Wednesday. =P
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 473

Inscription: 22 Juin 2004, 07:43

Localisation: U.S.A and my own little world.......

Message 17 Sep 2005, 00:29

I don't know if the french saw CL first!

Je ne sais pas si le français ont vu CL premier! ^_^

Just thought I'd let that out. ^_^
"Disorganization forces you to think fast and deal rationally with unusual situations and problems."


(Signature picture done by Kystrel)

Message 17 Sep 2005, 03:42

I was excited to see that season 2 was coming. ^_^

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 17 Sep 2005, 04:19

As are we all!
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 473

Inscription: 13 Mar 2005, 18:30

Message 17 Sep 2005, 23:32

CS a écrit:But, dang it, I still want to know where LeDixieme is

Not Ledixieme but Ledixième ! I think he asked the modo to add an accent ^^
i hope he will come back !

garooob a écrit:Clem, would you really want to know what happens in Valentine's Day before you saw it?

we all think it will be a very important episode ... But i think it'ld be better if you don't say anything before we saw it ^^ just to keep the surprise : P
Nevertheless maybe Clem would like to know if there is THE kiss between ulrich and Yumi ! Don't say her ! she must wait ! :twisted: like all the french ! niark niark

kystrelchandler_Lyoko pleased to know you , i didn't know you were a member of this forum .

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 18 Sep 2005, 06:18

manson a écrit:Not Ledixieme but Ledixième !...

Arghhhh! The accents! They are driving me sane -- sane, I tell you! MWAAAAAAAA!
But, all seriousness aside, it is now...
...less than 42 hours to go!!! YAY!!!
Garshk, Olive, I yam so excitapated!


Messages: 3549

Inscription: 24 Avr 2004, 21:12

Localisation: Chez les flics ^^

Message 18 Sep 2005, 08:21

garooob a écrit:Clem, would you really want to know what happens in Valentine's Day before you saw it?

Yes, I just want to know if there will be a kiss between Yumi and Ulrich. With my exams, I'm very stressed so, I would be more cool if I know that. It's not a good reason but I want to know!!!! please!!!!! :big coeur:

manson a écrit:we all think it will be a very important episode ... But i think it'ld be better if you don't say anything before we saw it ^^ just to keep the surprise : P
Nevertheless maybe Clem would like to know if there is THE kiss between ulrich and Yumi ! Don't say her ! she must wait ! :twisted: like all the french ! niark niark

hey!!! If french fans want to keep the secret, they make what they want. I don't want to wait :roll: If people don't want to know, I can just receive an MP :langue:

And, I'm happy to see that american fans will watch CL on Monday!! So, you could tell to us what you think about it :D

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 18 Sep 2005, 09:18

Yeah, I'll drop you a Private Message on Monday!

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