Season 3 speculation

Give us your answer for the questions that aren't clarified in CL

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 10 Déc 2005, 08:00

Season 3 speculation

The rumor mill is officially opened for business! And since we've got what, a year? Let's fill this thread up! I'll start.

They really tied things together at the end of season 2, but I'm left with a few questions that may or may not be answered in season 3. These include:
What really happened to virtual Franz? Is he dead?
What happened to Aelita's mom? She just disappeared from the flashbacks...
What happened immediately after Franz and Aelita were virtualized? Did The Man ever find the Super Calculator?

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 10 Déc 2005, 09:27

Re: Season 3 speculation

garooob a écrit:... we've got what, a year?
What happened to Aelita's mom?

Maybe not a whole year -- how about next September?
I've too have been wondering what happened to Aelita Sr.
I came out of the whole thing confident that Franz is alive, but now others here seem to think it is uncertain. Among other things, now that Aelita is cured of swooning every time someone cuts the power, the only thing keeping them from shutting the computer down is that it would wipe out Franz -- ergo, he's still alive (but a prisoner of XANA?) Image
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Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 15

Inscription: 09 Oct 2005, 20:26

Localisation: Western Washitonia

Message 10 Déc 2005, 13:15

What really happened to virtual Franz? Is he dead?

Franz Hopper is alive and well, is my opinion. He will be a utilized much as Aelita was in Seasons 1 & 2. Whenever uber-X.A.N.A. strikes, the gang will counter the attack with his help. There are several reasons for this: (1) Hopper's greater experience in fighting X.A.N.A. and intimate knowlege of the supercomputer system itself will allow the kids an edge in the struggle. (2) Now that Aelita is fully human once more, she MIGHT now be recognized by the Towers and admitted inside. Ergo, it remains up to Franz, now a complete virtual being, to accomplish the job.

What happened to Aelita's mom? She just disappeared from the flashbacks...

Though the episode definately doesn't say it, I believe Aelita's mother died in some accident when they all lived in the mountains. It an artistic way of removing her from young Aelita's life.

What happened immediately after Franz and Aelita were virtualized? Did The Man ever find the Super Calculator?

We'll appearently find that out once Season 3 or 4 kicks in.

My own question lies in the fact that Hopper kept utilizinf the "Peturn to the Past" protocol (over 1,061 times if I remember correctly) to continue work on Project Carthage. Since we all know that X.A.N.A. grows stronger with every time warp, it remains for us to out WHY X.A.N.A. rebelled and assumed control over the virtual world.
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Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 15

Inscription: 09 Oct 2005, 20:26

Localisation: Western Washitonia

Message 10 Déc 2005, 13:18 a écrit:
What really happened to virtual Franz? Is he dead?

Franz Hopper is alive and well, is my opinion. He will be a utilized much as Aelita was in Seasons 1 & 2. Whenever uber-X.A.N.A. strikes, the gang will counter the attack with his help. There are several reasons for this: (1) Hopper's greater experience in fighting X.A.N.A. and intimate knowlege of the supercomputer system itself will allow the kids an edge in the struggle. (2) Now that Aelita is fully human once more, she MIGHT not be recognized by the Towers and admitted inside. Ergo, it remains up to Franz, now a complete virtual being, to accomplish the job.

What happened to Aelita's mom? She just disappeared from the flashbacks...

Though the episode definately doesn't say it, I believe Aelita's mother died in some accident when they all lived in the mountains. It was an artistic way of removing her from young Aelita's life.

What happened immediately after Franz and Aelita were virtualized? Did The Man ever find the Super Calculator?

We'll appearently find that out once Season 3 or 4 kicks in.

My own question lies in the fact that Hopper kept utilizinf the "Peturn to the Past" protocol (over 1,061 times if I remember correctly) to continue work on Project Carthage. Since we all know that X.A.N.A. grows stronger with every time warp, it remains for us to out WHY X.A.N.A. rebelled and assumed control over the virtual world.

The ending to Season 2 is the darkest the series has ever delved. I have a strong feeling that in the coming seasons, it's going to be very dark before dawn breaks for our friends at Kadic...



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 10 Déc 2005, 18:31

Well I can't find my theory. Seeing as X.A.N.A.'s out of the supercomputer, I'd figure there'd be no reason to go to Lyoko and deactivate towers and whatnot. Maybe the gang'll go search for Franz in Sector 5. I think he's alive, hope so too. It'd be mega to have someone who's older in on Lyoko acting as a mentor to them.



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 10 Déc 2005, 23:25

Odd's power of seeing into the future weren't used at all this season, in fact only twice ever! He totally needs new powers for season three, like Ulrich got mega-run.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 11 Déc 2005, 03:44

exo a écrit:...Seeing as X.A.N.A.'s out of the supercomputer, I'd figure there'd be no reason to go to Lyoko and deactivate towers and whatnot.....

Yeah, that's what's been bothering me, too. If XANA's loose, who needs Lyoko or even the supercomputer?
I don't like much magic and superstition in my entertainment, and XANA's being out of the (logical) computer and floating around (magically) in space is a bit too unscientific for me. Image

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 11 Déc 2005, 05:59

Chauve-Souris a écrit:
exo a écrit:...Seeing as X.A.N.A.'s out of the supercomputer, I'd figure there'd be no reason to go to Lyoko and deactivate towers and whatnot.....

Yeah, that's what's been bothering me, too. If XANA's loose, who needs Lyoko or even the supercomputer?
I don't like much magic and superstition in my entertainment, and XANA's being out of the (logical) computer and floating around (magically) in space is a bit too unscientific for me.

Ok, so X.A.N.A.'s out in the open. How is it working outside of Lyoko? Project 2501 comes to mind (Ghost in the Shell). I think rather than that scenario, X.A.N.A.'s operations are still based out of Lyoko, just further reaching. Similarly, the only way to stop X.A.N.A. lies within the towers. a écrit:My own question lies in the fact that Hopper kept utilizinf the "Peturn to the Past" protocol (over 1,061 times if I remember correctly) to continue work on Project Carthage. Since we all know that X.A.N.A. grows stronger with every time warp, it remains for us to out WHY X.A.N.A. rebelled and assumed control over the virtual world.

I think what really happens is that X.A.N.A.'s power doubles ONLY when the return to the past is done when a tower is activated. Otherwise, the 2000+ returns Franz did, plus the 50+ from seasons 1 and 2 would put X.A.N.A.'s power at near infinite.

As for Aelita's mom, I think she had an "accident" courtesy of The Man...



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 11 Déc 2005, 20:19

Chauve-Souris a écrit:
exo a écrit:...Seeing as X.A.N.A.'s out of the supercomputer, I'd figure there'd be no reason to go to Lyoko and deactivate towers and whatnot.....

Yeah, that's what's been bothering me, too. If XANA's loose, who needs Lyoko or even the supercomputer?
I don't like much magic and superstition in my entertainment, and XANA's being out of the (logical) computer and floating around (magically) in space is a bit too unscientific for me. Image

Why not? They were able to devertualize Aelita. X.A.N.A.'s just takes a gasseous form as his being on earth.

Tueur de Krabes

Messages: 734

Inscription: 04 Sep 2005, 09:46

Localisation: Bah tiens, devant mon écran, quelle question ! ...

Message 11 Déc 2005, 21:11

I agree with Chauve-Souris, the idea of XANA floating in the air without any solid form is difficult to imagine.

But in fact, XANA has already left Lyoko : His ghosts. Maybe being out of Lyoko means staying and squatting in somebody's computer, from where he can act and send his ghosts..

Sorry if my English isn't comprehensible :mrgreen: .

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 11 Déc 2005, 23:31

Gavroche a écrit:But in fact, XANA has already left Lyoko : His ghosts. Maybe being out of Lyoko means staying and squatting in somebody's computer, from where he can act and send his ghosts.

Since X.A.N.A.'s ghosts are able to infect at first little critters and now humans, couldn't X.A.N.A. do the same?
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Accro à Code Lyoko

Messages: 63

Inscription: 30 Mai 2005, 01:20

Message 23 Fév 2006, 03:36

Chauve-Souris a écrit:. . If XANA's loose, who needs Lyoko or even the supercomputer? . . .

The kids do. Jeremie can activate a tower to give the gang powers on Earth to fight Xana.

Now that Xana is out of the computer how will he keep an eye on what is done in Lyoko? I think Xana will send one of his specters in to Lyoko (like in Episode 51). But, this specter will be smart and figure out a way to make monsters that obey Xana. Maybe the evil specter will even be able to deactivate towers.

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 27 Fév 2006, 06:47

McTrooper a écrit:Now that Xana is out of the computer how will he keep an eye on what is done in Lyoko? I think Xana will send one of his specters in to Lyoko (like in Episode 51). But, this specter will be smart and figure out a way to make monsters that obey Xana. Maybe the evil specter will even be able to deactivate towers.

Very interesting... Maybe we'll see a gamg of four X.A.N.A. spectors on Lyoko to match the four good guys.

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