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Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 08 Avr 2006, 07:07


Here's something that is really starting to get me down, and maybe someone can explain to me where I am going wrong. This was triggered by the French pronunciation discussion, but also by my problems during the brief moments a few weeks ago when I had (relatively) high speed service.
When I click on one of the speaker-icons in pages obtained in the French discussion, I get into a gigantic mess where there is a formal download, mp3 file creations, bringing up XP's Media Player, and a whole lot of other bull-pucky before I can listen to the sound-sample, by which time I don't even remember which icon I punched. Isn't there supposed to be some way to simply hit the icon and hear the sound, just like when I have a language program running on my own system and click the "listen" icon?
Similarly, I never succeeded in getting any music to simply "arrive" on my speakers while I was on high-speed. I have often read remarks (including by Garooob) that indicate that people are enjoying sound (music) streaming steadily to their terminal while they were busy doing other stuff on the 'net. Heck, people listen to internet "radio" by the hour from what I understand. I've never found any way to listen to sounds from the internet without first DOWNLOADING it to my disc and then playing it myself.
Boo-hoo. Is there something I don't know, or don't have, that prevents me from receiving streaming sounds (even brief sound effects) from the net without bloody downloading them before I can hear them. I know I can't get constant stuff through my dial-up, but why couldn't I get it to work when I had high-speed, and why don't these simple, brief pronunciation files arrive without a federal case?
Thanks for any Imagehelp offered....

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 08 Avr 2006, 08:46

What browser are you using?
In Firefox 1.5, you can go to Tools > Options > Downloads and click on View & Edit Actions. That will give you a list of file types (ex. mp3, wav) and allow you to set the default action for it (ex. open with a plugin, open with an application, save). If you choose to have the file open with a plugin, it will open right in the same browser window. My Firefox seems to like my QuickTime plugin.
For Internet Explorer, I think it's based on what your default application is. That is, if your default media player is QuickTime, it will use the the QT plugin to play sounds inside the browser. If it's Winamp or Windows Media Player, I think that will open the application up because there are no IE plugins for those.
Any help?

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 08 Avr 2006, 10:45

garooob a écrit:What browser are you using?
In Firefox 1.5, you can go to Tools > Options > Downloads and click on View & Edit Actions. That will give you a list of file types (ex. mp3, wav) and allow you to set the default action for it (ex. open with a plugin, open with an application, save). If you choose to have the file open with a plugin, it will open right in the same browser window. My Firefox seems to like my QuickTime plugin.
For Internet Explorer, I think it's based on what your default application is. That is, if your default media player is QuickTime, it will use the the QT plugin to play sounds inside the browser. If it's Winamp or Windows Media Player, I think that will open the application up because there are no IE plugins for those.
Any help?

Geez, now that you mention it, I think the times I did succeed in getting some football-game replays from Liverpool and Newcastle (a long time ago) I was on MS IE. Of course, they bogged down due to my lousy i/o rate, but at least they would TRY to stream.
So, it's the beloved Firefox that needs to be set up, eh? I'll rush right off and see what I can do acording to your instructions. (Garshk, you oughta work at a help-desk. (arf))Image
A thousand remercies, Rooobs!

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