Jeune Lyokophile
Messages: 186
Inscription: 05 Avr 2012, 02:22
Info: Brandon
Avatar info:
So, if you've read my story, you'll know about Brandon's Avatar on Lyoko. The first form is:
A yellow ninja outfit.
The Second form is:
A karate shirt with a black belt and baggy jeans with a hole at the knees (both sides)
Moving on, Something you could not possibly know about him, is that he has a necklace!Why is it so important?You'll understand in my next story.
So, you probably are wondering (on the topics of looks) what he looks like in the real world.Here it is:
Blonde hair that reaches the back of his neck.
A blue shirt.
A red jacket with black stripes.
blue shorts.
black and green shoes.
I hope you liked this little information that I gave you!