Internet connections

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 03 Mar 2006, 04:07

You have all seen that classic t-shirt cartoon where one hungry vulture says to another, "Patience, hell! I'm gonna KILL something....", right? Well, I'm finally getting to where I don't have enough patience to put up with dial-up slowness any more. What irritates me the most is the way, while the incoming dribble of data slowly fills out a screen over a period of an interminable minute or two, the stuff on the screen that you are trying to start looking at keeps jumping around as each graphic pops up above where you are reading. The ultimate fun (NOT!) is trying to click on a moving target as a sign-in screen jumps around while its surroundings are gradually filling out. I am also tired of having to resist opening most Lyokophile drawings and photos because it would take too long.
But DSL is still unavailable in my primitive neighborhood (we're lucky just to have electricity), and cable internet doesn't make much sense if one doesn't want cable TV with it, and I don't consider the FCC complications for satellite or microwave links to be acceptable, so, as the fat lady in the elevator said, "Where to turn now?"
So, tell me already.... How are my fellow yumi-ricains hooked up to the internet, and how satisfactory are your connections? And, the main question, does anyone have dial-up with an accelerator that really works fast, and without sacrificing graphics' quality? Like, clue me in....please! Image
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 03 Mar 2006, 04:40

I'm in your sit now and would love to go dsl but it's still unavailable and I'm not sure if I can receive wireless dsl. Not even sure what that is.

Accecerators don't work for me. Either I don't have the right gizmo or the phone system is too antiquated. My best connection is 34 kbps though I have 56k and I'm usually down at around 31 kbps. Needless to say I don't read many online comics and video files are out of the question unless I really set aside the time for three tries.

When I sign on to yahoo where my links are, I hit stop as soon as the sign in loads to avoid the ads and news. I'm currently on Earthlink because mom was having fits about me tying up the phone. Now at least I can say "your sister called". The "sister hotline" is her vital link :roll:
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Lyokophile à vie

Messages: 222

Inscription: 29 Déc 2005, 06:32

Localisation: Illinois, USA

Message 03 Mar 2006, 07:28

I have a cable modem...
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams."

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Grand Maître de l'esquive au sabre

Messages: 3428

Inscription: 10 Mar 2005, 20:21

Localisation: DTC !!!!!!

Message 03 Mar 2006, 11:54

anyone have dial-up with an accelerator that really works fast, and without sacrificing graphics' quality?

Useless for dial-up connection. Dial-up's bandwith is always used at full capacity. Even with servers as rotted as celeonet's one :D

Come in france, you'll discover the power of ADSL 2+ connection :D
Les Mac ne sont pas pourris. Du moins pas plus que les PC sous Win.
Premier "Atomiseur de Kolosse" du forum :twisted:
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Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 04 Mar 2006, 00:04

We don't have DSL here, but my mom's kinda big at Verizon, so I think we have DSL at our house only.
"Every epoch dreams its successor." - Jules Michelet

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 04 Mar 2006, 03:52

I've got a cable modem, too. It's capped by the ISP at about 500kb/sec download speed, but the bandwidth is there for 6mb/sec download. I'd uncap it, but they'd ban me for life.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 06 Mar 2006, 00:09

garooob a écrit:I've got a cable modem, too. It's capped by the ISP at about 500kb/sec download speed, but the bandwidth is there for 6mb/sec download. I'd uncap it, but they'd ban me for life.

So, tell me already, O Gururooob:
If ya get set up for the "capped" sevice, and later decide you want the rilly, rilly fast service (pour quinze Euros par mois plus) could that necessitate buying a different modem, or will the modem you got for capped service definitely be usable for the faster stuff?
Image (I'm on the verge of getting cable, since it's considered acceptable by hot surfers like you and Miami-Mia....)

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 06 Mar 2006, 03:44

No, that's all you can get. Cable modem comes in one flavor. The 500k cap is for downloading stuff, but I think everything else is 6mb, like webpage loading.
Go here and test your speed!

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 06 Mar 2006, 09:05

garooob a écrit:No, that's all you can get. Cable modem comes in one flavor. The 500k cap is for downloading stuff, but I think everything else is 6mb, like webpage loading.
Go here and test your speed!

Image Merci, Rooobs. I'll start out "capped" then and see how I like it.
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Fils de Aelita et de Jérémie

Messages: 1929

Inscription: 29 Juil 2004, 00:00

Localisation: Val D'Oise

Message 06 Mar 2006, 10:22

Chauve-Souris a écrit:
garooob a écrit:I've got a cable modem, too. It's capped by the ISP at about 500kb/sec download speed, but the bandwidth is there for 6mb/sec download. I'd uncap it, but they'd ban me for life.

So, tell me already, O Gururooob:
If ya get set up for the "capped" sevice, and later decide you want the rilly, rilly fast service (pour quinze Euros par mois plus) could that necessitate buying a different modem, or will the modem you got for capped service definitely be usable for the faster stuff?
Image (I'm on the verge of getting cable, since it's considered acceptable by hot surfers like you and Miami-Mia....)

Me i have 2 Mbits
256 kbps Average,300 kbps max
i can have 8Mbits Nearly 800 kbps
But in french at some place we can Have Adsl 2+
18 Mbits 2250 Kbps

And in french We have the Lowest Price of Adsl in Europe ^^
Adsl is : Asymetrical digital Suscriber Line

++ Benjeremie
Tooku hanareteru hodo ni chikaku ni kanjiteru
Samishisa mo tsuyosa e to kawatteku
Kimi wo omotta nara

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 07 Mar 2006, 05:06

Benjeremie a écrit:...Adsl is : Asymetrical digital Suscriber Line....

Geez, Benji! You are a mind-reader (la télépathe)! I was planning to ask that, ce soir même. Image
So, anyway, may I assume Adsl is the gallic equivalent of the ricains' "cable internet"?
Garshk, my cable connection gets installed today (Tuesday). Image I'm excitapated!
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Maître des énigmes

Messages: 2574

Inscription: 25 Sep 2005, 19:34

Localisation: France

Message 07 Mar 2006, 05:22

Chauve-Souris a écrit:So, anyway, may I assume Adsl is the gallic equivalent of the ricains' "cable internet"?

I don't think so. ADSL use the normal phone line, but with a much higher frequency, with no interference with phone communications.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 07 Mar 2006, 05:46

Pete a écrit:...I don't think so. ADSL use the normal phone line, but with a much higher frequency, with no interference with phone communications.

Yeah, definitely NOT the same as "cable". From your description, Adsl is apparently the same thing as our DSL.... I didn't make the connection because I didn't think Adsl used phone lines. Image

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 07 Mar 2006, 06:45

ADSL is the same as DSL here. There are other types of DSL, but I don't think they're quite as prevailant as regular DSL.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 08 Mar 2006, 03:17

Yay! Here I am, trying out my new cable access. I'm giving yumi2004 the honor of trying it out for me.
Whew, I think my neck is sprained from being yanked around the 'net so fast! It sure is nice going to pages with a lot of graphics -- not to get that prolonged song and dance while loading. Image
(My only problem so far is that I can't find where you tell Firefox NOT to dial in automatically. So my mFire dialer pops up occasionally. I know I could just uninstall mFire, but I'd rather get Firefox to stop trying. Anyone know the answer?) Image
Incidentally, my new email name is Image"kiwidog". Pretty nutzo, hein?
Well, I'm off to look at all those photos and fanarts in the "Entre Nous" section that I have had to skip over in the past.
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Lyokophile à vie

Messages: 222

Inscription: 29 Déc 2005, 06:32

Localisation: Illinois, USA

Message 09 Mar 2006, 00:36

I don't know, I'm back with computers. I normally fix mine with a hammer. ^_^ It usually dies for about 5 days and then gets resurrected. ;)
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