Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris
Messages: 1203
Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24
Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.
You have all seen that classic t-shirt cartoon where one hungry vulture says to another, "Patience, hell! I'm gonna KILL something....", right? Well, I'm finally getting to where I don't have enough patience to put up with dial-up slowness any more. What irritates me the most is the way, while the incoming dribble of data slowly fills out a screen over a period of an interminable minute or two, the stuff on the screen that you are trying to start looking at keeps jumping around as each graphic pops up above where you are reading. The ultimate fun (NOT!) is trying to click on a moving target as a sign-in screen jumps around while its surroundings are gradually filling out. I am also tired of having to resist opening most Lyokophile drawings and photos because it would take too long.
But DSL is still unavailable in my primitive neighborhood (we're lucky just to have electricity), and cable internet doesn't make much sense if one doesn't want cable TV with it, and I don't consider the FCC complications for satellite or microwave links to be acceptable, so, as the fat lady in the elevator said, "Where to turn now?"
So, tell me already.... How are my fellow yumi-ricains hooked up to the internet, and how satisfactory are your connections? And, the main question, does anyone have dial-up with an accelerator that really works fast, and without sacrificing graphics' quality? Like, clue me in....please!